Title: Troop 680
1Troop 680
- Summer Camp 2007
- July 15-21, 2007
Ockanickon Summer Camp http//www.ockanickon.org
Troop 680 http//members.cox.net/troop680
2Time Line
- June 5 Complete Swim Test
- June 12 Select Merit Badges
- June 19 Turn-in Medical Forms
- July 14 Complete Merit Badge Prerequisites
- July 15 Load Bus _at_ St Louis at 630 AM
- Stop for Lunch-You need for food
- Arrival at Camp-unload bus
- Set up Troop and Personal Gear
- July 16-20 Attend MBs you Signed up for
- Enjoy Activities and Skill Training
- July 21 Load Bus and Depart Camp
- Stop for Lunch-You need for food
- Arrive St Louis _at_ 4 PM
3Parent Information
- Money
- Money in 1 envelope with scout name OR multiple
envelopes with name and day of week - Money maintained by adult Patrol Advisors
- Trading Post Purchases include hats, T-shirts,
snacks and drinks - Handicraft Supplies for Basketry, Leatherwork,
Art, Woodcarving, Woodworking - Medications
- Give to Keith Kettell-Summer Camp Coordinator
- Place medicine containers in separate, sealable,
plastic bags (ZIPLOCK) - Label each bag with Scout name, Troop and
Campsite - Pocketknife
- Blade 3 inches or less
- Held by Patrol Advisor until Scout earns Totin
Chip - Do not Purchase at Camp
- Mail
- Send to Camp Ockanickon at address provided on
later slide - Give cards/letters to Patrol Advisor to hand out
to scout at camp
4Medical Forms
- Current Class 1 and 2 Medical Form (No. 34414)
- Every camper (Boy Scout or Adult Leader) must
have one - Includes an annual health history signed by
parents or guardians - Supported by medical evaluation completed
within the last 36 months by a physician - Class 3 Medical Form (No. 34412)
- Adults over the age of 40 must have one
- Includes current health history
- Completed within the past 12 months by a
physician - Each medical form must have the following
signatures and information - Doctor Signature
- Parent/Guardian Signature
- Date of last Physical Examination
- Dates of Inoculations
- Health Insurance Emergency Information
Turn-in Medical Forms Tonight
5Additional Costs
- Lunch Money for Bus Ride to and from Camp
- Troop Photo- 7.00
- Trading Post- 5 per day
- Activities/Badges
- Golf-40 Horsemanship-50
- SCUBA BSA-35 BSA Lifeguard-25
- Basketry-15 Indian Lore-15 (moccasin kit)
- Pottery-5 Woodcarving-5
- Leatherwork-5 Archery-3 (Arrow Kit)
- Shotgun- 1.50/4 rounds Woodburning-5-10
- Mail
- Scout Name
- Troop Number and Campsite
- Ockanickon Scout Reservation
- 5787 State Park Road
- Pipersville Pa 18947
- Phone
Camp (215) 297-5290 for Emergency Only
Troop Wade Harvey (571) 215-9101 Keith Kettell
(703) 851-2685
WEB www.ockanickon.org
7Troop Travel Plans
- Sunday July 15
- Scouts Arrive at 630 AM St Louis Parking Lot
- Bus Departs promptly at 730 AM
- G-Rated Movies will be shown on bus
- Lunch- bring sack lunch or for food at rest
- Saturday July 21
- Bus Arrives at 400 PM in St Louis Parking Lot
- Lunch- bring for food at rest stop
- Phone tree used to call parents with exact
arrival time
8Where is the Camp?
9Camp Ockanickon
10Camp Ajapeu
11What to Bring to Summer Camp
Clothing Scout T-shirts (T680) Scout Class A
shirt Pants, long Socks (many pairs) Tennis
shoes Rain jacket/pants and/or poncho Scout
T-Shirts Pant, short or Shorts Extra
clothing Swim suit Hiking Boots Underwear Hat
Equipment Bed roll or pad Sleeping bag with
cover Sheet (optional) Backpack with rain
cover First aid kit Mosquito netting
(optional) Pillow
12What Not to Bring to Summer Camp!!
