"Finally, brethren''' - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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"Finally, brethren'''


II Timothy. Church Doctrine and Conduct Cont'd. Lesson 8--Slide 2 ... effectively in Peter for the apostleship to the circumcised also worked ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: "Finally, brethren'''

II Timothy
Church Doctrine and ConductContd
II Timothy
  • Church Doctrine and ConductContd
  • Admonitions for the Present (Ch. 1-2)
  • Warnings for the Future (Ch. 3-4)

II Timothy Lessons
  • Lesson 8 (Introduction Overview)
  • Lesson 9 (Ch. 1)
  • Lesson 10 (Ch. 2)
  • Lesson 11 (Ch. 31-313)
  • Lesson 12 (Ch. 314-422)

Lesson 8
  • Key Questions for
  • Introduction Overview
  • Who was Timothy?
  • Who was Paul?
  • Where does II Timothy fit in Pauls writings?
  • Why was II Timothy written?
  • Outline of II Timothy.
  • What to remember.

Who Was Timothy?
  • Child of faithful mother/grandmother.
  • (2 Tim 15 NKJV) the genuine faith that is in
    you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois
    and your mother Eunice, and I am persuaded is in
    you also.
  • One of good reputation.
  • (Acts 162 NKJV) He was well spoken of by the
    brethren who were at Lystra and Iconium.
  • One who had known the scriptures.
  • (2 Tim 315 NKJV) from childhood you have
    known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make
    you wise for salvation through faith which is in
    Christ Jesus.

Who Was Timothy?Contd
  • Student of Paul.
  • (1 Tim 12 NKJV) To Timothy, a true son in the
  • (1 Tim 118 NKJV) This charge I commit to you,
    son Timothy, ...
  • Companion of Paul.
  • (2 Cor 11 NKJV) Paul, and Timothy our
    brother, To the church of God which is at Corinth
  • (Also 11 of Philippians, Colossians, I II

Who Was Timothy?Contd
  • Representative/messenger of Paul.
  • (Acts 1713-14 NKJV) the brethren sent Paul
    away, but both Silas and Timothy remained
  • (1 Th 31-2 NKJV) we left in Athens alone,
    and sent Timothy ... to establish you and
    encourage you .
  • (1 Cor 1610 NKJV) Now if Timothy comes, see
    that he may be with you without fear for he does
    the work of the Lord ....
  • (Phil 219 NKJV) ... send Timothy to you
    shortly, that I also may be encouraged when I
    know your state.
  • A faithful servant of the Lord.
  • (Phil 220-22 NKJV) For I have no one
    like-minded, who will sincerely care for your
    state. For all seek their own, not the things
    which are of Christ Jesus. But you know his
    proven character, that as a son with his father
    he served with me in the gospel.

Who Was Timothy?Contd
  • A young man with an awesome responsibility.
  • (1 Tim 620 NKJV) O Timothy! Guard what was
    committed to your trust,
  • (1 Tim 416 NKJV) Take heed to yourself and to
    the doctrine. ....
  • (1 Tim 411 NKJV) These things command and
  • (1 Tim 65 NKJV) ... From such withdraw
  • (1 Tim 315 NKJV) ... know how you ought to
    conduct yourself in the house of God, which is
    the church ...
  • (1 Tim 118 NKJV) wage the good warfare,

Who Was Timothy?Contd
  • A young man with an awesome responsibility.Contd
  • (2 Tim 113 NKJV) Hold fast the pattern of
    sound words which you have heard from me .
  • (2 Tim 22 NKJV) And the things that you have
    heard commit these to faithful men .
  • (2 Tim 215 NKJV) Be diligent to present
    yourself approved to God, a worker who does not
    need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of
  • (2 Tim 42 NKJV) Preach the word! Be ready in
    season and out of season. Convince, rebuke,
    exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.
  • (2 Tim 45 NKJV) But you be watchful in all
    things, endure afflictions, do the work of an
    evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

Who Was Paul?
  • A Jew (Pharisee taught by Gamaliel)
  • (Acts 223 NKJV) "I am indeed a Jew, ... but
    brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel,
  • (Phil 35 NKJV) ... concerning the law, a
  • A Persecutor of Christians
  • (Acts 2610-11 NKJV) many of the saints I
    shut up in prison, ... and when they were put to
    death, I cast my vote against them. And I
    punished them often in every synagogue and
    compelled them to blaspheme
  • A Convert to Christians
  • (Acts 915 NKJV) ... he is a chosen vessel...to
    bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the
    children of Israel.
  • (Acts 2619 NKJV) ... I was not disobedient to
    the heavenly vision,

Who Was Paul?Contd
  • An Apostle
  • (2 Cor 115 NKJV) For I consider that I am not
    at all inferior to the most eminent apostles.
  • (2 Cor 1211-12 NKJV) ... for in nothing was I
    behind the most eminent apostles, though I am
    nothing. Truly the signs of an apostle were
    accomplished among you
  • (Gal 28 NKJV) (for He who worked effectively
    in Peter for the apostleship to the circumcised
    also worked effectively in me toward the
  • The Author of I II Timothy
  • (1 Tim 11-2 NKJV) Paul, an apostle of Jesus
    Christ, ... To Timothy, a true son in the faith
  • (2 Tim 11 NKJV) Paul, an apostle of Jesus
    Christ To Timothy, a beloved son .

Where Does II Timothy Fit in Pauls Writings?
The Period of Pauls Writings (52-68)
I Thess.
I II Cor., Gal.
I Tim. Titus
Eph., Phil., Col., Phm.
II Thess.
II Tim.
51------- 54
------------- 58
61----- 63
Second Journey
Third Journey
First Journey
Later Travels
In Prison
In Prison
Dates are primarily from Life and Epistles of St.
Paul, Conybeare and Howson.
Why Was II Timothy Written?
  • To provide admonitions for the present about
    faithful service in preserving and preaching/
    teaching the gospel.
  • To provide warnings about future dangers for the
    gospel and those who preach/teach it.

Outline of II Timothy
  • Admonitions for the Present (Ch. 1-2)
  • Use Abilities Received (11-7)
  • Do Not Be Ashamed of the Gospel and Those Who
    Suffer for It (18-18)
  • Spread the Truth (21-13)
  • Preserve the Truth (214-26)
  • Warnings for the Future (Ch. 3-4)
  • Dangers of False Teachers (31-313)
  • Measures Against False Teachers (314-422)

What to Remember
  • From Introduction Overview
  • II Timothy was probably Pauls last epistle.
  • We must
  • conscientiously preserve and preach the gospel,
  • beware of false teachers, and
  • persevere when persecuted.
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