Title: Managing the Economic Impact: Some Lessons from Norway
1Escaping the Resource CurseManaging
Natural-Resource Revenues in low-Income
CountriesThe Earth Institute at Columbia
UniversityFebruary 26, 2004
- Managing the Economic ImpactSome Lessons from
- Per SchreinerSenior Economist, ECON
- Oil and gas revenues came as a surprise
- Expected only base rock
- Without OPEC 1 little profit
- White paper Copies ? 1 of population
- Prepared a decade before positive net revenue
- Prepared in a boom that soon went bust
- Assumed spending at the peak of full employment
- Instead smoothening an international slump
- Two main messages
- Domestic spending causes structural change
- Cannot live from oil and gas alone
3Lessons from White Paper no. 25 (1974)
- Cannot live from the oil revenues only
- The gold from the new world destroyed the
economies of Portugal and Spain
- No quick fixes for transforming revenues into
economic development
4Norway fairly successful so far
- What separates Norway
- It was already a developed industrial country
- Norways institutions were mature
- Norway charted a long-run-oriented, tax-based,
and reasonably market-friendly approach
- Even so, Norway faces challenges
- Populist tendencies in the parliament
- Throwing money at problems,
- Avoiding unpleasant adjustments
- Some (weak?) signs of the Dutch disease
- Absence of a large, vibrant high-tech
- Sluggish foreign direct investment
- Unsatisfactory non-oil export growth
- Corruption We thought that we were immune, but
- Eva Joly
5Scandinavian GDP per capita (1999 USD, PPP)
Data from BLS (2003), Table 1, http//bls.gov/fls
6Norwegian trends and policies
- Early debates (started before net revenues)
- Counter-cyclical policies (at least attempts)
- Fiscal discipline (at least periodically)
- State fund investing abroad
- Highly centralized wage formation system
- Solidarity Alternative - manufacturing as wage
- Transparency and consensus on consequences
- Increased female participation
- Spillover-losses in traded sectors substituted
for by gains in the highly technological off
shore sector
- Subsidies, transfers, tariffs to protect
- Investments in education, RD, know-how
7Coping with highly unpredictable revenues
- Hesitation to face variability and uncertainty
- Postponing the problem by repaying debt
- Heavy borrowing before the revenue started to
- Hiding the revenue Shifting it to the future
- Cash basis accounting of government investments
(SDFI the State's Direct Financial Interest)
- Finally (1990) an oil fund
- First intended as a buffer, but soon also a
savings device
- All revenues to the fund, all spending via the
fiscal budget, no borrowing to the fiscal budget
8Net cash flow from petroleum extraction (p
ercent of GNP)
Source St meld nr 1 (1997-98)
9We did not avoid cyclical development!
Annual growth rates of GNP
? GNP Mainland Norway
Source Fig 9, SSB Notater 2003/43 Oslo 2003
10Managing the rise in revenues
- Originally no belief in possibility of not
spending revenues immediately
- Therefore planned to steer the flow of revenues
by regulating production
- But very high capital costs in offshore
- Therefore trying to regulate production via
licenses to explore
- But success rates are unpredictable
- Also prices are unpredictable
- We (Ministry of Finance) tried to hide the
- In vain, so finally (1990) an oil fund was created
11Three ways to spend the oil revenue (percen
t of Mainland Norway GNP)
SavingSpendingUsing real return of financial
Source Chart 3.12 in Report No. 30 to the
Storting (2000-2001)
12Norwegian petroleum wealth (percent of GDP)
13The Norwegian Petroleum Fund
- The Petroleum Fund implies a diversification of
the petroleum wealth from resources to financial
- It does not imply additional savings
- Keeping the assets in a fund is an accounting
- A fund increases visibility and awareness of the
petroleum revenues as distinct from other
- It does not in itself guarantee stability
- It must not be allowed to become a state within
the state
14How the fund works
- No borrowing in the budget
- No spending or lending directly from the fund
Source Figure 2, The Norwegian Government
Petroleum Fund, http//odin.dep.no/fin
15A fund may be lost in lower growth rate
16Importance of transparency and pluralism
- The main protection lies in transparency and
countervailing interests to curb petrolization
- Transparency is no simple matter, but easier to
achieve at an early stage when vested interests
are still not established
- If a political majority wants to waste the
wealth, it is difficult to stop it
- Therefore, build constituencies that have a stake
in the long-term development of the society
- Associations of fishermen, for example, may
oppose oil exploitation that could pollute the
source of their livelihood
- We try now to link the fund to financing old age
- Thomas Friedman (New York Times, May 2001)
- Lets make all aid, all IMF-World Bank loans, all
debt relief conditional on African governments
permitting free FM stations. Africans will do the
17Exchange rate management
- In principle regulated exchange rates up to 1990
- Worry about excessive appreciation caused by
expectations about high surpluses
- However, over 20 years successive devaluations
caused by domestic inflation
- First the Central Bank remit exchange rate
- With little success
- Now the Central Bank is mandated to steer toward
an inflation rate of 2.5
- With little success (now 0.1)
- Sensitivity of a small currency to volatile
expectations an argument for joining the EU
- Adopting the EURO?
18Summing up
- Short-run planning needs a long-term perspective
- A qualitatively better society as guideline
- We had time to induce some sobreity into the
- An oil fund needs broad public consensus
- Our attempts to hide the magnitude of revenues
- Transparency necessary but not sufficient
- No fund statute will hold against public opinion
- Tragedy of the commons privatization, link to
- Unity of the budget
- No government borrowing, only transfers from
- No separate spending or lending bodies
- Possible earmarking to funding pensions
19Coordination with aid flows?
- A sad fact that aid flows are not coordinated
- Not between donors
- Not by each donor between channels
- Not with the fiscal budgets of recipient
- Also, aid flows are not predictable
- Many flows are decided on a one year basis well
into the fiscal year
- Oil revenue flows probably are more predictable
- Unity of the fiscal budget must be the goal
- Demand management and democratic control over
priorities impossible with multiple spending