Title: A Tour of Employee Self Service 11107
1A Tour of Employee Self Service1/11/07
2Employee Computer Access
- Use any internet computer on or off campus.
- Locations for Kent Residence Services staff
Johnson, Centennial, Tri-Towers, Beall,
McSweeney, Dunbar. - Locations for Kent Campus Environment
Operations staff Taylor, Moulton, Smith, MACC,
KSC (several locations). - Ask your supervisor about computer locations and
3Access tips
- Locate the correct tab and channel.
- Read screen notes and instructions.
- Access to tools is permission-based.
- Contact the Help Desk (672-HELP) if a tab,
channel, or tool is missing from your FlashLine
4Open a browser, go to your campus home page.
5Enter your FlashLine ID andpassword, and click
6Click the My HR tab to view the Employment
Details channel.
7Click any one of the menu items,then click
Return to Menu to view thefull Employment
Details screen following.
8The Employee menu and Personal Information tab.
9Click Personal Information to view and change
your contact information.
10Click Leave Report to enter leave hours (faculty
and unclassified staff only).See the printable
job aid Leave Reporting for detailed
instructions on how to submit and approve leave
in Banner.
11Benefits Submenu
Contact Human Resources if you have questions
about your benefits and deductions
options. Important read screens carefully
before calling the Help Desk. Much explanatory
information is provided on-screen that is not
shown here.
12Benefits RetirementPlans
14BenefitsFlexible Spending
16BenefitsBeneficiaries Dependents
17BenefitsBenefitStatementSelect a date
Note the Benefit Statement screen displays
complete details of the menu items listed above.
19Direct Deposit
Note at this time, use the paper form provided
by Payroll to update your Direct Deposit
20Pay Stubselect the yearand pay period
21Pay Stub Detail
22Job Details
Note only your job history as of 7/1/06 will
23Leave Balances
24Other Employee Forms in Banner
- See
- Initiate a Personal Information Change Request
and - Initiate a Tuition Benefit Request
- for information on how to fill out and submit
these forms, which can be found on the Action
Items tab, Workflow Tools channel.
25For help with Employee Self Service,contact the
Help Desk 330 672-HELP,helpdesk_at_kent.edu