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Title: The NUTS & BOLTS OF Economics in Europe, Canada, Latin America and Australia Author: Cobb County School District Last modified by: install – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The NUTS

The NUTS BOLTS OF Economics in Europe, Canada,
Latin America and Australia
Command Economy Market Economy Traditional Economy
What to produce? Whatever the government decides What to produce? What people want to buy and sell (if people are willing to buy it, then businesses will make it) What to produce? What people need to survive
How to produce? However the government decides How to produce? Laws of Supply and demand How to produce? Hunting, farming, gathering (social roles determine who does what)
For whom to produce? Class reward system Waiting in line / rations For whom to produce? Determined by how much someone is willing to pay for it For whom to produce? Make their own products (what they have always made)
Characteristics Government or other central authority makes decisions about and determines how natural, capital, and human resources will be used. Change can occur easily, because its government driven Little individual freedom No competition between businesses Business are not run to create a profit Consumers have few choices in the market Factories are concerned about meeting quotas (not profit) Shortages often occur because of poorly run factories and farms Government determines your job Government sets the price of goods and services Characteristics Resources (capital and natural) are owned by individuals Economic decisions are made by individuals competing to earn a profit Individual freedom is considered very important Profit is the motive for increased work Competition between businesses Many economic freedoms and choice in the market place Competition determines prices which increase the quality of the product No government intervention in the economy (hire kids, pollute, unsafe conditions) ALSO CALLED CAPITALIST ECONOMY Characteristics Found in rural, non-developed countries (some parts of Asia, South America, and Africa) Customs govern the economic decisions Technology not used Farming, hunting, and gathering are done the same way as the generation before Activities are centered toward the family or ethnic unit Men and women have different economic roles and tasks
MIXED ECONOMIC SYSTEMS An economic system is
the way society organizes the production and
consumption of goods and services. Every economic
system answers three basic economic questions
What to produce? How to produce? and For whom to
produce? How a society answers the three basic
economic questions determines the societys
economic system. Historically, there are
three types of economic systemstradition,
command, and market (price) system. These
economic systems answer the basic economic
questions in different ways. In an economic
system based on tradition, decisions are based on
past behavior. In a command economy, decisions
about production and consumption are made by a
central planning unit, such as the government. A
market system answers the basic economic
questions in the marketplace. A market economy is
an economic system where most goods and services
and resources are exchanged through transactions
by people and businesses. Most economies contain
some features from a market and command economic
systems this is called a MIXED ECONOMY. Mixed
economic systems are best because a mixture best
satisfies the economic goals of a society - such
as economic freedom, equity, and economic
More Command than Market More Market than Command
What to produce? Government decides what to produce, BUT private/individual ownership of small business is allowed in limited amounts What to produce? Business owners / leaders decide what to produce based on sales, BUT the government controls some of the decision making
How to produce? Government controls most of the means of production (factories and tools), BUT small business owners /leaders make limited decisions on how to produce items How to produce? Business owners / leaders decide how to produce, BUT the government sets minimum safety requirements, minimum wage, and age to start work (child labor laws). Govt also sets guidelines for product safety
For whom to produce? Government determines who receives which goods and services BUT a few items available outside the governments control (black market) For whom to produce? Consumers incomes determine who gets which goods and services (whoever can buy it) BUT government provides welfare benefits for the needy
EXAMPLES Cuba EXAMPLES UK, Germany, Russia, Brazil, Canada, and Australia
0 Pure Command 100 Pure Market
Place the following countries on the continuum.
Russia (51) Germany (71) UK (79) Australia (83) Brazil (57) Cuba (28) Canada (81)
Pick one of the countries that are 70 or higher
on the continuum and describe why it is so much
more market than command. Use your notebooks to
help you.
Pick one of the countries that are in the 50 on
the continuum and describe why it is almost
equally market and command. Use your notebooks to
help you.
Pick the country that is below 50 on the
continuum and describe why it is so much more
command than market. Use your notebooks to help
Russia - The Russian economy underwent tremendous stress in the 1990s as it moved from a centrally planned economy to a free market system. The result was a rapid decline (60) in the value of the ruble, flight of foreign investment, delayed payments on debts, a breakdown of the banking system, and the threat of runaway inflation. The Russian economy bounced back quickly from the 1998 crisis and enjoyed over nine years of sustained growth averaging about 7 but when the global economic crisis starting in 2008 hit Russia hard, including a collapse in their stock market. Brazil - Since 1996, many Brazilian industries have become privatized. There is competition, both foreign and domestic, in most major industries. On the command side, the two largest banks in Brazil are government-owned and there are still higher taxes than in many other market leaning countries. The ownership of productive resources tends to be held by an increasingly larger yet still more privileged class, with a large number in the population living in poverty. However, Brazils reforms and its large scale participation in international free trade relationships places it more toward the market side of the continuum than the command side. It would fall between Cuba and Canada on the continuum. Brazil is moving toward a more pure market economy.
