Title: Fuel poverty forum
1Fuel poverty forum 06.Oct 2010 North West Julia
2NEA's Top Priorities
- All eyes on the CSR!
- Warm Front
- Social Price Support
- Winter Fuel Payment
3Reasons for optimism
- DECC's Annual Energy Statement
- Does make reference to fuel poverty, and the need
to make further progress towards our goals - Specifically mentions the need to address hard to
treat homes
4Managing Warm Front
Reason for optimism in the future We will
ensure that there continues to be a commitment
that the scheme will continue but, as she will
know from previous questions, our key focus-the
key instrument-in dealing with fuel poverty and
energy efficiency will be the green deal. A very
important part of the green deal will be tackling
fuel poverty and, over time, it will gradually
take on a more important role and the Warm Front
scheme will take on a lesser one. Chris
Huhne, September 16th
- ..it will not be a personal loan, a green
mortgage or a charge on the property - Not applicable to renewable heat technologies
- Suitability for low-income households
- Likely take up by low-income families?
- Issues becoming understood and discussions on
6Improving conditions in the private rented sector
- Supporting FoE campaign to bring homes
- above band F and G simplifying HHSRS
- Not allow them to be rented out if less than
- this post-2016
- Early Day Motion 653
- Supporting evidence from FPAG reports and EST
7FiT and RHI
- Feed in tariffs introduced.
- Projects signing over the tariff in return for
free electricity check the detail! - Rate will reduce if you join in two year's time.
- Fate of renewable heat incentive details to be
decided. - Potential savings, if can access them.
- Overall cost?
- Realistic expectations?
- Micro-generation Strategy
- Third Energy Package
- Ofgem's priorities
- Ofgem is seeking stakeholder views on what its
priorities should be for the period 2011 - 2016 - Frank Field's review into child poverty (close
October 1st) -
- Changes to the English Housing Survey
9Interesting reports
- Eighth annual FPAG report
- Temperature Changes and the Risk of Cardiac
Events - Ofgem Social Action Strategy Update 2010-2011
- EST, Getting Warmer, a field trial of heat pumps
- IPPR, Green Streets Exploring the potential of
community energy projects - interim report - Consumer Focus, Cutting Back, Cutting Down,
Cutting Off - Retrofit reality third in a series of reports
from Gentoo
- 3rd - 6th October, Conservative Party
Conference, Birmingham - 19th October, NEA Members meeting, Leamington
Spa - 15th November, CO2 awareness week at the House
of Lords - 18th November 3rd December, Warm Homes Campaign
- Any regional events to share?
- 25 discount conference and training fees
- Free subscription to Energy Action, NEAtoday
and - monthly policy updates
- Invitations to NEA events including Members
Reception - at House of Commons 10th November 2010
- Access to fuel poverty statistics through NEAs
- Research Team
- Access to members area of the website
12Business Supporters Group
- 4 quarterly briefing sessions
- Free exhibition space at NEAs annual conference
(12 -14 September 2011, St John University, York) - Networking opportunities through attendance at
NEA national and regional events - Opportunity to work with NEAs Technical Team
- Contact Kathryn Day, Membership Co-ordinator
- 0191 2615677 kathryn.day_at_nea.org.uk