Title: 28th Environmental and Energy Symposium
128th Environmental and Energy Symposium
Exhibition Integrating the Dual Goals of
Environment and Energy for Sustainable Federal
Operations Update on Executive Order
13123 Greening the Government Through Efficient
Energy Management Presented by Beverly
Dyer, Department of Energy Office of Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Federal
Energy Management Program (FEMP) March 27, 2002
2Legislative History/Executive Directives for
Federal Energy Use
- Legislative history of Federal energy management
dates back to 1975 - Most recent Executive authorities
- Executive Order 13123 (1999)Efficient Energy
Management - NEP Presidential Directive of May 3, 2001Energy
Conservation in Federal Facilities - Executive Order 13221 (2001)Energy-Efficient
Standby Power Devices - Possible Legislation
3National Energy Policy
- Enhance energy conservation
- Modernize infrastructure
- Increase supplies
- Accelerate protection and improvement of the
environment - Improve energy security
- Directs Government to conserve energy in
facilities to the maximum extent consistent with
the effective discharge of public responsibilities
4Executive Order 13221
- Calls for Federal agencies to purchase products
that use minimal standby power. - Directs FEMP, in collaboration with GSA, DLA, and
the ENERGY STAR program, to develop a list of
products that comply with this requirement. - FEMP has developed a database on devices with
low standby power, based on voluntary industry
testing and data submissions. - http//oahu.lbl.gov/
5Possible Legislation
- New energy reduction goals
- House 45 by 2020, 1985 baseline
- Senate 2 per year, 2000 baseline (through
2011 20 improvement) - Federal Energy Bank (Senate)
- Expand ESPC authority
- Codify UESC authority (House)
- Interval metering
6E.O. 13123 Energy Management Goals
- Reduce energy consumption
- Facility energy per square foot to be reduced by
30 in 2005 and 35 in 2010 relative to 1985 - Industrial/laboratory energy to be reduced by 20
in 2005 and 25 in 2010 relative to 1990 - Purchase energy efficient products including
those that use minimal standby power - Expand use of renewable energy
- 2.5 of Federal facility electricity consumption
by 2005 - 2,000 solar energy systems by 2000 20,000 by
2010 - Implement best management practices for water
conservation in 80 of Federal facilities by 2010 - Reduce greenhouse gas emissions 30 percent by
2010 compared to 1990
7Progress Toward Buildings Goal
- Reduce facility energy use per square foot by 30
in 2005 and 35 in 2010 relative to 1985.
- FY 2000 data indicates the Federal Government
exceeded the FY 2000 goal by 3.6 - 23.6 reduction is based on a Btu/ft2 basis.
Standard Building Energy Reduction Goals
8DOD Progress Toward Buildings Goal
FY 2000 23.5 Reduction Projected FY 2005 31.3
9Strategic Approach Alternative Financing
- Fort Jackson ESPC, Columbia, SC
- Delivery Order awarded to DukeSolutions,
September 2001 - Developed under Southeast Regional ESPC contract
- Provides for efficiency upgrades throughout the
post including geothermal heat pumps, chiller
plant upgrades, demand limiting controls - Contractor investment is more than 19 million
- Annual energy savings of 1.3 million, plus
operations and maintenance cost savings of
267,000 per year
10Strategic Approach Alternative Financing
GSA/Smithsonian Chiller/Cogeneration Project
- UESC with Washington Gas for modernization,
expansion of GSAs central heating and
refrigeration plant - 64 million project, begun FY 2001
- To provide chilled water, refrigeration, and
air-conditioning for Federal facilities and
eight Smithsonian Institution museums - Reduces electricity costs
- Expected to generate surplus electricity for sale
to the electric power distribution grid
11Whole Building Energy Efficiency/ Showcase Fort
Irwin, California
- Technologies Demonstrated
- Daylighting
- Passive Solar Features
- Energy Saving Controls
- Thermal Storage
- Solar Photovoltaic Panels
- Gas-fired Chillers
- Reduced Energy Use by 42 percent
12Progress Toward Industrial/Laboratory Goals
- Reduce industrial/laboratory energy use by 20 in
2005 and 25 in 2010 relative to 1990 - Measuring Performance Agencies have three
options - Rate-based measure to reflect industrial output
(Btu/production unit) - Other applicable rate-based measure
(Btu/performance unit) - Btu-per-gross-square-foot (Btu/GSF) as a broad
indicator of energy efficiency - Government-Wide Performance
- FY 1990 baseline 278,846 Btu/GSF
- 26.1 percent reduction in FY 2000
- Department of Defense
- Facilities that perform production or industrial
functions - FY 1990 baseline of 213,349 Btu per square foot
- 22.7 percent reduction in FY 2000
13Laboratory Successes
- NIHs Louis Stokes Laboratories, Bethesda, MD
- Estimated to use 40 less energy than a
traditional research lab - HVAC design decreases energy used by equipment