Australia Australia's economy is dominated by its services sector, yet it is the agricultural and mining sectors that account for the bulk of Australia's exports. Since the 1980s, Australia has undertaken significant structural reform of its economy and has transformed itself from an inward-looking, highly protected, and regulated marketplace to an open, internationally competitive, export-oriented economy. Key economic reforms included reducing high tariffs and other protective barriers to free trade, privatizing many government-owned businesses. Australia enjoys a higher standard of living than any G7 country other than the United States. Both the federal and state governments have recognized the need to invest heavily in water, transport, ports, telecommunications, and education infrastructure to expand Australia's supply capacity. Cuba By official government statements, Cuba would be considered a socialist state with most industries controlled by the government and 75 93 of the labor force employed by the government. This places Cuba very close to the command side of the economic system continuum. In reality, however, like many centrally planned economies, Cubas state-run entities are inefficient and do not provide all the goods and services desired by citizens. Because of these inefficiencies, Cuba has a vibrant informal economy that is estimated at about 40 of the total economy. Since informal economies tend to be very close to pure market systems, this would move Cuba somewhat away from the command side of the continuum. However, in comparison to Canada, it would still be more command-based.
UK - The United Kingdom has the sixth-largest economy in the world, is the third-largest economy in the European Union, and is a major international trading power. The United Kingdom is the European Union's only significant energy, oil natural gas exporter. A highly developed, diversified, market-based economy with extensive social welfare services provides most residents with a high standard of living. Unemployment rates are amongst the lowest within the EU. Canada Due to the close relationship between the United States and Canada, the economy, trade, and investment sections focuses on trading relationship between the two countries. Canada definitely leans toward the market side of the economic system continuum. Although famous for its socialized medicine, Canadian industries are mostly privately owned. Canada allows a tremendous amount of direct foreign investment by American companies.
Germany The German economy Europe's largest--is a leading exporter of machinery, vehicles, chemicals, and household equipment and benefits from a highly skilled labor force. Like its Western European neighbors, Germany faces significant demographic challenges to sustained long-term growth. The modernization and integration of the eastern German economyonce the communist country of East Germany before reunification in 1989. Germany The German economy Europe's largest--is a leading exporter of machinery, vehicles, chemicals, and household equipment and benefits from a highly skilled labor force. Like its Western European neighbors, Germany faces significant demographic challenges to sustained long-term growth. The modernization and integration of the eastern German economyonce the communist country of East Germany before reunification in 1989.
system of communist countries is most closely
related to which of the following? A. command
B. market C. traditional D. supply and
demand You are a small business owner and you
sell computer gaming consoles. You have chosen to
sell this product to teenagers and young adults.
You decided to sell consoles because they are
easy to build, are popular and make a high
profit. You decide on the prices for your
consoles based ONLY on the following factors
How many consoles you have in your warehouse,
and How many consoles you are sell each week
Which type of economy do you have? A.
subsistence B. command C. market D.
closed What do the economic systems of the
United Kingdom, Germany, and Russia have in
common? A. All are examples of pure market
economies. B. All are examples of mixed
economies that are mostly market economies with
some elements of command economies. C. All
are examples of mixed economies that are mostly
command economies with some elements of
market economies. D. All are examples of pure
command economies. In this country a single or
centralized government authority decides what is
produced. Which term identifies this type of
economic system? A. Traditional B. Command
C. Market D. Pubic South African economic
policy is conservative focusing on controlling
inflation, maintaining a budget surplus, and
using state-owned enterprises to deliver basic
services to low-income areas as a means to
increase job growth and household income.
However, companies are freed to choose what to
produce, how to produce, and for whom to produce.
Where does this policy place South Africa on a
continuum between pure market and pure command?
A. Almost pure traditional B. Pure market
C. More market than command D. Pure command
Determine each type of trade barrier below
Embargo The United Kingdom Customs Service has found toxic lead-based paint in toys imported from a Chinese toy-making company. These toys are intended for sale in the United Kingdom. Exposure to the paint over a long period of time could be fatal to children under 6 years old. What type of trade barrier would guarantee that no child in the United Kingdom would be exposed to the deadly lead-based paint?