- Mess Kit
- Utensils (except Dan Beard)
- CD, Cassette, MP-3 Players
- Cell Phones-Adults Only
- Radio
- Video Games-PSP, GameBoy, Nintendo DS
- Aerosol Cans
No Tobacco
No Electronics
No Fireworks
No Drugs or Alcohol
13National and Local Policies
- Daily Camp Safety Inspections
- No Hazing Tolerated
- No Knives or Axes without Totin Chip
- Medication kept at Health Lodge (locked)
- SM Signs Scout out if Leaving Early
- Telephone for Emergencies Only
14Camp Rules for Scouts
- Use the Buddy System at all times
- No knife until you earn the Totin Chip
- Go to all MB sessions that you sign up for
- Trading Post Privileges at Discretion of
Scoutmaster - Ranges and Water Areas Off Limits when not
Staffed - Scouts violating rules will not be allowed to stay
15Sunday First Day
- 200 - 400 Arrive As Troop by Bus
- Unload Troop and Personal Gear at Campsite
- 300 - 500 Medical Re-checks, Swim Tests and
Tour of Camp - Turn in Medical Forms For Staff Review
- Swim Tests Available After Medical Forms Are
Reviewed - (For scouts who did not complete Swim Test on
June 5) - 500 - 630 Camp-wide Buffet Dinner Served Inside
Foster Hall - All Food Is Served Cafeteria-style
- Troop Photos Available Cost 7.00
- 800 Flag Ceremony Opening Campfire at the Old
Parade Field - 900 Leaders Meeting
- Opportunity to Sign up for Troop
16Summer Camp Patrols
Harvey- Scoutmaster Kettell-Camp
Coordinator McCormack- Patrol Advisor/Cmte Rep
17Adult Leader Responsibilities
Jamal Abbed Dan Beard George Barber Dan
Beard Allison Bednarek Dan Beard Bob Didden
Dan Beard Jon Fanelli Scout Craft/Rock
Climbing Department Bert Fortier
Aquatics(Lake Front)/Science Department Wade
Harvey Handicraft/Open Activities/All other
Keith Kettell Shooting Sports/Open
Activities Doug Luzek Aquatics (Pool) Chris
McCormack Dan Beard Pat Mordente Eagle
Department Marty Rayman Dan Beard Julie
Schymanski MB Tracking/Back-up for others
18Patrol Advisor Responsibilities
Serve as adviser for a patrol. Serve as a
resource person for the patrol. Support the
Patrol Leader with advice and counseling. Aid
the Patrol Leader in planning activities. Report
to the Scoutmaster on patrol needs.
19Dan Beard Program
Monday 900 Opening
1030 Swimming Merit Badge 200 Rope
Totin Chip (Part I) 400 Mammal Study Merit
Badge Tuesday
900 Knots 1030 Swimming Merit
Badge Lunch Foil Packet Meal 100 Siesta
200 Textiles Merit Badge 400 Knots and
Lashings Wednesday 900
Knots, Lashings Gadgets 1030 Swimming Merit
Badge 1100 Lashing 200 Free Swim
315 Mammal Study Merit Badge 400 Totin
Chip (Part II)
Thursday 900
Backpacking/Fire Building Demonstration 1030
Swimming Merit Badge 200 Mammal Study Merit
Badge 300 Tent Pitching 400 Free Time
Overnighter Thursday 730 Meet at Dan
Beard Field 800 Arrive at Overnight site Build
Start Fires 900 Campfire 1000 Taps and
Friday 700 Return to Troop
Camp/Prepare for Breakfast 900 Mammal Study
Merit Badge 945 Find Direction without Compass
1030 Swimming Merit Badge 200 Compass
Map Orientation/Symbols 230 Orienteering
Course 345 Inspect Useful Camp Gadgets
All First Year Scouts Will Attend
20Dan Beard Outpost Equipment List
- Tent (preferably one from your troop)
- Backpack with cover (trash Bag)
- Sleeping Bag with cover (trash bag)
- Poncho or rain suit
- Flashlight
- Pocket Knife (no sheath knives)
- Totin Chip card
- Canteen/water bottle/camelback with water
- Ground Cloth
- Boy Scout Handbook (current edition)
- Light weight jacket or sweatshirt
- Cup (plastic or metal)
- Eating Utensils (plastic or metal)
- 6 foot piece of rope
- A change of clothes (2 pr socks)
- Hiking Boots
- Hat
- Insect Repellent
21Ages and Stages
- 1st Yr Dan Beard Handicraft
- and Scoutcraft
- 2 -3 Yr Aquatics and Shooting
- 3-4 Yr Ecology and High
- Adventure
- (Rock Climbing, Mountain Bike etc)
- Older Eagle and Science
Recommend 3 (max 4) Merit Badges Scouting is
about having FUN!!!
