Title: Defining a Lifestyle
1Defining a Lifestyle
- Account Planner School of the Web
- Assignment 4
2Divorce Rates are
Well you know
3Life After Divorce
So what does it look like when this rather
sizable chunk of the population gets back on its
post-divorce horse?
5Its kinda weird. I know I was married for ten
years, but I think I sort of ignore that
sometimes aside from my kids, its like that
never happened. So I sorta feel like I should be
ten years younger than I am.
6He has real responsibilities and concerns like
child support and making partnerbut part of him
doesnt understand how he could possibly be that
Isnt he fresh out of college? Cant he go out
whenever and stay out as late as he wants? What
do you mean he needs to find a babysitter?
7He was almost out of debt paying off his house
and his car and now well, divorce aint cheap.
Hes probably even a renter again now. What
happened to all that equity? And when did he
start caring about what happened to all that
8He dates like he did in his 20s in that he dates
women in their 20s. If he dated women his own
age, not only would it be admitting how old he
actually is they just tend to have more baggage.
Of course, its not always easy introducing his
26-year-old girlfriend to his 13-year-old
9He tries to keep up on the current music, but at
home, he still has all his vinyl. He loves the
music that was popular when we was the age he
feels. Heckif he could get some guys together
and start an 80s throwback cover band hed be
in heaven.
10In most ways, the Re-Bachelor is not that
different from men his age who are still married.
He cares about his job, he cares about his kids,
he thinks about retirement, he has a certain
nostalgia for his youth but the big difference
is his attachment to that nostalgia. For the
Re-Bachelor, the good ol days are still here
or at least they should be!
11It is his sense of disconnectedness his sense
of being the wrong age or somehow outside of
time that sets the Re-Bachelor apart.
12I know I dont act like Im 38 but I am 38.
And I dont want to be alone when Im 40.