Tariff You are the governor of New South Wales, Australia. Living in Sydney, you have learned that surfing has a huge impact on your states local economy. As governor, you have two economic goals Protecting local Australian surfboard manufacturers from foreign competition, Generating more tax revenue for your state government. What type of trade barrier could you use that would accomplish both of these goals?
Quota In order to protect a nations car manufacturing industry from foreign car producers, the government allows 50,000 imported cars a year. This is an example of what kind of trade barrier?
Why would a country want trade barriers such as tariffs?
Protect local industry and jobs from foreign competition Tariffs make the foreign product more expensive because the cost of the tax is passed on to the consumer Tariffs generate additional money for the government
Why would a country want trade barriers such as quotas?
Protect local industry and jobs from foreign competition Quotas force consumers to buy the domestically made product because there is not a lot of the foreign product available Make the foreign product more expensive (supply and demand)
Why would a country want a trade barrier such as an embargo?
Force a another government to change its policies or conform to international policy
Why would a country want free trade (no trade barriers)?
Lowers the price of imported goods and services Standard of living for the nation improves, although some jobs may be lost
GDP Gross Domestic Product What is GDP? estimate of the total market value of all final goods and services produced in the borders of ONE country in ONE year. Translation estimate of all the stuff a country makes in a year. Why do people calculate GDP? (why do we care?) its an indicator of an economies health measures a countrys economic output (how much stuff they make in a year) it helps us compare two economies higher the GDP the better the economy What factors do not affect DGP? Imports they are not made IN the country Resold or used items these were counted in the year they were produced when they were new cant count twice Per Capita GDP GDP divided by the countys population Average value of goods and services produced in one country in one year PER PERSON. (This is NOT average income) Per Capita GDP is a BETTER way to compare two economies than with just GDP. See example GDP Gross Domestic Product What is GDP? estimate of the total market value of all final goods and services produced in the borders of ONE country in ONE year. Translation estimate of all the stuff a country makes in a year. Why do people calculate GDP? (why do we care?) its an indicator of an economies health measures a countrys economic output (how much stuff they make in a year) it helps us compare two economies higher the GDP the better the economy What factors do not affect DGP? Imports they are not made IN the country Resold or used items these were counted in the year they were produced when they were new cant count twice Per Capita GDP GDP divided by the countys population Average value of goods and services produced in one country in one year PER PERSON. (This is NOT average income) Per Capita GDP is a BETTER way to compare two economies than with just GDP. See example
CHINA GDP 8.791 trillion Per Capita GDP 6,500 GERMANY GDP 2.812 trillion Per Capita GDP 34,200
Productive Resources Productive Resources
Human Capital (resource) labor/work done by people to produce products Examples teacher, engineer, lawyer, doctor, waiter, factory worker Human Capital (resource) labor/work done by people to produce products Examples teacher, engineer, lawyer, doctor, waiter, factory worker
Capital Goods (resources) the machines, tools, factories, and technology that are used to make other goods and services Examples flour, drill, oven, truck, gasoline, computer, hammer Capital Goods (resources) the machines, tools, factories, and technology that are used to make other goods and services Examples flour, drill, oven, truck, gasoline, computer, hammer
Natural Resources raw materials used to make products or gifts of nature Examples trees, water, minerals, animals, fruit Natural Resources raw materials used to make products or gifts of nature Examples trees, water, minerals, animals, fruit
Worker have education/training are healthy and have safe working Conditions Workers are able to produce a higher quantity and higher quality goods and services More products are made and international trade increases GDP goes up
  • What are the ways a country or business can
    invest in its human capital?
  • Education and training for its citizens
  • Ensure safe working conditions
  • Invest in the health of its workforce (healthy
    workers can go to work)

Businesses buy new factories, tools, and machines Workers are able to produce faster and more efficiently More products are made and international trade increases GDP goes up
  • What are the ways a country or business can
    invest in its capital goods?
  • Encourage building of new factories
  • Uses new machines and tools
  • Encourage use of high tech tools
  • Improve its infrastructure (roads, bridges,
    electricity grids, etc)

A country has no or limited natural resources The country must import the natural resources they need Importing resources adds to the cost of producing goods and service (makes more expensive) Countries that import their natural resources tend to have lower standards of living
Countries that have formidable obstacles (climate, terrain, and distance which hinder exploitation of natural resources and countries that lack of access to) natural resources tend to have lower standards of living. The lack of natural resources also hinders trade. Countries that have formidable obstacles (climate, terrain, and distance which hinder exploitation of natural resources and countries that lack of access to) natural resources tend to have lower standards of living. The lack of natural resources also hinders trade.
