Title: Interacting Bodies and Interacting Minds. The case of Emotions
1Interacting Bodies and Interacting Minds.The
case of Emotions
- Isabella Poggi
- Dipartimento di Scienze dellEducazione
- Università Roma Tre
- poggi_at_uniroma3.it
- Lyon 15-18 June 2005
- 1. Emotion and communication
- 2. Communication and Expression of emotions
- 3. Emotions from mind to mind
- 4. Contagion and Empathy
- 5. Induction of emotions, persuasion, and
deception - 6. Conclusion
31. Emotion and communication
4- Research on multimodal communication has
overviewed the multifaceted possibilities of our
body to convey information about the world, our
beliefs, goals, emotions, identity. - But body behaviour shows many different levels of
intentionality and consciousness. - This work proposes a set of criteria
- to distinguish communication from non
communication, - to define different ways in which information
passes from mind to mind. - It focuses on a particular domain the
communication of emotions
52.Communication and Expression of Emotions
62.1. Communication A general definitionA has
the Goal G to cause B to believe belief KIn
order to this goal, A produces a signal s that A
believes is linked to belief K, in both As and
Bs minds, in terms of a Communication Siystem CS
Internal Goals External
- A is angry at B and tells him I am angry at
- A does not want to show he is angry at B but
inadvertently pulls a long face while staying
with B - TACIT
- A emphasizes the comment of his discourse with a
higher vocal intensity
- The sticklebacks reddened abdomen
- Human blushing
- The nurses dress
- piercing
- The gasoline red light
72.2Communication of emotions a strict and a
broad definition
- A feels an emotion E
- A has the goal G1 that B know A feels E
- A has the goal G2 that B know A has the goal G1
that B know A feels E - In order to goals G1 and G2, A produces a
communicative signal CS of emotion E - Prof. A, while seeing Prof.B, tells her Im
glad to see you.
- A feels an emotion E
- A has the goal G1 that B know A feels E
- In order to goals G1, A produces a communicative
signal CS of emotion E - Prof. A, while seeing Prof. B, spontaneously
smiles at her.
82.3Expression of emotions
- A feels an emotion E and, driven by the
physiological correlates of emotion E, produces a
behavior (e.g. smokes avidly) or exhibits a
morphological trait (gets pale), that is, an
Expressive Signal ES - Another Agent B, from this perceivable ES, can
come to believe that A is feeling Emotion E
- Egocentric
- Emotional expression is only aimed at giving vent
to the emotion itself, at relieving A from too
high an arousal, but not to let another Agent
believe that A is feeling that emotion - A is alone, she is very angry and to give vent to
her feeling smashes a glass on the floor
- Communicative
- Emotional expression is precisely aimed at having
someone else believe that A is feeling an Emotion - A is very angry at B, and to express her anger
she smashes a glass on the floor
92.4Communicative expression
- A type of communication
- On the Agents mind
- Agent not necessarily conscious of delivering the
Emotional Signal - Communicative goal
- Biological function, unconscious or tacit goal
- No meta-goal of communicating the goal of
- Different from egocentric expression
- Not about the external world
- Not a sentence but, typically, a voice pitch, a
smile, a grimace, a beat gesture, an
interjection - A blush, a tic, a beat gesture
103Emotions from mind to mind
113.Emotions from mind to mind
- An emotion is a subjective state a pleasant or
unpleasant state that we feel within our body,
and that, by definition, cannot be felt by any
other person exactly in the same way we do feel
it. - So, an emotion can, and sometimes does, remain in
our mind, but often it can pass through to other
minds. - We can feel an emotion and not communicate it we
can communicate, but not emotions. Finally,
people may know about our emotions they may
even feel them also if we do not perform any
communicative act. - Emotions can flow from one mind to another in
many ways - Transmission Induction
Expression - Communication Contagion
Empathy - Obstentatious expression, Faked expression
- Simulation Masking
Concealment -
123.1The flowing of emotions
- Transmission
- Induction
- Communication
133.2Communication, Transmission, Induction
- An emotion is communicated when
- A produces an expressive signal ES in order to
the goal that B believe A feels an emotion E - An emotion is transmitted when
- A feels an emotion E
- and this causes that
- also B comes to feel emotion E
- But
- Transmission necessarily requires that A (really)
feels an emotion - In some cases, B comes to feel an emotion also if
A does not - An emotion is induced in B any time
- a belief about Agent A
- causes Agent B
- to feel an emotion E
14The belief that induces an emotion in B may
3.3 The induction of emotions
- an event that occurs to A
- a feature of A
- an action of A
- a communicative action
- an emotion of A
- A stumbles and falls down ? B is worrried
- A is beautiful ? B falls in love with her
- A suddenly comes after B ? B is scared A does
something funny ? B is amused - A tell B che B won the contest ? B exults
- A tells B she is happy ? B is happy too
153.4Induction as an effect,induction as a goal
- Action
