Bioinspired Computing Lecture 13 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Bioinspired Computing Lecture 13


Store and reliably recall multiple independent memories. Given only partial input, recall complete information, or ... wii=0. j ' ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Bioinspired Computing Lecture 13

Bioinspired ComputingLecture 13
  • Associative Memories
  • with
  • Artificial Neural Networks
  • Netta Cohen

Last time
  • Biologically realistic architecture
  • Dynamic interactive behaviour
  • Natural learning protocols
  • Biologically-inspired associative memories
  • Also steps away from biologically realistic
  • Unsupervised learning
  • Applications

Recurrent neural nets
Attractor neural nets
Recurrent Nets Pros Cons
  • Biologically-realistic architecture/performance
  • Complex self-sustained activity
  • Distributed representations
  • Dynamic interactions with environment
  • Powerful computation
  • Noise tolerance
  • Graceful degradation
  • Hard to formalise in information processing terms
  • Hard to visualise activity
  • Hard to train with no guarantee of convergence
  • No guaranteed solution

attractor neural nets are a special case of
recurrent nets.
Associative Memory
The imprinting and recollection of memories is an
important component of what we do how we
process information.
  • If we were to model these processes, here are a
    few conditions we might want to include in our
  • Store and reliably recall multiple independent
  • Given only partial input, recall complete
    information, or
  • Given noisy input, recall noise-free prototype
  • Learn new memories in a biologically realistic
  • Recall memories fast enough (before next input
    is received)
  • Once recalled, maintain attention or memory long
    enough (for information processing transmission
    elsewhere in brain).

Attractor Neural Nets
In RNNs, the state of the system is dictated both
by internal dynamics the system response to
inputs from the environment.
In some cases, trajectories in state-space can be
guaranteed to lead to one of several stable
states (fixed points, cycles or generic
Attractor Neural Nets (cont.)
Dynamical systems such as RNNs could serve as
models of associative memory if it was possible
to encode each memory in a specific stable state
or attractor.
In 1982, John Hopfield realised that by imposing
a couple of restrictions on the architecture of
the nets, he could guarantee the existence of
attractors, such that every initial condition
would necessarily evolve to a stable solution,
where it would stay. This is tantamount to the
requirement that the above picture be described
in terms of an energy landscape.
Attractor Neural Nets Architecture
  • No self-connectedness

Gerard Toulouse has called Hopfields use of
symmetric connections a clever step backwards
from biological realism. The cleverness arises
from the existence of an energy function.
  • The existence of an energy function provides us
  • A formalism of the process of memory storage
    and recall
  • A tool to visualise the activity (both learning
    and recall)
  • A straightforward way to train the net
  • Once trained, a guaranteed solution (recall of
    the correct memory).

Hertz, Krogh Palmer Introduction to the
theory of neural computation (1990).
How Does It Work?
Nodes are modelled by conventional binary MP
neurons. Each neuron serves both as an input and
output unit. (There are no hidden units.) States
are given by the pattern of activity of the
neurons (e.g. 101 for a network with three
neurons). The number of neuron sets the maximum
length for a bit-string of memory. Different
patterns can be simultaneously stored in the
network. The number of independent patterns that
can be remembered is less than or equal to the
number of nodes. Memory recall corresponds to a
trajectory taking the system from some initial
state (input) to the local energy minimum
(closest association) . Each step along the
(recall) trajectory results in the same or a
lower energy. Since energy is bounded from below,
a solution is guaranteed for every input.
A working example
0 1 0 0 0
Input (t0)
0 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 0
-3 4 0 3 -5
threshold 0
2 2 4 0 -1
2 3 3 2 -4
Exercise repeat this example with an initial
input of 0 1 0 1 0 .
More general examples
Stability The stable pattern reached in the
working example represents a fixed point in the
dynamics. While stable solutions are guaranteed,
not all stable solutions are fixed point
State update rule This example used a
synchronous updating method. Asynchronous
(sequential or random) updating methods can also
be implemented.
Trajectories in energy landscape
Where does energy come in? The formalism we need
to answer this question comes from physics and
requires slight modifications to our notation
1) neuron coding 0 1 ? -1 1
2) Threshold now becomes a sign
function sign(input)
Spin Glass
3) Asynchronous update
From energies to MP neurons
Ei - xi inputi
Define the energy of node i as

where inputi to node i is the weighted sum over
all neurons
This is called the mean field approximation the
magnetic field at each node (each spin)
corresponds to a weighted average over all the
fields generated by all other spins. When a
specific node senses this field, it wants to
align with the mean field, thus reducing its
energy. This is the update rule
xi ? sign(inputi)
We have just re-discovered that the MP update
rule exactly corresponds to magnetic field
alignment in Spin Glasses!
Attractor Neural Nets
The restrictions imposed on the recurrent net are
  • All connections are symmetric wij wji
  • No self-connectedness