Brazil is building new factories and using newer technology. These are examples of Opportunity costs. Gross domestic product. Investment in human capital. Investment in capital goods. A sixth grade class decides to open a popcorn stand. The stand and the popcorn popper are examples of which factor of production? natural resources human resources capital resources entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneurs are people who have an idea for a
    business, are willing to take a risk, and combine
    human, natural, and capital resources to produce
    a new good or service. Entrepreneurs are lonely
    able to succeed in a more market system (closer
    to market than command on the economic
    continuum), where they have the freedom to
    control their own economic decisions.
  • Benefits of Entrepreneurship in an economy
  • Creates new jobs / hires more people
  • Creates new products and increases trade
  • Tax money from their business helps the
  • Encouraging Entrepreneurship in an Economy
  • Make the laws to ensure it is quick and easy to
    start a new business
  • Have courts and laws that protect privately owned
    property and investments

A countrys laws make it easier for the entrepreneur to start a business and have laws to protect their investments An entrepreneur believes their idea for a new product will earn a profit and want to risk their and resources to start a business If the business is successful, the entrepreneur will create new products and hire new workers (creates new jobs) GDP goes up. International trade increases. Taxes are collected to help the government earn money
1. Why is entrepreneurship important to a countrys economy? Build highways Improve schools Invest in capital goods Provide better health care 2. Jose is an auto mechanic in a nearby larger town. He has decided his own small town needs its own car repair shop. Jose bought the building and opened his shop. Jose is an example of Trade surplus Entrepreneur Gross domestic product Opportunity costs 1. 3. You are watching a speech by the Prime Minister of Australia on T.V. with your parents about improving the Australian economy. In the speech, the Prime Minister says We must take make is easier for Australians to open small businesses. My plan will give tax breaks and incentives to Australians who want to start their own small business... The Prime Ministers plan is based on the conclusion that Investing in human capital will increase the countrys gross domestic product (GDP). Promoting entrepreneurship will improve economic development. Investing in capital goods will increase the countrys gross domestic product (GDP). A tariff on goods imported from other nations will help businesses
of a country is the percentage of people over the
age of 15 who can read and write. The economy of
a nation impacts the ability of a country to
improve literacy and standard of living. There is
a relationship between literacy to the standard
of living and the cultural development of a
country. Literacy rate is a factor affecting
human capital which in turn impacts standard of
living and culture.
Country Total Literacy Rate for the Country Literacy Rate for Men Literacy Rate for Women
Germany 99 99 99
Russia 99 99 99
UK 99 99 99
Brazil 88.6 88.4 88.8
Cuba 99 99 99
Mexico 91 92.4 89.6
Haiti 52.9 54.8 51.2
Canada 99 99 99
Australia 99 99 99
  • 1. The relationship between the literacy rate and
    standard of living in Latin America is
  • Literacy rate has no affect on the standard of
  • The higher the literacy rate the higher the
    standard of living.
  • The standard of living is independent of literacy
  • Low literacy rate creates a higher standard of
  • 2. How does the high literacy rate in Australia
    affect its economy and enhance the standard of
    living for its citizens?
  • Australias high literacy rate contributes to its
    economic success and promotes a high standard of
  • The literacy rate has little effect on
    Australias economy thus, it does not affect the
    standard of living.
  • Australias high literacy rate is the result of
    its poor economy.
  • The small percentage of people who cannot read
    are hindering most of Australias economic
  • 3. Which country on the chart above do you think
    as the lowest standard of living?
