Action Research F-Tests and ANOVA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Action Research F-Tests and ANOVA


Analysis of variance (ANOVA) allows comparison of several means in one test ... Games-Howell. Dunnett's C. INFO 515. Lecture #6. 53. Testing Options in SPSS ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Action Research F-Tests and ANOVA

Action ResearchF-Tests and ANOVA
  • INFO 515
  • Glenn Booker

F-Tests and ANOVA
  • Analysis of variance (ANOVA) allows comparison of
    several means in one test
  • Strong assumptions about the nature of the data
    are made
  • The groups being compared are assumed to be
    random samples from normal populations with the
    same variance
  • A few ANOVA tests can handle differing variances,
    but most cant

F-Tests and ANOVA
  • The groups are from the independent variables
    values we wish to compare
  • An estimate of the variance between groups is
    compared to an estimate of the variance within
    groups this is the core concept of Analysis of
    variance (ANOVA)
  • This is also called an F test, since thats the
    name of the main output variable

  • Compares the means of two or more unrelated
    (independent) samples
  • The null hypothesis in n-way analysis of variance
    (ANOVA) is that the means of the n groups are
    equal (do not differ) in the population

F Test
  • This is like extending the Independent T-test to
    more than two groups or variables
  • ANOVA is comparing multiple means to see if
    theyre statistically homogeneous
  • This example will look at a set of data on
    political views, and determine if there is 1)
    differences in age, and later 2) a trend for
    people to become more conservative as they get

F Test Example
  • The data set is GSS91 political.sav
  • The variables of interest are age and
    polviews (political views)
  • So were seeing if the mean age (variable)
    differs by political view (group)
  • Use the command Analyze / Compare Means / One-Way
    ANOVA /
  • The age is Dependent, and partyid is the
    Factor (group)

F Test Example
F Test Example
  • Use the Options button to show Descriptive
    statistics and Homogeneity-of-variance test
  • The Descriptives output are fairly self
  • The Age of Respondent is the dependent variable
    whose variance being tested for each of the
    political party groups
  • Mean, std dev, std error, etc. are found for each
    group, as well as for the Total sample

F Test Example
F Test Example
  • The Levene statistic looks for homogeneity of
    variances across the data set
  • As seen earlier, the Levene statistic is a test
    of the null hypothesis that the variances are
  • In this case, its significance passes the 0.050
    test at 0.000, hence the prerequisite assumption
    of equal variances is NOT justified
  • Here, this is bad!

F Test Example
  • Should use ANOVA only when Levene test supports
    its null hypothesis, namely Sig. gt the critical
    value, e.g. 0.050
  • We should be cautious about using ANOVA results
    when the prerequisite condition has not been
    met, such as here
  • To fix this, could investigate transforming the
    data into something with homogeneous variances,
    or only use tests that allow for unequal

F Test Example
  • The values for df (next slide) are the number of
    degrees of freedom in ANOVA
  • df Between groups is the number of groups (k)
    minus 1 dfbg k - 1 8 - 1 7
  • df Within Groups is the sample size (n) minus
    k dfwg n - k 1492 - 8 1484
  • Notice that n is 1492, even though there are
    1500 data rows, due to missing values

F Test Example
F Test Example
  • The F statistic isF ( Between groups sums of
    squares / df1) / (Within groups sums of squares /
    df2 )
  • For the example, F (14214/7) / (457058/1484)
  • The significance (Sig.) below 0.050 shows that
    the null hypothesis is rejected
  • Hence there is a significant difference in means
  • The critical F value is a function of df1 and df2

Between-Groups Sum of Squares
  • For the mathematically curious
  • Between-Groups Sum of Squares equals
  • (the mean of each group minus the overall mean
    for all groups) squared, multiplied by the number
    of cases in the group summed over all
    groupsBGSS S (Ni(Xi-m)2) i

Within-Groups Sum of Squares
  • Within-Groups Sum of Squares equals
  • The group variance times (the number of cases in
    the group minus 1) summed over all groups WGSS
    S ( s2i(Ni-1) ) i
  • Between groups variance measures the
    variables effect we want to study, whereas the
    within groups variance is the sampling error
    within the groups