that supplies and moves the ventilation air
largest energy consumer in the lab - Variable-air-volume (VAV) supply and exhaust
systems - VAV fume hood systems
- Variable-frequency-drive motors and fans
- Controls and automation systems
- Dessicant heat wheels for energy recovery
- Daylighting used throughout
- Flexible design can accommodate change
- 2 million efficiency rebate from the local
utility provider
14Progress Toward Renewable Energy Goals
- Expand Use of Renewable Energy
- 2.5 of Federal facility electricity consumption
by 2005 - Million Solar Roofs Initiative
- 2,000 solar energy systems by 2000 20,000 by
2010 - From June 1997 to the end of 2000, the Federal
Government installed 2,745 solar energy systems - 2,682 solar hot water systems
- 58 photovoltaic power systems
- 5 transpired solar thermal collectors
15Million Solar Roofs Success Story
- U.S. Navy housing Moanalua Terrace,
Pearl Harbor, HI - Solar water heating for over 750 homes
- Savings of over 2,000 per home
16Strategic Approach Distributed Energy Resources
- Implement Highly Efficient Systems/DER Systems
- Combined heat power/district energy systems
- Biomass, Geothermal
- Solar outdoor lighting, fuel cells, wind turbines
- Hydrogen Energy Development Initiative (HYEDI)
- Through DOEs Office of Power Technologies (OPT)
- Forming Partnerships with Government and Industry
to Develop Hydrogen Energy - Funding in place
- 40M for FY 2002, increases to 60M in FY 2006
- 50 Cost-Sharing by Industry
- Currently in Development Phase
17DER Success Story Marine Corps Base Camp
Lejeune, Jacksonville, NC
- Installed Geothermal Heat Pumps (GHPs) in 2,089
homes - Replaced worn-out HVAC equipment
- Waste heat dumps into home water heaters
- 15 Million Project
- 12 Million Utility-Financed
- 10-year payback
- Guaranteed 1.8 Million Annual Savings
Bob Reierson, SRS Project Manager (left), with
satisfied customers, Staff Sgt. Joe D. Solis,
Melanie Solis, and their daughter, at their home
in Senior Enlisted Officers' Family Housing at
Camp Lejeune.
18Progress Toward Water Conservation Goal
- Implement best management practices for water
conservation in 80 of Federal facilities by 2010
- Naval Sea Systems Command--Crane, Surface Warfare
Center Division, Crane, Indiana - Scuba divers clean water towers, eliminating need
to empty tanks, saving 1.8 million gallons of
water per year - Modernization of water production plant
- Removed 26 miles of obsolete water pipes
- In total, saving 90,000 a year, approximately 88
million gallons of water -- a 30 percent
reduction for the Division.
19Progress Toward Greenhouse Gas Goal
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions 30 by 2010
relative to 1990 - 13.6 percent reduction in greenhouse gas
emissions from Federal facility energy
consumption in 2000 compared to 1990
20Strategic Approach Energy Star/Energy
Efficient Product Procurement
- Use Life-Cycle Cost Analysis
- Purchase Products in the Upper 25 of Energy
Efficiency - Energy Star and other efficient products
- Incorporate product criteria consistent with
Energy Star and other energy efficiency levels
into guide and project specifications
21Sources for More Information
- FEMP Web Site www.eren.doe.gov/femp
- FEMP Help Desk 800-363-3732
- FEMP Focus Newsletter
- FEMP HQ Office 202-586-5772
- DOE Regional Office FEMP Team
- DOE National Laboratory Liaisons
- Energy 2002 - FEMP Annual Conference June 2
5, Palm Springs, CA - 2002 World Energy Conference, April 29 May 2,
Washington, D.C., co-sponsored by the Defense
Energy Support Center (DESC) - U.S. Green Buildings Initiative Conference and
Expo, November 13 15, Austin, TX
22Extra Slides
23Strategic Approach Alternative Financing
- Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPCs)
- Energy Service Company
- Pays capital costs, guarantees cost savings, is
paid with the cost savings from reduced utility
bill, agencies retain remaining savings - In FY 2000, 81 ESPC delivery orders awarded 58
by DOD - Total contractor investment more than 286
million, savings of 1.7 trillion Btu per year - Under DOE Super ESPC contracts, agencies have
awarded 74 delivery orders to-date - Private sector investment of more than 235
24Strategic Approach Alternative Financing
- Utility Energy Service Contracts (UESCs)
- Utility company implements energy efficiency
improvements and is paid with cost savings - More than 60 utility companies have implemented
energy projects at Federal facilities, investing
more than 600 million. - In FY 2000, 84 UESCs were implemented by Federal
agencies - 41 of these implemented by DOD
- Total value of all projects 219 million
- Private sector investment 191 million, Federal
investment 28 million - Edison Electric Institute Commitment
- 2.0 billion in life-cycle cost-effective
facility improvement projects to achieve energy
efficiency and renewable energy goals