  • Mexico
  • Germany
  • Australia
  • Haiti

Currency is the money people use to make trade easier. In the United States, we use U.S. dollars to buy goods and services. When we Americans work at a job, we are paid in dollars. Most of the time, when you are in a different country, you cannot buy goods and services with currency from your own country. So what do you do? You trade it in, or exchange it! With each exchange however, the bank charges a fee. A business that exchanges a lot of money will pay many fees. We all know that there is not a currency for Earth each country has its own currency except Europe. The euro () is the official currenncy of the European Union, and is currently in use in 16 of the 27 Member States. The states, known collectively as the Eurozone, are Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain and is used daily by some 327 million Europeans. For international trade to be successful, countries must agree on a system of how much one currency trades for another. The exchange rate is based off the laws of supply and demand the more people (traders of currency) are willing to pay for a dollar, the more valuable it becomes. Remember back to our exchange rate simulation. You were willing to give me a lot of other countries currency to get a US dollar. In that simulation, the dollar was more valuable than the other currency, because the demand for dollars was higher than the demand for the others. There are many foreign exchange markets where money from around the world is traded many times a day how well or how poorly a currency is trading in these markets determines the exchange rate. The exchange rate between currencies fluctuates (changes) over the day. Currency is the money people use to make trade easier. In the United States, we use U.S. dollars to buy goods and services. When we Americans work at a job, we are paid in dollars. Most of the time, when you are in a different country, you cannot buy goods and services with currency from your own country. So what do you do? You trade it in, or exchange it! With each exchange however, the bank charges a fee. A business that exchanges a lot of money will pay many fees. We all know that there is not a currency for Earth each country has its own currency except Europe. The euro () is the official currenncy of the European Union, and is currently in use in 16 of the 27 Member States. The states, known collectively as the Eurozone, are Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain and is used daily by some 327 million Europeans. For international trade to be successful, countries must agree on a system of how much one currency trades for another. The exchange rate is based off the laws of supply and demand the more people (traders of currency) are willing to pay for a dollar, the more valuable it becomes. Remember back to our exchange rate simulation. You were willing to give me a lot of other countries currency to get a US dollar. In that simulation, the dollar was more valuable than the other currency, because the demand for dollars was higher than the demand for the others. There are many foreign exchange markets where money from around the world is traded many times a day how well or how poorly a currency is trading in these markets determines the exchange rate. The exchange rate between currencies fluctuates (changes) over the day.
EXAMPLE You own Olympic Fish Company, a fleet of fishing ships in the islands of Greece. Greece is a member of the European Union, and uses the Euro as its currency. You make your living selling fish to your customers, mostly in other countries. Today you have received two orders EXAMPLE You own Olympic Fish Company, a fleet of fishing ships in the islands of Greece. Greece is a member of the European Union, and uses the Euro as its currency. You make your living selling fish to your customers, mostly in other countries. Today you have received two orders
Order 1 To Olympic Fish Co. Piraeus, Greece From Champs Elysees Fish Market, France 1oo tons of sea bass Note France is an EU member nation using the Euro. Order 2 To Olympic Fish Co. Piraeus, Greece From Red Lobster Atlanta, Georgia USA 100 tons of sea bass Note Payment in U.S. dollars ONLY.
Based on what you see in the two orders above, which of the orders is easier for you to fill? A. Order 1, because trade with the France is easier since it uses the Euro. B. Order 1, because the United States has placed an tariff on fish imported from Greece. C. Order 2, because France has placed a quota on fish imported from Greece. D. Order 2, because trading with the United States is easier since is uses the U.S. dollar. Based on what you see in the two orders above, which of the orders is easier for you to fill? A. Order 1, because trade with the France is easier since it uses the Euro. B. Order 1, because the United States has placed an tariff on fish imported from Greece. C. Order 2, because France has placed a quota on fish imported from Greece. D. Order 2, because trading with the United States is easier since is uses the U.S. dollar.
SPECIALIZATION Specialization encourages trade
between nations
The division of labor refers to the practice
that the tasks of producing a good or service are
divided up into separate tasks. When workers
focus on performing separate tasks,
specialization occurs. Within the economy as a
whole, the division of labor explains why even if
you bake your own bread, you typically don't grow
your own wheat, grind it into flour, build your
own oven, make your own bread-pans and so on.
Instead, people specialize in a few skills and
then take the wages that they earn from those
skills to purchase the other products that they
desire from other specialists.
  • There are three reasons why the division of labor
    increases output
  • workers who specialize on one job become much
    better at doing it
  • with specialization, the time that it would take
    to switch between jobs is eliminated
  • workers who specialize on one job often invent
    more effective ways or new machines for doing the

Specialization benefits everyone when the skills and strengths of people match their job in a community. Keep in mind that when people do what they are good at and then trade their output with others who are doing what they are good at, we are better off than we would be if everyone tried to do everything for themselves. Its better for the overall economy if individual people produce one thing well and trade it, than to produce poorly everything they use in day themselves. Specialization encourages trade and can be a positive factor in a countrys economy. Specialization occurs when one nation can produce a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than another nation. However, one drawback is that we end up depending on each other to create the goods or services we need. But specialization is possible only when people are able to coordinate their production and consumption decisions with each other.