F Test Example
  • Conclusion since the null hypothesis was
    rejected, we conclude that there is a
    significant difference in political view by age
  • Notice the recurring pattern for statistical
    tests if the Significance of the test result is
    below the critical value (e.g. 0.050), the null
    hypothesis is rejected
  • Again, caution in this particular result since
    the Levene test had Sig. lt 0.050

Additional ANOVA Methods
  • ANOVA can show that several variances were not
    equal - but tells us nothing more
  • Now use additional ANOVA methods to determine
    which variances are unequal and look for trends

Types of ANOVA Output
  • One-way ANOVA can produce two other major types
    of output
  • Pairwise multiple comparisons examine subset
    pairs and determine if there is a significant
    difference between them
  • Post hoc range tests look for groups of subsets
    which are statistically similar

Pairwise Multiple Comparisons
  • Pairwise multiple comparisons identify which
    subsets are homogeneous - not different from each
  • Well try two common methods to determine if
    pairs of data are homogeneous

Pairwise Multiple Comparisons
  • The Bonferroni method is better for a small
    number of comparisons (groups)
  • The Tukey method is better for many comparisons
  • Both Bonferroni and Tukey tests assume group
    variances are equal
  • So check your Levene test results!

Pairwise Multiple Comparisons
  • Start with the data set GSS91 political.sav
  • Use Analyze / Compare Means / One-Way ANOVA... /
  • Set age as the Dependent List
  • Set partyid as the Factor...but wait!

Pairwise Multiple Comparisons
  • Click on Post Hoc and under Equal Variances
    Assumed area, select the Bonferroni and Tukey
  • Leave the significance level at 0.050
  • Now generate the output
  • The first three parts should look familiar
    descriptives, test homogeneity of variances, and
    the ANOVA results

Basic ANOVA Output
  • Once again, the significance of F below 0.050
    means that we can reject the null hypothesis,
    which means that
  • There is a difference in political views by age

Pairwise Multiple Comparisons
  • Now look at the output from the Tukey and
    Bonferroni tests (see handout)
  • Notice that every pair of views are tested, not
    just ones from adjacent political views
  • And symmetric pairs are examined, like STRONG
  • Only difference is that the sign of the mean age
    difference, and sign of the confidence interval

Pairwise Multiple Comparisons
  • Look for test results which have Significance
    below the critical value (0.050) - means that the
    age difference is statistically significant
  • Note that confidence interval does not include
    zero for significant results
  • Tukey test is a.k.a. Tukeys honestly
    significant difference test, or Tukey HSD

Pairwise Multiple Comparisons
  • Tukey results
  • Notice that some very large average age
    differences (e.g. 9 years) are made insignificant
    by a large standard error
  • Note that OTHER PARTY doesnt have any
    significant results, which is not surprising
    since its N is very low (14)

Pairwise Multiple Comparisons
  • Bonferroni results
  • Are very similar to Tukeys, but different
    Significance levels for one pair
  • Could use results from multiple tests to see what
    conclusions they agree upon
  • Either test shows what specific group means were
    significantly different from each other, and by
    how much

Post Hoc Range Tests
  • The Tukey test also produces another output to
    identify Homogeneous Subsets - a post hoc range
  • Note that the groups are NOT listed in order by
    group they are listed in order of their
    ascending means (here, mean ages)
  • Each column with Sig. lt 0.050 shows a subset of
    group means which do not differ significantly

Homogeneous Subsets
Post Hoc Range Tests
  • Again apply the criterion of Sig. lt 0.050 to
    reject the null hypothesis of all equal means
  • Only the second column is significant
  • Shows that all of the views except IND,NEAR
    REP have statistically similar means
  • Why have different results than the pairwise

Pairwise vs. Post Hoc
  • The pairwise multiple comparison test uses N
    based on the counts for the two groups being
  • Whereas the post hoc range test uses N based on
    the harmonic mean of all eight groups
  • The pairwise multiple comparison therefore uses a
    larger sample size, so its easier to detect

Harmonic Mean?
  • The harmonic mean for N numbers Xi isH N / S
    (1/Xi) i
  • So the harmonic mean of 3, 5, 8, and 9 isH 4 /
    (1/3 1/5 1/8 1/9) 5.20
  • Our usual mean is the arithmetic mean, which
    for those values isX (3 5 8 9) / 4
  • Theres also a geometric mean, (PXi)1/N

