Title: ANOVA I Part 2
1ANOVA I (Part 2)
Class 14
2(No Transcript)
3How Do You Regard Those Who Disclose?
Ugly Sweet Sour POTENCY DIMENSION Strong
Weak Large Small Heavy Light ACTIVITY
DIMENSION Active Passive Fast Slow Hot
4Birth Order Means
5(No Transcript)
6Logic of F Test and Hypothesis Testing   Form
of F Test Between Group Differences
Within Group Differences  Purpose Test
null hypothesis Between Group
Within Group Random Error  Interpretation If
null hypothesis is not supported (F gt 1) then
Between Group diffs are not simply random
error, but instead reflect effect of the
independent variable. Â Result Null
hypothesis is rejected, alt. hypothesis is
7F Ratio F Between Group Difference
Within Group Differences
F Error Treatment Effects
8(No Transcript)
9(No Transcript)
10Birth Order and Ratings of Activity Deviation
AS Total Between Within
(AS T) (A
T) (AS A)
Level a1 Oldest Child
1.33 (-2.97) (-1.17) (-1.80)
2.00 (-2.30) (-1.17) (-1.13)
3.33 (-0.97) (-1.17) ( 0.20)
4.33 (0.03) (-1.17) ( 1.20)
4.67 (0.37) (-1.17) ( 1.54)
Level a2 Youngest Child
4.33 (0.03) (1.17) (-1.14)
5.00 (0.07) (1.17) (-0.47)
5.33 (1.03) (1.17) (-0.14)
5.67 (1.37) (1.17) ( 0.20)
7.00 (2.70) (1.17) ( 1.53)
Sum (0) (0)
(0) Mean scores Oldest (a1) 3.13
Youngest (a2) 5.47 Total (T) 4.30
11  Sum of Squared Deviations   Total Sum of
Squares Sum of Squared between-group deviations
Sum of
Squared within-group deviations   SSTotal
SSBetween SSWithin
12Computing Sums of Squares from Deviation
Scores Birth Order and Activity Ratings
SS Sum of squared diffs, AKA sum of
squares SST Sum of squares., total (all
subjects) SSA Sum of squares, between
groups (treatment) SSs/A Sum of squares,
within groups (error)
SST (2.97)2 (2.30)2 (1.37)2
(2.70)2 25.88 SSA (-1.17)2
(-1.17)2 (1.17)2 (1.17)2 13.61 SSs/A
(-1.80)2 (-1.13)2 (0.20)2 (1.53)2
Total (SSA SSs/A) 25.88
13Birth Order and Activity Ratings Deviation Scores
Level a1 Oldest
Level a2 Youngest
Mean Scores Oldest 3.13 Youngest
5.47 Total 4.30
SST (2.97)2 (2.30)2 ... (1.37)2
(2.70)2 25.88 SSA (-1.17)2 (-1.17)2
... (1.17)2 (1.17)2 13.61 SSs/A
(-1.80)2 (-1.13)2 ... (0.20)2 (1.53)2
12.27 Total 25.88
14Degrees of Freedom  df Number of
observations free to vary.
5 6 4 5 4 24 Number of
observations n 5 Number of estimates 1
(i.e. sum, which 24) df n - estimates 5
-1 4 Â 5 6 4 5 4 24 5 6
X 5 4 24 20 X 24
X 4
15Degrees of Freedom for Fun and Fortune
Coin flip __ df? Dice __ df? Japanese
game that rivals cross-word puzzle?
16Sudoku The Exciting Degrees of Freedom Game
17Degrees of Freedom Formulas for the Single Factor
(One Way) ANOVA
Source Type Formula Meaning
. Groups dfA a 1 df for Tx groups
Between-groups df Scores dfs/A a(s
1) df for individual scores
Within-groups df Total dfT as
1 Total df (note dfT dfA dfs/A)
Source Type Formula Semantic
Differential Study Groups dfA a 1 2 1
1 Scores dfs/A a(s 1) 2 (5 1 ) 8
Total dfT as 1 (2 5) - 1 9
(note dfT dfA dfs/A)
Note a levels in factor A s subjects
per condition
18Mean Squares Calculations
Note What happens to MS/W as n increases?
19F Ratio Computation
F MSA Between Group Variance
MSS/A Within Group Variance
20Analysis of Variance Summary Table  One Factor
(One Way) ANOVA
21Analysis of Variance Summary Table  One Factor
(One Way) ANOVA
22F Distribution Notation  "F (1, 8)"
means  The F distribution with  one df in
the numerator (1 df associated with treatment
groups ( between-group variation))  and  8
degrees of freedom in the denominator (8 df
associated with the overall sample (
within-group variation))
23F Distribution for (2, 42) df
24Criterion F and p Value For F (2, 42) 3.48
25(No Transcript)
26F or F'? Â Â If F is correct, then Ho
supported u1 u2 (First born Last
born) Â If F' is correct, then H1 supported
u1 ? u2 (First born ? Last born)
27F Distribution
28(No Transcript)
29F Distribution Notation  "F (1, 8)"
means  The F distribution with  one df in
the numerator (1 df associated with treatment
groups/between-group variation)  and  8
degrees of freedom in the denominator (8 df
associated with the overall sample/within-group
30Decision Rule Regarding F Â Reject null
hypothesis when F observed gt ? (m,n) Reject
null hypothesis when F observed gt 5.32 (1,
8). Â F (1,8) 8.88 gt ? 5.32 Â Decision
Reject null hypothesis Accept alternative
hypothesis  Note We haven't proved alt.
hypothesis, only supported it. Format for
reporting our result  F (1,8) 8.88, p lt
.05 Â F (1,8) 8.88, p lt .02 also OK, based on
our results. Â Conclusion First Borns regard
help-seekers as less "active" than do Last
31- Summary of One Way ANOVA
- Â
- Â
- 1. Specify null and alt. hypotheses
- Â
- 2. Conduct experiment
- Â
- Calculate F ratio Between Group Diffs
- Within Group
Diffs - Â
- 4. Does F support the null hypothesis? i.e., is
- Observed F gt Criterion F, at p lt .05?
- Â
- ___ p gt .05, accept null hyp.
- ___ p lt .05, accept alt. hyp.