Title: Naturally Longlived Animal Models for the Study of
1Naturally Long-lived Animal Models for the Study
of Slow Aging and Longevity Donna J.
Holmes University of Idaho Moscow, Idaho, USA
IABG10 Cambridge 2003
- Characteristics of ideal animal models
- Evolutionary and comparative rationale for adding
some carefully selected long-lived animals to the
biogerontological toolkit - Some specific examples of feasible
non-traditional animal models - -Special focus on homeotherms
3The ideal animal model for aging studies
- ___________________________________
- Specificity has specific aging (or anti-aging)
phenotype of interest - -e.g. slow aging or other adaptations
4The ideal animal model for aging studies
- ___________________________________
- Specificity has specific aging (or anti-aging)
phenotype of interest - -e.g. slow aging or other adaptations
- Generalizability phenotype can be generalized or
applied to other species of interest, e.g.,
5The ideal animal model for aging studies
- ___________________________________
- Specificity has specific aging (or anti-aging)
phenotype of interest - -e.g. slow aging or other adaptations
- Generalizability phenotype can be generalized or
applied to other species of interest, e.g.,
humans - Feasibility must be practical for aging studies
6Rationale for using long-lived animal models to
understand basic aging mechanisms is based in
evolutionary gerontology
- _____________________________________________
- Aging is understood to be a consequence of
declining force of natural selection with waning
reproductive potential - Basic biochemical aging (and anti-aging)
mechanisms due to antagonistic pleiotropy are
expected to be shared by a wide range of species - Aging (and anti-aging) mechanisms resulting from
mutation accumulation expected to be idiosyncratic
7Evolutionary senescence theory predicts In
the absence of selection from high mortality
rates, organims will evolve long life spans with
adaptations for long-term somatic maintenance.
Williams 1957. Evolution Edney Gill 1966.
Rose 1991. Evolutionary Biology of Aging.
8 Evolutionary senescence theory predicts In
the absence of selection from high mortality
rates, organims will evolve long life spans with
adaptations for long-term somatic maintenance.
Williams 1957. Evolution Edney Gill 1966.
Rose 1991. Evolutionary Biology of Aging.
9Potential pitfalls of using only short-lived
animal models from a narrow range of taxa
- _____________________________________________
- Basic aging mechanisms in short-lived animals may
differ qualitatively, as well as quantitatively,
from those in long-lived species - Possibility of phylogenetic confounds
- Basic aging mechanisms in closely related
species, like rats and mice, could result from
common ancestry, rather than being generalizable
to mammals
10Advantages of selecting animal models from among
species with varied aging rates and from a wide
range of taxa
- _________________________________________
- Common molecular bases for longevity are less
likely to be confounded by common genetic
ancestry (advantages of proper phylogenetic
controls) - Distantly related species may have evolved
different molecular solutions to problem of
prolonged somatic maintenance - Or, distantly related species may prove to have
common anti-aging mechanisms.
Austad Holmes. 1991. In B.P. Yu Methods in
Aging Research.
11Advantages of selecting animal models from among
species with varied aging rates and from a wide
range of taxa
- _________________________________________
- Common molecular bases for longevity are less
likely to be confounded by common genetic
ancestry (advantages of proper phylogenetic
controls) - Distantly related species may have evolved
different molecular solutions to problem of
prolonged somatic maintenance - Or, distantly related species may prove to have
common anti-aging mechanisms.
Austad Holmes. 1991. In B.P. Yu Methods in
Aging Research.