Define It When a country focuses resources on creating fewer specific products and services than they consume make one thing well and trade for everything else Draw a Picture
Benefits Greater variety of products with trade Produce more in less time Better quality More free time for workers Drawbacks Dependent on others for important items Over-specialization (one-crop economies and lack of diversification) can lead to economic trouble
NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)
NAFTA a free trade (no tariffs or quotas) agreement between Canada, Mexico, and the USA went into affect on Jan. 1, 1994 NAFTA a free trade (no tariffs or quotas) agreement between Canada, Mexico, and the USA went into affect on Jan. 1, 1994
import products brought into a country for sale import products brought into a country for sale
export products leaving a country for sale export products leaving a country for sale
trade voluntary exchange of goods and services trade voluntary exchange of goods and services
free trade trade that does not have trade barriers (quotas, tariffs, embargos) free trade trade that does not have trade barriers (quotas, tariffs, embargos)
FUNCTIONS OF NAFTA Eliminate trade barriers between the USA, Canada, and Mexico. It also strives to promote fair competition, increase investment, and protect and enforce property rights, and establish a framework for further cooperation between North American countries. FUNCTIONS OF NAFTA Eliminate trade barriers between the USA, Canada, and Mexico. It also strives to promote fair competition, increase investment, and protect and enforce property rights, and establish a framework for further cooperation between North American countries.
WHY Formed? Increase trade between among the three nations by ending tariffs, allowing products to be shipped freely from one country to the next without companies having to pay taxes on their cargo. WHY Formed? Increase trade between among the three nations by ending tariffs, allowing products to be shipped freely from one country to the next without companies having to pay taxes on their cargo.
Benefits -increase trade -faster and easier trade -companies dont have to pay taxes on imports therefore makes materials cheaper -big boost to Mexico and Canadas economy -companies earn higher profits and sales have risen Drawbacks -some US jobs lost to Mexican workers / work for less money / cheaper labor -forced small farmers in Mexico to go out of business due to large corporate owned farms. (think Zapatistas ) -working conditions in Mexico have improved very little if at all
EU (European Union)
What led to the creation of the EU? Create a unified Europe. Created in 1992. formed out of a similar organization the European Community. Whats the purpose of the EU? The twenty-seven members of the EU are political and military allies. They cooperate on security, law enforcement, and immigration issues. They also promote trade and investment in member nations due to the elimination of trade barriers its a free trade zone between member nations Whats a Euro? A European Currency used by several member nations introduced in 1999 What led to the creation of the EU? Create a unified Europe. Created in 1992. formed out of a similar organization the European Community. Whats the purpose of the EU? The twenty-seven members of the EU are political and military allies. They cooperate on security, law enforcement, and immigration issues. They also promote trade and investment in member nations due to the elimination of trade barriers its a free trade zone between member nations Whats a Euro? A European Currency used by several member nations introduced in 1999
Relationship between Member Nations The EU member nations work together for advantages that they could not achieve individually. EU nations are more powerful when they work together because they are more land, more people, more diverse natural resources, more money and an overall larger economy. Relationship between Member Nations The EU member nations work together for advantages that they could not achieve individually. EU nations are more powerful when they work together because they are more land, more people, more diverse natural resources, more money and an overall larger economy.
The main purpose of the European Union is to Require all European nations to adopt a command economy. Strengthen the economic, political, and defense ties of member nations. Create a large standing army for use around the world. Solve Europes environmental problems. The EU was established in the 1990s. Which of the following is a goal of the EU? to create a single European currency to endorse a single European language to provide military aid to European countries experiencing civil war to protect western European countries from formerly communist countries
How has the European Economic Community/European Union been a benefit to the countries that have joined it? The use of tariffs has increased trade. Trade among member nations has decreased. More people now make full use of their country's resources. The exchange of goods among the members has become easier. What is one of the goals of the European Union (EU), which was established in the 1990s? It is a special stock market for European businesses. It provides better training for people wanting to run businesses. It provides its members with military protection from foreign attack. It is a system to remove tariff barriers and open trade between countries.
This group was created in 1993 for the purpose of creating a single economic market in which there are no barriers to trade, services, or capital among the member states. Warsaw Pact European Union North Atlantic Treaty Organization South East Asian Treaty Organization An example of economic cooperation among European nations that occurred in the late 1900s was the creation of the United Nations. signing of the Treaty of Versailles. creation of the League of Nations. introduction of the Eurodollar.
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