Title: The National Scale up of ART in Malawi
1The National Scale up of ART in Malawi
- Dr Kelita Kamoto
- Head of HIV and AIDS Department
- Ministry of Health
- Malawi
- 13 million people GNP 200 per capita
- 900,000 people infected with HIV
- 170,000 people needing ART
- 4,000 people on ART in January 2004
- 9 sites no standardised systems
3Malawi important steps to ART
- Dec 2000 Vice-president AIDS conference
- Aug 2001 DOTS for ART Lancet 2001
- Jul 2002 Global fund submission
- Oct 2003 National ARV Guidelines (1st ED)
- Feb 2004 National ART Scale-up Plan
4The Key is Keep it simple
5ART Plan main elements for the public sector
- Free ART to HIV-positive eligible patients
- One first-line ART regimen only Triomune
- Push system of ART supply to facilities
- Standardized system of monitoring/reporting
- Quarterly structured supervision
6ART Administration-Monthly Follow-up
- Nurse led clinic clinician review 3-monthly
unless there is an earlier need
- Patients weighed and screened with symptom-based
- Patient master card completed
- ARV drugs dispensed from clinic
7Standardised Treatment Outcomes
- Primary outcomes
- Alive on ART
- Dead
- Defaulted
- Stopped treatment
- Transferred out
- Of those alive on ART
- Regimen
- Ambulatory
- Work
- Side effects
- Drug adherence
8Progress in the ART Programme
9National Data up to March 31st, 2008
10Patients started on ART (1)
- Quarter Jan Mar 2008
- 18,311 patients registered
- Males 39
- Females 61
- Adults 91
- Children 9
- Cumulative to Mar 2008
- 165,187 patients registered
- Males 39
- Females 61
- Adults 92
- Children 8
11Patients started on ART (2)
- Quarter Jan Mar 2008
- Stage III 61
- Stage IV 14
- Low CD4 count 25
- TB 9
- Cumulative to Mar 2008
- Stage III 64
- Stage IV 20
- Low CD4 count 16
- TB 13
12Outcomes (cumulative analysis)
13Of the 18425 patients dying on ART-
- Dying in first month 32
- Dying in second month 21
- Dying in third month 12
- Dying in first 3 months 65
- Dying in month 4 or later 35
14Of those alive and on ART110,790
- First line regimen 96
- Alternative first line regimen 4 (4,377)
- Second line regimen
15Operational Research (1)
- Study
- A study in the Northern
- Region to determine the
- true outcome status in
- patients who have been
- registered as defaulter
- Results
- 253 defaulters
- 50 dead
- 23 alive 10 still on ART from another site
and 13 stopped ART
- 27 not traced
16Operational Research (2)
- Results
- 5 sites providing CPT and 6 not
- 6-month mortality rate with CPT 11.8
- 6-month mortality rate without CPT 19.7
- Mortality risk reduction of 40
Study A study in the mission hospitals to deter
mine whether 6-month mortality rates are reduce
d in ART patients who are also started on CPT at
the same time
17Operational Research (3)Public and Private
sector outcomes
18Other ART updates
- Drug supplies
- Procurement (to start 6 months earlier)
- Increased complexity
- Revised ART and OI guidelines (3rd edition)
- All stakeholders involved in the review
- Updated to reflect recent insights, e.g. KS and
19New Initiatives
- Human resources (increased demand with limited
human resources)
- Physical infrastructure
- Drug supplies
- Quality training of HCWs in ART
- Ability to continue with national ME
- Integrity of the First Line regimen
- Centralised vs Decentralised management
- HTC services not available in all ART sites in
the private sector
- Some employees are not willing to access ARVs at
the institutions due to stigma and
- Provision of integrated TB and ART services
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