Title: Shine 2004 poster
1Studies of AR 8210 (May 1-2, 1998)
We have developed 2 different techniques to find
physically consistent flow-fields from
time-sequences of magnetograms MEF (Minimum
Energy Fitting Longcope Leka, poster 7, and
ApJ, inpress), and ILCT (Induction plus
Local-Correlation Tracking, see Welsch et al.
ApJ 2004, in press, Welsch poster 50, and
Fishers ILCT guerilla poster).
MURI-funded UCB graduate student Loraine
Lundquist has applied 3D energy balance solutions
for the corona to AR 8210 to understand its
thermal structure and heating characteristics.
For more detail, see Lundquist et al, poster 48.
Below, we show preliminary results from the first
truly data-driven MHD simulation of the solar
corona. The vector magnetograms are only a few
hours apart, and represent the state of the
(8210) photosphere prior to a series of eruptive
events. See invited talk by Abbett, Tuesday
afternoon in session WG1.
The magnetic field structure resulting from a
global three-dimensional polytropic MHD
simulation of CR1935 (near the May 1 1998
time-frame) carried out by MURI team member Steve
Ledvina (UCB)