Mike Lowndes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mike Lowndes


Metadata of a paper has no reference to the supervisor. The SW profile (FOAF) ... Short term ... roll-out of pilot(s) supported by MLA, SMC, MDA, 24HourMuseum ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mike Lowndes

Semantic Web Think Tank - interim report
Museums Computer Group Spring meeting 2007
  • Mike Lowndes
  • For the SWTT Core Group
  • Interactive Media Manager,
  • Natural History Museum, London

Why bother?
  • Is being joined up important?
  • A citizens Entitlement to culture (c.f.
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Knowledge Webs (Collections, research data)
  • inter-domain interoperability? Bed and Breakfast
    (see MCG e-list)!
  • Is the SW a relevant technology to enable this?
  • Or is this a case of the technological tail
    wagging the cultural dog?

Some Web Issues For Museums (2005)
  • 1997-2000 METADATA standards? Bowled a Googley.
  • Whats good
  • People trust online museums content and their
  • Its a very rich resource
  • Websites dont share information in standard or
    consistent ways
  • Whats less good
  • The UK community is not organised for
  • CHIN, Australian Museums etc, and other sectors
    Estate Agents and Railways.
  • Our users only have Google.
  • Portals are not a sustainable solution (unless
    they essentially do SEO).
  • A better web needs a new infrastructure.
  • Will the emerging Semantic Web deliver this? What
    does it mean for Museums?

The Semantic Web
The Semantic Web
  • Tim Berners-Lee Web visionary and Head of W3C.
  • Formally set off in 1998 Goal of the Semantic
    Web was the solution to information overload and
    the personalisation of the web.
  • Adding logic to the web, Turning the web into
    a global database
  • Semantic web software should be able to find,
    sort, classify, interpret, and present relevant
    content in context.
  • This would be achieved via global use of
    metadata associated with URIs, and ontologies
  • leading to vastly improved, smart browsing,
  • Finally, agents which may seem intelligent
    because they can process a web that describes

W3C Definition
  • Tim Berners-Lee
  • The Semantic Web is an extension of the current
    Web in which information is given well-defined
    meaning, better enabling computers and people to
    work in cooperation.
  • For the Web to become a truly machine-readable
    resource, the information it contains must be
    structured in a logical, comprehensible and
    transparent fashion.
  • This is the primary work required to enable the
    semantic web.
  • Museums have lots of metadata and semantically
    rich content. Can the SW help us and our users?

  • DigiCULT
  • The most typical kind of ontology for the Web
    has a taxonomy and a set of inference rules.
  • What does an ontology do?
  • Describes relationships between data,
    relationships between taxonomies. Its a
    mapping exercise.

Boxes, arrows and Acronyms, no clouds!
User profile
Other ontologies
Maps to
User query, or query generated by user behaviour
Semantic Web Agent
Maps to and is constrained by
Identified ontology
  • Accurate,
  • meaningful
  • Answers
  • Actions
  • Views of information

  • A digital object
  • http//something.somewhere/unique

Associated metadata
See the notes
  • TBL sees the Semantic Web as based upon a whole
    bunch of ontologies mapped together.
  • Instead of asking machines to understand
    peoples language, ask people to make the extra
  • It is acknowledged that this is a vast and
    difficult thing to do
  • The tools are not yet there
  • DigiCult
  • The Semantic Web is a direction, it is like
    North. You go North but you never arrive and say
    here it is.
  • the main goals are achievable?
  • It will be a part of the future web, but never
    all of it
  • Any movement towards semantics increases the
    signal to noise ratio of the web
  • It should and will be done where it can be
  • Better for formalised knowledge anyway, informal
    knowledge can associate loosely or closely as
    desired or required

Web2.0 and the Semantic Web
  • Joshua Allen, 2001 (Making a Semantic Web)
  • Until anyone can create metadata about any page
    and share it with everyone there will not be a
    semantic web
  • Web 2.0
  • Is the web as an application platform
  • Is the democratisation of content creation
  • Is the two-way, community based web TBL initially
    wished for as Web1.0!
  • Web 2.0 is NOT a new infrastructure for the web.
  • wont do the job of providing the global
  • takes some steps in the right direction, but
    moves away from explicit structure
  • provides platforms for SW applications