12Advantages to using tractable long-lived animal
models for aging studies
- _______________________________________________
- Naturally long-lived animals are actually good at
aging slowly - Genetic heterogeneity (raw material of natural
selection) has been maintained - Many domestic species with established husbandry
are available - Data from wild populations can elucidate the
evolutionary basis for longevity
13Drawbacks to using non-traditional animals
for aging studies
- _______________________________________
- Possible lack of information on husbandry,
including diet, medicine, breeding - No isogenic strains
- Far less information available on genetics
- Species of interest may be intimidating to handle
or manage in captivity - Data from wild animal populations lacks internal
controls may be difficult to interpret
14Six kinds of animals with special potential for
aging studies
- _______________________________________
- Birds
- Bats
- Naked mole-rats
- Turtles
- Fishes
- Insects other than Drosophila
15Six kinds of animals with special potential for
aging studies
- _______________________________________
- Birds
- Bats
- (Naked mole-rats)
- Turtles
- Fishes
- (Insects other than Drosophila)
161. BIRDS (Class Aves)
- _______________________
- Remarkably long-lived
- maximum recorded life spans generally 2-3
times those of mammals of similar body size - -e.g., hummingbirds MLS 10 yrs
- songbirds MLS 10 yrs
- parrots MLS 80 yrs
Holmes Austad 1995. J. Gerontol. Biol. Sci.
171. BIRDS (Class Aves)
- _______________________
- Remarkably long-lived
- maximum recorded life spans generally 2-3
times those of mammals of similar body size - -e.g., hummingbirds MLS 10 yrs
- songbirds MLS 10 yrs
- parrots MLS 80 yrs
- High lifetime energy expenditures up to 8X times
higher than similar-sized mammals
Holmes Austad 1995. J. Gerontol. Biol. Sci.
181. BIRDS (Class Aves)
- _______________________
- Remarkably long-lived
- maximum recorded life spans generally 2-3
times those of mammals of similar body size - -e.g., hummingbirds MLS 10 yrs
- songbirds MLS 10 yrs
- parrots MLS 80 yrs
- High lifetime energy expenditures up to 8X times
higher than similar-sized mammals - High plasma glucose levels (equivalent to
diabetic levels for mammals) -
Holmes Austad 1995. J. Gerontol. Biol. Sci.
191. BIRDS (Class Aves)
- _______________________
- Remarkably long-lived
- maximum recorded life spans generally 2-3
times those of mammals of similar body size - -e.g., hummingbirds MLS 10 yrs
- songbirds MLS 10 yrs
- parrots MLS 80 yrs
- High lifetime energy expenditures up to 8X times
higher than similar-sized mammals - High plasma glucose levels (equivalent to
diabetic levels for mammals) - Slow reproductive senescence long
post-reproductive life spans
Holmes Austad 1995. J. Gerontol. Biol. Sci.
201. BIRDS, continued
- ______________________
- Domestic bird species with well-established
husbandry available - -Small parrots, finches, pigeons, domestic
- poultry species
- Small cage birds and quail breed readily in
captivity cost-effective maintenance, comparable
to that of laboratory rodents
Austad 1997. ILAR Journal Holmes, et al. Exp.
Gerontol. in press.
211. BIRDS, continued
- _________________________________
- An extensive demographic literature is available
from mark-recapture studies of wild bird
California Gull
Newton (Ed.) 1989. Lifetime Reproduction in
Birds Holmes Austad 1995. Amer. Zool.
221. BIRDS, continued
- _________________________________
- Bird tissues examined thus far show lower
accumulation of AGEs (advanced glycoxidation
end-products), including pentosidine -
Monnier 2001, In B.P. Yu (Ed.) Methods in Aging
Research Chaney Klandorf 2003, Auk, etc.
231. BIRDS, continued
- _________________________________
- Birds have demonstrated exceptional resistance to
oxidative damage
241. BIRDS, continued
- _________________________________
- Birds have demonstrated exceptional resistance to
oxidative damage, probably including - More efficient mitochondrial metabolism
- Superior molecular protection
- Better DNA repair
- Both constitutive and inducible defenses,
including peroxidation-resistant membranes and
antioxidant enzymes
Barja, et al. 1994. Free Rad. Res. Barja 1998.
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. Herrero Barja 1998.
Mech. Age. Dev. Jaensch 2001. Ogburn, et al.,
1998, 2001. J. Gerontol. Biol. Sci.
251. BIRDS, continued
- _________________________________
- Birds are well established as animal models in
neurobiology - Male finches (zebra finch, canary) undergo
seasonal regeneration of neurons in brain regions
involved in song learning
Nottebohm et al. 1994. PNAS Scharff et al.
