Title: Automatic Personalization on Push News Service
1Automatic Personalization on Push News Service
- Tomonari KAMBA
- Hidekazu SAKAGAMI
- Yoshiyuki KOSEKI
- CC Media Research Labs,
- NEC Corporation
2Why Automatic Personalization?
Push workshop 8 Sep,1997
NEC Corporation
- Pull to Push
- liberates users from tiring clicking
- but,
- just brings too much information from net to the
desktop - Currently available personalization
- keyword/category/channel registration (Tiring!)
- ANATAGONOMY User behavior-based Automatic
personalization for push service
3Previous Work Personalized Newspaper
- X-press-O (http//pnews.cplaza.ne.jp)
- 6th WWW Conf. (http//www6.nttlabs.com/HyperNews/g
et/PAPER142) - Under operation and evaluation, since Nov. 1996
- Automatic personalization
4Automatic personalization in ANATAGONOMY
NEC Corporation
Push workshop 8 Sep,1997
System extracts document vectors
User reads (clicks) articles
NEC developed personalization for push service.
NEC,develop, personalization, push..
W3C,decide, discuss, push, technology..
W3C decided to discuss push technology..
System builds/modifies user profile
NEC 0.3 W3C 0.3 . Push 0.5 technology
5Automatic personalization in ANATAGONOMY (scoring)
Push workshop 8 Sep,1997
NEC Corporation
System extracts the document vector
New article comes in
Standard of push technology .
Standard, push, technology.
System scores the article by comparing user
profile and the document vector
The document gets high score if similar to user
Document vector
User profile
Standard, push, technology.
NEC0.3 W3C0.3 Push0.5 technology0.3
6Push ImplementationANATAGONOMY
Push workshop 8 Sep,1997
NEC Corporation
- Two versions
- Pseudo 3D Screen Saver (ANATAGONOMY/SS)
- Newspaper-like layout (ANATAGONOMY/JV)
- Available free, since Apr. 1997
- http//www.labs.nec.co.jp/freesoft/ANATAGONOMY/
- Delivers the Yomiuri Shinbun - the most popular
newspaper in Japan, more than 10 million
subscribers - Scheduled push delivery (polling)
7ANATAGONOMY/SS (Screen Saver)
Push workshop 8 Sep,1997
NEC Corporation
Scrolls from right to left
Shows first sentence while the cursor is
on. Shows the whole content when clicked
Category icon
- High score articles shown on the upper area of
the screen - Pseudo 3D representation
- Fresh articles shown closer (large fonts, light
color, fast move) - Also as an ActiveX control (size changeable)
- can be attached to IE4.0 ActiveDesktop
Push workshop 8 Sep,1997
NEC Corporation
Newspaper layout
Title list sorted by scores
- Java application (JDK1.1.2 or later)
- multiple layout
9System architecture
Push workshop 8 Sep,1997
NEC Corporation
Personalization engine
User profile
Document vectors
Scoring engine
Learning engine
User operation history
Article contents and calculated personal scores
-article title click -scroll
Java VM
10Experimental Evaluation
- Goal
- To compare explicit and implicit feedback.
- Implicit feedback SCROLL ENLARGE
- Explicit feedback user specifies score
- Experimental procedures
- Divide 15 users into 3 groups.
- Group A explicit feedback
- Group B implicit feedback
- Group D hybrid (explicit and implicit)
11Evaluation Result 1
Difference between the system-generated orders
and the user-rated orders (chronological change).
12Evaluation Result 2
System-generated order and user-ratings
Explicit feedback mode
Implicit feedback mode
13Evaluation Result 3
System-generated order and user-ratings
Hybrid (Explicit and Implicit)
Push workshop 8 Sep,1997
NEC Corporation
- How to implement Automatic personalization on
real-push? - Server side personalization or client side?
- How to feedback user behaviors on the client
- Privacy issue
15Personalization on Real Push
Push workshop 8 Sep,1997
NEC Corporation
Multicast Real Push delivery server
Document vectors
Article contents and document vectors
Personalization engine
User profile (OPS)
Scoring engine
Learning engine