Title: Welcome to 6th Grade
1Welcome to 6th Grade!!!!
- As we begin this journey together let me take
time to explain a little about this years plan!
2 All you need to know about me, Mr. C
- 2 Masters Degrees
- 6 Years of Teaching in a Catholic School
- Love the WILDCATS
- Graduated from KSU
- Lead NCA Math Rep at Stan's
- PTO Rep for the teachers
- Played Baseball at KSU
- Played Professional Baseball for the Florida
Marlins - Love Spicy Foods
- Enjoy Reading
- Enjoy working out
4My Philosophies on Education
- "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.
Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a
5The great ancient philosopher "Lao Zi" once
stated the above quote and from an educators
stand point, my philosophy is quite similar. A
child's mind is learning something new each and
everyday. My goal is to try and take the
extra step to teach students how to learn using
their own strategies, self motivation, and
learning tactics. If I can teach them
that learning is fun, then I have given them a
gift for a lifetime.
- Be Respectful at all times
- Come to school day in and day out ready and
willing to learn - Enjoy learning, have fun, and stay motivated
7Classroom Management
- One thing Mr. C doesn't like to be is mean.
Following the rules below will help you stay on
my good side) - Always come to school with a positive attitude.
- Be on time and ready to work.
- Treat your friend and or enemy with respect.
- Turn in all you HOMEWORK.
- Make sure your homework is complete and you can
be proud of it!
8In Other Words.....
9Positive Reinforcement
- If you behave and achieve to your potential day
in and day out you will be awarded with Student
of the Month, Star Parties,Raffles..and a Daily
10What is a Star Party?
- The STAR PARTY is a reward based program I have
implemented in my class to maintain classroom
management. - Here is how it works Each month students start
out with 3 stars a piece. A star is lost
throughout the month if a student misbehaves, is
out of line, or fails to turn in homework and or
signed documents. - In order to be a part of the STAR PARTY you must
have one star remaining at the end of the month.
The STAR PARTY varies in activities but usually
consist of a movie (voted on by the class and
gained permission by the parents) and an
afternoon of fun, yet learning activities.
11- The STAR PARTY will usually fall on the last day
of month. Months that will not contain a STAR
PARTY will include August, December (Christmas
Party), and February (Valentine's Party). You
have the right to earn and lose a star party, so
be good!
12Some Star Party Pic's
13Discipline Policies
- Think Sheets
- If work is turned in late or incomplete then you
will automatically lose 50 percent on that
particular assignment. - Stars will be pulled and detention will be given,
if you choose to act up and not follow the
It's worth it
15Positive Enviornment
- Students will perform monthly jobs that will keep
our classroom in top shape. The good thing is
you get paid to do it!!! No.not money, but with
Raffle ticketswhich can turn into some cool
English Social Studies
We will be reading various stories from
textbooks, poetry, and Novel Studies throughout
the course of the year. Reading is a gift that
takes you to a new world
- A chance to act out plays while working on speech!
- Algebra
- Geometry
- Problem Solving
- Factorials
- Nomials
- Math Mansion
- Math Millionaire
20Math Concepts
- We will focus on practice to help students
reinforce and develop math skills. The math
books are designed to cover a variety of
pre-algebra skills, including exponents,
integers, working with inequalities, fractions
and decimals, ratios and proportions, geometry,
square roots, factorials, and logical reasoning.
A critical thinking approach will take place on a
weekly basis, that will include problem solving
exercises to help develop higher order of
thinking skills.
21 Science
- Cells
- Biomes
- Human Body
- Natural Disasters
- A great way to become closer to Christ our leader
and friend. Within the classroom we will have
ample time to focus on the reasons we were
brought here in this world and how we can act as
images of Christ.
23The Beginning Journey
- As you took time out of your lives to focus on me
and my methods in the last 5 minutes, I want to
tell you how grateful I am for this opportunity
to teach you this school year.
Check out our classroom website at