- Communicative action
- Emotion
- A inadvertedly does something funny ? B is amused
- A tells B that C got married, while not knowing B
loves C ? B becomes sad - A has a sad face and he does not know that B is
seeing him ? B becomes sad
- A hides Bs purse to make him angry
- A tells a joke to B, to make him amused
- A shows his anger to make B afraid
163.5Bs and As emotion
- Identical or Similar
- Reciprocal
- Complementary
- A communicates her joy to B to have B feel joy
too. - The teacher expresses her passion to a
shooltopic, and the pupil start to feel interest
in it - A tells B that A likes B, in order to have B like
A - A tells B she is upset in order for B to feel
pity of A - A tells B she feels proud to make B feel envious
174Contagion and Empathy
184.1Emotional contagion
- Emotional Contagion is
- the induction of a similar emotion in B caused by
the expression of an emotion by A - Contagion occurs when
- The production of an expressive signal ES by A
causes B to feel an emotion that is similar or
identical to As - 1. A feels E
- 2. A produces a expressive signal SE of
emotion E - 3. B perceives SE
- 4. B produces SE
- 5. B feels the same emotion as A or a similar
194.2Contagion as an effect or as a goal
- An undeliberate effect
- A goal
- While waiting for the exam, A walks up and down
nervously, and B becomes nervous too - The political journalist expresses his
indignation with passion to have readers
indignated too
- A and B may be conscious or not of feeling the
emotion and of producing the signal - A is conscious of producing the signal, and may
deceive s/he may not really feel the emotion
- Empathy is
- the induction in B of an emotion, due to Bs
belief that A feels a similar or reciprocal
emotion - The belief that A feels an emotion E may come to
B - either from actual communication or expression
- or by inference (through reasoning or putting one
in the others shoes)
214.4Contagion vs. Empathy
- Necessary vs. non-necessary emotion expression
and emotion feeling - Whose emotion, whose goal
- Contagion requires that A (whether sincerely or
not) express an emotion - Bs Empathy does not require
- - that A express his emotion
- - that A feels (or pretends to feel) an emotion
- If A is acold and B is warm, B might anyway
empathise - In contagion, As emotion is functional to As
goals, while Bs emotion is functional to Bs
goals - In panic , As panic is aimed at saving A, Bs
panic at saving B - In Empaty, Bs emotion is functional to As
goals - If I am sad for my misfortune, when you empathize
you are not sad for your but for my misfortune - This is why Empathy may lead to Altruism
225.The induction of Emotions,Persuasion,and
235.Emotion induction, persuasion, and deception
- We often want to induce emotions in others
because emotions have a strong motivating effect,
that is, they induce to action. - Social influence and persuasion often exploit
emotion induction. - When emotion induction is deliberately aimed at
persuasion, and when it in its turn depends on
our emotion display, we may need to display also
emotions we dont feel, or not to let others know
how much we want want to display our emotions. - Moreover, to induce emotions more effectively, we
must not show we want to induce emotions.
Therefore, to induce an emotion in B while not
letting B know about my emotion, sometimes A must
pretend to feel emotions she does not feel or
pretend she does not want to communicate her
245.1Deceptive emotion expression
- Obstentatious expression of an emotion
- A feels an emotion, wants B to know it, but does
not want B to know A wants B to know this so A
pretends her expression to be spontaneous and not
deliberate, but wants to be sure that B will
perceive it - Expression of a faked emotion
- A is not feeling an emotion, but pretends she is
feeling it and expresses it through its typical
expressive signal
- To induce B to do something, A wants him to feel
guilty so A pretends she does not know B is
seeing her, and she silently cries - Mother feels tenderness for her childs pranks,
but she pretends to be angry, to prevent him to
do it again
255.2To deceive about emotions
- Emotion Simulation
- A does not feel an emotion, but wants B to
believe he does, so he produces a communicative
signal of that emotion (display rules, Ekman
1978). - Emotion Masking
- A feels an emotion, but wants B to believe he
feels another emotion, so he produces the
corresponding signal - Emotion Concealment
- A deos not want B to knwo he feels a certain
emotion, so he inhibits its expressive signals - Questi casi possono ben avere uno scopo di
induzione, ed eventualmente un ulteriore scopo di
- A shows sad at the funeral of an acquaintance
- Professor A hates her colleague, but when she
meets her, she smiles to her - Ekmans poker face to show impassible
- Professor A meets a colleague she hates, but she
dissimulates her hostility - A hides her being afraid of B, so B does not know
how much power he has over A
- Our bodies, beside referential contents, very
importantly convey emotions to each other. - But it is very important to distinguish when our
emotions are consciously or unconsciously
transimitted, induced, received by other people,
when they are faked or masked, and when and why
we come to feel them through empathy or contagion