Tukey B Test
  • Another post hoc range test is the Tukey B test
    (also Tukeys-b in SPSS)
  • This does not generate the detailed pairwise
    comparisons (yay!), and just presents a summary
    of like means, again organized by columns
  • Note that this test is stricter than the plain
    Tukey test

Tukey B Test
Tukey B Test
  • Notice that only patterns which meet the desired
    significance (Sig. lt 0.050) are presented
  • Results are interpreted the same as Homogeneous
  • Each column (1, 2, 3) is a set of groups which
    have similar means
  • Now we have shown differences in ages among
    different political views

Contrasts Across Means
  • Next, we might look for patterns across means,
    such as an increase or decrease in the measured
    variable across different groups
  • For example, we could ask if people get more
    conservative linearly as they age

Contrasts Across Means
  • Start with the data set GSS91 political.sav
  • Use Analyze / Compare Means / One-Way ANOVA... /
  • Set age as the Dependent List
  • Set partyid as the Factor
  • Click on the Contrasts button
  • Check Polynomial and select Quadratic for

Contrasts Across Means
  • Notice that results are given for both a linear
    and a quadratic test across the means
  • This test wont tell us what the relationship is
    mathematically (like Y 5X 12 for a linear
    relationship), but it will tell us if there is

Contrasts Across Means
Contrasts Across Means
  • The Weighted results are weighted by the number
    of cases in each group
  • The Unweighted results consider each group
  • Generally use the unweighted results, unless N
    varies among groups greatly
  • Here, the Linear case is not significant
    (unweighted Sig. is over 0.050), but the
    Quadratic case is significant

Contrasts Across Means
  • So we conclude from this test that there is a
    significant quadratic relationship across mean
    age by political view (something of the form Y
    aX2 bX c)
  • But there is NOT a significant linear
    relationship (like Y bX c)

Determine Linearity
  • Now see how to determine the linearity of a
  • Use Analyze / Compare Means / Means...
  • And you thought wed still be under ANOVA
  • Use age for Dependent variable
  • Use partyid for Independent variable
  • Under Options check Test for linearity and
    Anova table and eta

Determine Linearity
Determine Linearity
  • The first output table is a case summary (not
    shown), and the second table is the Report on the
    next slide - just basic descriptive statistics
  • The ANOVA Table (slide after Report) shows that
    the linear relationship is significant (Sig. lt
    0.050 for Linearity)

Determine Linearity
Determine Linearity
Determine Linearity
  • The Measures of Association describe how well
    the linear relationship fits
  • The R Squared is a correlation coefficient from
    linear regression - zero means no relationship,
    and unity (1) is a perfect fit
  • This value of 0.006 is very weak, but not
    surprising given the wide spread of data

Determine Linearity
  • The Eta Squared gives how much variance in
    age is explained by polviews - only 3.0
  • This implies there are other factors to explain
    differences in political views
  • Notice that some tests say there is a linear
    relationship in this case, but others disagree

Testing Options in SPSS
  • SPSS has many additional tests for ANOVA we
    wont try to discuss them in detail
  • See Marija Norusis books cited in the syllabus
  • Pairwise multiple comparison and post hoc range
  • Tukey
  • Hochbergs GT2
  • Gabriel
  • Scheffe (see warning later)

Testing Options in SPSS
  • Pairwise multiple comparison tests only
  • Bonferroni
  • Sidak
  • Dunnett
  • LSD (Least Significant Difference, not the other

Testing Options in SPSS
  • Pairwise multiple comparison tests which do not
    assume equal variances are
  • Tamhanes T2
  • For example, this also produces 7 pairs of
    parties that have pairwise significant
    differences in mean age, like the Tukey results
    seen earlier
  • Dunnetts T3
  • Games-Howell
  • Dunnetts C

Testing Options in SPSS
  • Post hoc range tests only
  • Tukeys b
  • S-N-K (Student-Newman-Keuls) (see warning later)
  • Duncan (see warning later)
  • R-E-G-W F (the Ryan-Einot-Gabriel-Welsch F-test)
  • R-E-G-W Q (range test)
  • Waller-Duncan

  • SPSS offers some ANOVA methods which they dont
    recommend using they are
  • Scheffe
  • Student-Newman-Keuls (S-N-K)
  • Duncan
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