2000. Neuron.
261. BIRDS, continued
- _________________________________
- Birds are established models for studies of
neuroendocrine aging
Ottinger 1991. Crit. Rev. Poult. Biol. Ottinger
2001. Exp. Gerontol.
271. BIRDS, continued
- _________________________________
- Birds are established models for studies of
neuroendocrine aging - Male Japanese quail retains hypothalamic
neuroplasticity during aging
CNS aging is primary (vs. gonadal aging)
reproduction is restored in aged males with
testosterone replacement GnRH cells in
hypothalamus remain responsive
Ottinger 1991. Crit. Rev. Poult. Biol. Ottinger
2001. Exp. Gerontol.
281. BIRDS, continued
- Birds are established models for studies of
reproductive aging
Exposed yolky follicles
291. BIRDS, continued
- Birds are established models for studies of
reproductive aging - Domestic laying hen is an intensively used model
for study of regulators of apoptosis and cell
signaling in ovarian granulosa cells
Exposed yolky follicles
e.g., Johnson 2000. Biol. Signals Recept.
Bridgham Johnson 2001. Biol. Reprod.
30Some seabirds show apparently negligible
reproductive senescence in the wild
Northern Fulmar
California Gull
Common Tern
Pugesek Diem 1983. Science Finch 1990.
31Some seabirds show apparently negligible
reproductive senescencein the wild
Northern Fulmar
California Gull
Common Tern
Pugesek Diem 1983. Science Finch 1990.
32Some seabirds show apparently negligible
reproductive senescencein the wild
Northern Fulmar
California Gull
Female birds have potential as models for delayed
fertility loss
Common Tern
Pugesek Diem 1983. Science Finch 1990.
33Birds lay eggs
Parental investment can easily be manipulated to
assess the relationship between reproductive
costs and aging rates
342. BATS (order Mammalia, class Chiroptera)
- ________________________________________
- Life spans up to several times longer than in
similar-sized non-flying mammals - -Little brown bat MLS 34 yrs
- -Vampire bat MLS 21 yrs
- -Horseshoe bat MLS 26 yrs
- Significantly higher metabolic rates and lifetime
energy expenditures than non-flying mammals - Can be maintained in captivity husbandry
practices still being established
352. BATS (order Mammalia, class Chiroptera)
- ________________________________________
- New work with bats supports the free radical
theory of aging
- Adult little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus) have
been shown to produce similar amounts of oxygen,
but less - than half the hydrogen peroxide, produced by
short-tailed shrews (Blarina brevicauda) - (A. Brunet Rossinni, in review, Exp. Gerontol.)
363. Naked Mole-Rat (class Mammalia, order
- ______________________________
- Eusocial, subterranean with termite-like caste
system - One reproductive queen, tended by
non-reproductive workers - Low metabolic rates for body size
- Life spans of 25 years
- Numbers of established captive colonies
Sherman, 2002. Proc. Roy. Acad. Sci. London.
Biol. Sci.
373. Naked Mole-Rat (class Mammalia, order
- _______________________________
- Eusocial, subterranean with termite-like caste
system - One reproductive queen, tended by
non-reproductive workers - Low metabolic rates for body size
- Life spans of 25 years
- Numbers of established captive colonies
- No aging studies to date
Sherman, 2002. Proc. Roy. Acad. Sci. London.
Biol. Sci.
38Six kinds of animals with special potential for
aging studies
- _______________________________________
- Birds
- Bats
- (Naked mole-rats)
- Turtles
- Fishes
- (Insects other than Drosophila)
- A substantial number of species represent
unexploited but potentially feasible animal
models for aging studies, -
- A substantial number of species represent
unexploited but potentially feasible animal
models for aging studies, - with specific adaptations for slow aging,
- A substantial number of species represent
unexploited but potentially feasible animal
models for aging studies, - with specific adaptations for slow aging,
- andin many cases--more generalizable to humans
than standard laboratory animals.