Gerard Toulouse has called Hopfields use of
symmetric connections a clever step backward
from biological realism. The cleverness arises
from the existence of an energy function.
  • The existence of an energy function provides us
  • A formalism of the process of memory storage
    and recall
  • A tool to visualise the activity (both learning
    and recall)
  • A straightforward way to train the net
  • Once trained, a guaranteed solution (recall of
    the correct memory).

Training the Net
We need to find the set of weights that encode a
single pattern p of length N bits as a minimum
energy solution. The minimum energy is obtained
when the output of node i exactly matches the
inputs to that node.
Training the Net (cont.)
This weight assignment is remarkably reminiscent
of Hebbian learning If two nodes are spiking at
the same time, then the weight connecting them is
strengthened. Here anti-correlated nodes result
in negative (inhibitory) weights. For gradual
learning . Only
patterns introduced repeatedly will result in the
formation of new memories noise will be ignored.
Now generalising for M memories or patterns
Generalised Hebb Rule
Does it work?
This applet demonstrates The distributed
representation The ability to perform powerful
computation High storage capacity (7 100-bit
patterns in 100 neurons) High fidelity and
noise tolerance Graceful degradation (for more
memories) Eliminated features Dynamic inputs in
training Intrinsic background activity
pfield/Hopfield.htm from http//
courses/modules/MM/SIM/Hopfield/ where no longer
Storage Capacity
How many memories can be stored in the network?
To store M memories, each of length N bits, in a
network of N neurons, we first ask how many
stable patterns can be reached? In 1987,
McEliece et al derived an upper limit for the
number of memories that can be stored accurately
M N/(2 logN). e.g. for N 100 neurons, M
11 distinct memories, each 100 bits long can be
faithfully stored and recalled. To write out
these 11 distinct memories, would take 1100
bits! In general, the coding efficiency of the
network can be summarised as 2 log N neurons per
pattern (each N bits long). This enormous
capacity is paid for by a potentially lengthy
recall process.
McEliece et al., (1987) IEEE Trans. Inf. Theor.
Hopfield nets have obvious applications for any
problem that can be posed in terms of
optimisation in the sense of maximising or
minimising some function, that can be likened to
an energy function. The distance matching
problem The travelling salesman
shortest length
match pairs
given points
given points
What about the brain (pros)?
Hopfield nets maintain some very attractive
features from recurrent net architectures.
However, the imposition of symmetric weights was
a conscious move away from biological realism and
toward engineering-like reliability. In
contrast, Hopfield nets seem more biologically
realistic in disallowing self-connected neurons.
Hebbian-like learning is also a great appeal of
Hopfield nets, capturing several important
principles (1) unsupervised learning (2)
natural synaptic plasticity (3) No necessary
distinction between training testing. (4)
robustness to details of training procedure
What about the brain (cons)?
While we now have dynamics in training and in
recall, we might still ask is this dynamics
realistic in the brain? 1) In the memory recall
stage we consider inputs one at a time, waiting
for the association to be made before proceeding
to the next pattern. Is this how the brain
works? 2) The aspiration of every Hopfield net
is to arrive at a stable solution. Is this a
realistic representation of association, or
cognition in general in the brain? In other
words, do we represent solutions to problems by
relaxing to stable states of activity in the
brain, or does the brain represent solutions
according to very different, dynamic paradigms
that handle continuous inputs and actively resist
falling into the abyss of equilibrium?
What about the brain? (cont.)
How memories are implanted in our brains remains
an exciting research question. While Hopfield
nets no longer participate in this discourse,
their formative role in shaping our intuition
about associative memories remains admirable.
Next time
  • Final lecture about neural networks (for the
    time being)

  • John Hopfield (1982) Neural Networks and
    Physical Systems with Emergent Collective
    Computational Properties, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.
    79 2554-2588.
  • A highly accessible introduction to the subject,
    incl. both non-technical and technical approaches
    can be found at
  • Some food for thought a popular article on CNN
    Researchers Its easy to plant false memories,, Feb 16, 2003.
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