The Thinktank meetings
Thinktank structure and participants
  • http//culturalsemanticweb.wordpress.com/
  • Led by Ross Parry, Mike Lowndes, Nick Poole and
    Jon Pratty
  • Other core group members Frances Lloyd-Baynes,
    Richard Light, Jeremy Ottevanger, Kostas
    Arvanitis, Areti Galani, Mia Ridge, Dan Zambonini
  • A series of meetings comprising around 12-16
  • Began in Leicester 7July 2006 Open Meeting,
    Ends with reporting in June 2007 at UKMW07
  • Ross Parry - MC and keeping us all in order and
    on track
  • Alex Whitfield (British Library) recording the
    sessions and transcribing for the blog.
  • Special guests
  • Jennifer Trant (Archimuse - steve)
  • Brian Kelly (UKOLN)
  • Paul Shabajee (HP Labs)
  • Phill Purdey (MLA)

Jeremy Keith Mike Ellis (NMSI) Martin Bazley
(ICT4Learning) Andy Sawyer (Simulacra) Sebastian
Kruk (DERI) Robin Boast (Cambridge) Dylan Edgar
  • An informed but informal tone
  • An exploratory conversation in the morning
  • . that identifies one or two key points for the
    more focused afternoon discussion
  • On-the-spot quick tutorials by some of our
  • Summarising and recapitulating wherever we can
  • Keeping an eye on
  • our on-going main narrative (and themes) across
    all the meetings
  • the final report we aspire to write

What have we explored?
  • Leicester
  • SW and sw
  • Digital objects what are they?
  • RDF/ Ontologies/ Topic Maps - introductions
  • What do Museums do?
  • Glasgow
  • Participatory, interactive, retentive, trans-
    disciplinary, trans-cultural - Seamus Ross (part
    of DigiCULT)
  • Co-contextuality objects have different meanings
    in different contexts. We can be context
    oriented as well as object oriented.
  • Brighton
  • Web 2.0 and semantics
  • Tutored through tagging and folksonomies to
  • Folksonomies have emergent semantics how useful
    are they?
  • Folksonomies and the formal SW interface can
    complement and improve each other
  • Demonstrators instigated

What have we explored? 2
  • Newcastle
  • Learning Objects and objects for learning
  • There are existing standards that may be
  • Teachers want access to assets for reuse
  • A semantic environment for teachers?
  • London
  • Collections Museum practice
  • Multilingual issues! Not simple relationships
  • SW seen as compatible with CM improvements and
    efficiencies can be understood. e.g.. Role in
    data cleansing
  • A semantic web global loans system idea?
  • More research needed outside the sector
  • Cambridge
  • Philosophical underpinning SW is just a tool
    not a magic bullet for knowledge representation
  • Two strands of use Community of Practice (the
    Museums), Community of interest (the visitors)
  • Practicality, Sector issues

Microformats - Jeremy Keith
  • reuse of the tag attributes (mainly used for CSS)
    to wrap and semantically structure content in
    HTML pages.
  • E.g.
  • ltspan classvcardgt
  • ltspan classfngtJeremy Keithlt/spangt
  • lt/spangt
  • loosely coupled semantics
  • for humans and machines to read
  • Use existing standards where possible e.g.vCard,
  • Accessed by humans via browser extensions, by
    machines via spiderssometime soon
  • Coming soon, now the BBS has taken interest

JeromeDL - Sebastian Kruk
  • A Semantic Digital Library
  • Resource owners create metadata and local
    ontologies within the library
  • Users can tag assets freely, tags can be mapped
    to the formal side
  • Clever search
  • Inference engine uses the ontologies created.
  • Eg. Searching for references by the student of an
  • Metadata of a paper has no reference to the
  • The SW profile (FOAF) of the author does
  • Inference Engine uses this to infer the
  • Demonstration

