Title: "Finally, brethren...
1I Thessalonians
Resurrection of the Dead
Stan Crowley Church of Christ at Buda/Kyle Buda,
December 1999-February 2000
2I Thessalonians
- Resurrection of the Dead
- Lesson 1 Introduction Overview
- Lesson 2 Resounding of the Gospel (11-313)
- Lesson 3 Response to the Gospel (41-12)
- Lesson 4 Resurrection of the Dead (413-511)
- Lesson 5 Religious Duties (512-28)
3Lesson 1
- Key Questions for
- Introduction Overview
- Who was the author of I Thessalonians?
- Who was the audience for I Thessalonians?
- What was the occasion for writing I Thess.?
- Where does I Thessalonians fit in Pauls
- Outline of I Thessalonians.
- What to remember from Lesson 1.
4Who was the author of I Thessalonians?
- Paul wrote I Thessalonians.
- (1 Th 11 NKJV) Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy, To
the church of the Thessalonians
- (1 Th 218 NKJV) Therefore we wanted to come to
you even I, Paul, time and again
- An Apostle
- (1 Th 26 NKJV) when we might have made
demands as apostles of Christ.
- (2 Cor 115 NKJV) For I consider that I am not
at all inferior to the most eminent apostles.
- (2 Cor 1211-12 NKJV) ... for in nothing was I
behind the most eminent apostles, though I am
nothing. Truly the signs of an apostle were
accomplished among you
5Who was the author of I Thessalonians?Contd
- A Jew (Pharisee taught by Gamaliel)
- (Acts 223 NKJV) "I am indeed a Jew, ... but
brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel,
- (Phil 35 NKJV) ... concerning the law, a
- A Persecutor of Christians
- (Acts 2610-11 NKJV) many of the saints I
shut up in prison, ... and when they were put to
death, I cast my vote against them. And I
punished them often in every synagogue and
compelled them to blaspheme - A Convert to Christianity
- (Acts 915 NKJV) ... he is a chosen vessel ...
to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the
children of Israel.
- (Acts 2619 NKJV) ... I was not disobedient to
the heavenly vision,
6Major Milestones in Pauls Life
- 33-36 Persecuted the church
- 36 Converted
- 36-38 In Damascus Arabia
- 38-44 In Tarsus, Syria, Cilicia
- 44-48 In Antioch
- 48-49 On 1st Missionary Journey
- 50 At Jerusalem Conference
- 51-54 On 2nd Missionary Journey
- 54-58 On 3rd Missionary Journey
- 59-63 In prison
- 63-67 Later travels
- 68 In prison
- 68 Death
7Pauls 2nd Missionary Journey (AD 51-54)
8Who was the audience for I Thessalonians?
- The church of the Thessalonians
- (1 Th 11 NKJV) Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy, To
the church of the Thessalonians in God the Father
and the Lord Jesus Christ
- Thessalonica during the time of Paul
- Was a free city of Greek character.
- Had a large settlement of Jews.
- Was the largest city and capital of Macedonia
(N. Greece).
- Remained a stronghold of Christianity for
- Modern Salonika has maintained importance.
9What was the occasion for writingI Thessalonians?
- On his 2nd Missionary Journey, Paul had been
directed to Macedonia.
- He was not allowed to go to Asia or Bithynia.
- (Acts 166 NKJV) they were forbidden by the
Holy Spirit to preach the word in Asia.
- (Acts 167 NKJV) they tried to go into
Bithynia, but the Spirit did not permit them.
- He progressed to Troas, where he was called by
the Lord to go to Macedonia.
- (Acts 169 NKJV) And a vision appeared to Paul
in the night. A man of Macedonia stood and
pleaded with him, saying, Come over to
Macedonia and help us.
10What was the occasion for writingI
- In Macedonia (N. Greece), Paul visited
- Philippi
- Converted Lydia and a prisonkeeper
- Was shamefully treated (Acts 1622-37)
- Thessalonica
- Converted some Jews and many Greeks
- Was supported by Philippians (Phil. 415-16)
- Was threatened by uproar by envious Jews
- Left abruptly at night (with Silas) for Berea
- Berea
- Converted Jews and Greeks (noble students)
- Was harassed by Jews from Thessalonica
- Went to Athens (Silas and Timothy stayed)
11What was the occasion for writingI
12What was the occasion for writingI
- In Achaia (S. Greece), Paul visited
- Athens
- Disputed with Jews in synagogue
- Spoke to Areopagus about the unknown God
- Sent Timothy to Thessalonica (when he arrived
from Berea)
- Moved on to Corinth
- Corinth
- Worked as tentmaker (with Aquila and Priscilla)
- Wrote 1 Thessalonians (when Timothy arrived from
Thessalonica in Macedonia Silas also returned
from Macedonia)
13What was the occasion for writingI
- Timothys report
- Brought good new about the faithfulness of the
- Implied some were discrediting Paul and his
- Caused concerns about their emphasis on moral
- Revealed misunderstanding about the resurrection
of the dead and the return of Christ
- Prompted the writing of I Thessalonians from
Corinth about 52 AD (about the time Gallio was
proconsul of Achaia, Acts 185)
14Where does I Thessalonians fit in Pauls writings?
Dates are primarily from Life and Epistles of St.
Paul, Conybeare and Howson.
15Outline of I Thessalonians Resurrection of the
- I. Resounding of the Gospel (11-313)
- A. Receipt of Gospel (11-216)
- B. Report of Timothy (217-313)
- II. Response to the Gospel (41-12)
- III. Resurrection of the Dead (413-511)
- A. Return of Jesus Christ (413-55)
- B. Remaining Watchful (56-11)
- IV. Religious Duties (512-28)
- A. Respect for Others (512-15)
- B. Remaining Faithful (516-28)
16What to Remember
- From Introduction Overview
- I Thessalonians was likely the first written of
Pauls letter we have in the Bible (about AD
- Thessalonica was in Macedonia, where Paul was
directed to go preach the gospel.
- I Thessalonians was prompted by Paul receiving a
report about them from Timothy indicating that
- were remaining faithful in spite of opposition,
- could use some instruction about the resurrection
of the dead and return of Christ,
- needed some admonitions to purity.