Title: 6 yea 7 ways
116th Biennial Conference, June 1, 2007
Six Ways, Yea Seven, that Scripture is
Integralto our Science and Math Classes Sean
Bird, AP Calculus and Physics teacherCovenant
Christian High School
2Just as old or bleary-eyed men and those with
weak vision, if you thrust before them a most
beautiful volume, even if they recognize it to be
some sort of writing, yet can scarcely construe
two words, but with the aid of spectacles will
begin to read distinctly
so Scripture, gathering up the otherwise confused
knowledge of God in our minds, having dispersed
our dullness, clearly shows us the true God.
(I.vi.1, p.70)
3I think that each individual man should do all he
can to impress his own mind with the extent, the
order, and the unity of the universe, and should
carry these ideas with him as he reads such
passages as the 1st Chap. of the Ep. to
Colossians (see Lightfoot on Colossians, p.182),
just as enlarged conceptions of the extent and
unity of the world of life may be of service to
us in reading Psalm viii, Heb ii 6, etc. -
James Clerk Maxwell, founder of EM 1831-1879
41. Memorize It
- Physics Psalm 191 and Romans 120
- Biology Psalm 13913-14
- Chemistry Colossians 117
- Probability and Statistics Proverbs 1633
- Calculus (a study of the infinite and
infinitesimal) Job 117-9 - Algebra (restoring the balance to an equation)
Acts 319-21, or Isaiah 535 (for the principle
of substitution).
5But although the Lord represents both himself and
his everlasting Kingdom in the mirror of his
works with very great clarity, such is our
stupidity that we grow increasingly dull toward
so manifest testimonies, and they flow away
without profiting us. For with regard to the
most beautiful structure and order of the
universe, how many of us are there who, when we
lift up our eyes to heaven or cast them about
through the various regions of earth, recall our
minds to remembrance of the Creator, and do
rather disregarding their Author, sit idly in
contemplation of his works? (I.v.11, p.63)
62. Sing it
- Colossians 316
- We have sung
- Psalm 19
- Psalm 29
- Psalm 16
- Psalm 111
- Psalm 8
7Psalm 19
5. 7 Jehovahs perfect law Restores the soul
again His testimony sure Gives wisdom unto
men 8The precepts of the LORD are right, And
fill the heart with great delight. 6. The LORDs
command is pure, Enlightening the eyes
9Jehovahs fear is clean, More lasting than the
skies. The judgments of the LORD express His
truth and perfect righteousness. 7. 10Theyre
more to be desired Than stores of finest gold
Than honey from the comb More sweetness far
they hold. 11With warnings they Thy servant
guard In keeping them is great reward 8. 12His
errors who can know? Cleanse me from hidden
stain 13Keep me from willful sins, Nor let
them oer me reign. And then I upright shall
appear And be from great transgression
clear. 9. 14 Let all the words I speak And all
the thoughts within Come up before Thy sight
And Thine approval win. O Thou Jehovah, unto
me My rock and my Redeemer be.
8Psalm 111
4. 4 His works most wondrous He has made
Remembered still to be. Jehovah is
compassionate And merciful is He. 5. 5
Those fearing Him He fills with food
Provided by His hand. He keeps in mind His
covenant, That it may ever stand. 6. 6 He
has the power of His works To His own
people shown By giving them the heritage
Of nations for their own 7. 7 His handiworks are
truth and right His precepts all are sure.
8 Set up in truth and uprightness, They
ever shall endure. 8. 9 He sent redemption to His
folk, His covnant did proclaim To last
forever. Reverend And holy is His name.
9.10 The man who fears the LORD has learned
The first of wisdoms ways. They who obey will
understand. Forever last His praise.
93. Apply it
- 2 Chronicles 18 Micaiah Prophesies Against Ahab
- Verse 33
- Parabola
- Projectile motion
- 1 Samuel 17 David and Goliath
- Verse 49
- Circular motion
- Centripetal force
- Exodus 1912
- Put limits for the people around the mountain
10- Put limits for the people around the mountain
and tell them, Be careful that you do not go up
the mountain or touch the foot of it. Whoever
touches the mountain shall surely be put to
death. (Exodus 1912) - God is holy and as He was in a special way
present on Mount Sinai, the Israelites were to
recognize this by walking in holy fear. The
Decalogue was about to be given. These Ten
Commandments give us parameters within which to
live our lives in freedom and love. - Christ does something first. Exodus 194 states,
You yourselves have seen what I did to the
Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles wings
and brought you to myself. King Jesus
accomplishes redemption (i) He conquers our
enemies of sin, Satan, and death, (ii) He
delivers us or bears us up as on eagles wings
this is an amazing picture of gentleness and
freedom, and (iii) He draws us to Himself. - What is a limit? As the Israelites approached
the mountain, they got closer and closer to the
limit that was set. Like with an electrical
fence, sometimes it is bad news if you touch that
limit, but it is okay to get arbitrarily close to
Excerpt taken from Christ-Centered Mathematics
114. Test for it
- Assessment is important
- even Jesus tested his disciples (John 66)
- Memorization quiz
- Relate it to other things.
- Draw analogies
125. Obey it
- Academic expectations
- Integrity
- Behavior expectations
- Homework
136. Integrate it
- ACSI Math by Design https//www.acsi.org/web2003
/default.aspx?ID8728 - RadicalMath.org
- Kuyers Mathematics http//webapps.calvin.edu/kuyer
147. Read Exposit it
- Read it every day (Dt 1731)
- Make it clear and understandable (Neh 88)
- Christ-Centered Mathematics Daily Math
Devotionals - N Mathematical Aspects of Gods Nature
- O Origin of Mathematics
- P Purpose of Mathematics and why a Christian
should study it - Q Equations and Arithmetic Operations
Demonstrated - R Rebellion
- S Subject specific verses for Calculus
- T Attitudes and Attributes for Actions
- U Mathematical Sciences
15Recommended links
- Topical Mathematical Memory Verse Cards for
Christ-centered Mathematics Daily Math
Devotionals (by Sean Bird) - http//cs3.covenantchristian.org/bird/links/mathph
ysc/mathematicsVerseCards.pdf - For the Topical Memory Verse Card outline, see
hysc/mathematicsVersesList.pdf - History of Mathematics PowerPoints (by Calculus
students of Sean Bird) http//cs3.covenantchristia
n.org/bird/links/mathphysc/calcphys.htm - Christianity and Mathematics Devotionals
Connected to Mathematical Content (by Sharon K.
Robbert, professor of mathematics at Trinity
Christian College) http//www.trnty.edu/faculty/ro