  • A Semantic workstation for teachers.
  • diagram

Haystack (MIT) an RDF-PIM
Other spheres Martin Doerr Digital Libraries
  • Not from the SWTT itself, we did want Martin to
    take part, and here are some of his conclusions
  • It is feasible to create effective, sustainable,
    large-scale networks of knowledge
  • CIDOC-CRM as a possible framework
  • Thesis
  • Once there is a global model, we must invest in
    managing and preserving co-reference. Else no
    large-scale networks of knowledge will ever
  • Co-reference clusters can be distributed and are
  • Folksonomies (and Web 2.0)
  • Large number of individual tagging actions result
    in the emergence of the semantics of tags
  • (these can be) lightweight, dynamic ontologies

Where is this journey taking us?
Lines of Enquiry
  • Understanding the technology and its limitations
  • The semantic web for the community of interest
  • Questioning the user experience and expectations
    - sw
  • The semantic web for the community of practice
  • Policy, practice and delivery in the sector -

Wider issues
  • What our discussions on the burgeoning SW have
    done is to focus us on a lot of broader,
    fundamental issues that the sector has to solve
    from National strategy to web publishing
  • Danger of being seen to be another lobbying group
    whingeing on about lack of resources?
  • Must not lose track of the core questions
  • How do we get (our content) joined-up?
  • is the SW a solution to this?

Museums in their environment
  • SW could have a very large influence on not just
    how museums view their collections, but on how
    the world views museums in the decades ahead.
  • Requires
  • Policy
  • Skills
  • Funding
  • Standards
  • implicit in the resourcing of any large scale
  • Policy
  • Systemic issues
  • Business models
  • Practice

More questions than answers?
  • Some evidence that Online Collection Systems are
    only used for finding not learning about objects.
    Interpretation and Access are not the same!
  • Co-contexuality sharing of contexts not
    always object oriented context -oriented
  • Semantic interoperability a goal waiting on a
    business case? NOF-Digi!? EDL 3.0?
  • Getting our metadata in order across the sector
    is a good start, is it enough?
  • Is the SW / sw something that your Museum
    perceives it can gain from?
  • Its happening elsewhere. We need to be organised,
    ready for it, or well fall further behind.
  • Case for a shift in Museum thinking about its
    content from Outreach to Inreach
  • Museums as a resource, not the sole owners of
  • User experience Better than Google? If you can't
    beat them, join them. Or at least talk to them.

Potential practical outcomes
  • Short term
  • A small but significant change to SPECTRUM
    documentation standard, at the point of knowledge
    capture, introducing a semantic element.
  • Demonstrator proof of principle SW, sw and
    Web2 applications commissioned.
  • The brute force test (Google co-operative search)
    Mike Ellis
  • Topic Maps from Museum data - Richard Light
  • Microformats for Museum, Object, learning
    resource? Jeremy Ottevanger (MoL)
  • RDF based search tools Mike Ellis and Dan
    Zamobinini (Box UK)
  • Preliminary specification for a semantic
    environment for learning objects.
  • Advocate the need for URIs for museum objects.
  • Medium term
  • Museum environment
  • Digitisation still project based, not
    infrastructural. Needs to change.
  • Web usage whats meaningful?
  • 42 key performance indicators (DCMS), 24 of those
    related to access. Only 3 really involve
    electronic access to collections all 3 imply
    improvement in terms of larger numbers? In the
    current funding environment is this sensible?

Potential strategic outcomes
  • Awareness raising and / or Advocacy
  • Write Netful of Jewels 2.0 Recasting the Net
  • a vision and a roadmap?
  • Diversity of uses and users
  • Openness not access
  • Dont do it yourself
  • Services and infrastructure requirements scoping
  • Evidence-based policy recommendations
  • Investigate new business models/flexible models
    in a changing environment.
  • Future of the ThinkTank
  • A User Advocacy group?
  • A policy group?
  • More than a talking shop!

  • Thank you
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