22Age Requirements
Age 14 BSA Lifeguard Citizenship in the
Community Citizenship in the Nation Energy Environ
mental Science
Age 13 Astronomy Climbing Communications Chemis
try C.O.P.E Emergency Preparedness Landscape
Architecture Lifesaving Mountain Biking Nuclear
Science Orienteering Rowing Weather Wilderness
Age 12 Canoeing Camping Cooking Small Boat Sailing
First Class First Aid
Age 15 Citizenship in the World Personal
Management Personal Fitness
Appointment Archeology Fish Wildlife Insect
Study Plant Science
Merit Badge Age Requirement Strictly Enforced
Eagle Required Merit Badges
23Eagle MB Prerequisites
24Eagle MB Prerequisites (Cont)
25Merit Badge Prerequisites
- Activity Participation- Requirements ask Scout
to participate in some activity. Doesnt ask
Scout to make, document or analyze something.
Requirements are straight forward. Any leader can
verify. them. Validation- Something
that proves a Scout did itreport card, picture
or note from Scoutmaster. - Activity Participation with Results-
Requirements ask Scout to do something that must
be evaluated by the merit badge instructor. -
- Validation-
- If Scout is asked to make something, Scout needs
to bring what they made- rock collection,
ecosystem in a bottle, a copy of your letter to a
Congressman, or your budget for the last three
months. - If requirement asked Scout to do something then
bring that too- Observations of your bottle,
paragraph on how you stuck to your budget, the
response from your Congressman all fit this
category. - If requirement asks you to make something that
isnt easily brought to camp-like the 230 lb lake
sturgeon you caught for fishing merit badge-a
photo, nice drawing or Scoutmasters note is
sufficient. -
- Paperwork- Requirements ask Scout to write
something, whether it is report, letter, drawing,
or essay. -
- Validation- The Scout must bring whatever they
produced. What the Scout wrote will be reviewed
by merit badge instructor to see if the work
meets the instructors expectations.
26Leader Meeting Notes
- Scouts must bring prerequisites/MB books to camp
- No visitors at camp
- No Gimme MB stations No 1 hour MBs
- Science MBs are restricted by age
- Must attend Sun eve safety class for rifle,
shotgun or archery - Rock Climbing requires belay certification
offered at camp - Sign up for COPE on Sun eve
Recommend 2-4 Badges Per Scout Focus and Aim Is
to Have Fun Not of Badges Earned
27Adult Leader Training
- Safe Swim Defense
- Safety Afloat
- Trek Safely Certification
- Leave No Trace Certification
- Climb on Safely
- Youth Protection
- CPR Certification (25)
Leaders can use shooting ranges after completing
safety exams.
Leaders can use pool lake after completing swim
Adult Leaders Serve as Patrol Advisors and
Attend Training
28Open Activities
29Order of the Arrow
- Lodge 33 welcomes all OA members
- Thursday is OA Day
- Wear Sash at Retreat
- OA Social held Thursday night
- Meet members from other lodges
OA Members Should Bring Sash and Plan to Attend
30- Campfire Program for
- Communications MB
- Complete Campfire Program by July 15
- Sign up for Mon, Tue, Wed or Thu evening
- Scouts signed up for Communications MB
- Crews
- Fay, David
- Manzek
- Mule
Campfire Program Coordinator_________________
- Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings at 7AM
- Meet at the troop bulletin board
- Go for short jog and jump into the swimming pool
- Campers who attend all 3 mornings earn the patch
32Paul Bunyan Woodsman
- Show that you have earned the Totin' Chip.
- Help a Scout earn the Totin' Chip and demonstrate
to him the value of proper woods-tools use. - With official approval and supervision do ONE of
the following a. Clear trails or fire lanes
for 2 hours. - b. Trim a downed tree, cut into 4-foot lengths
and stack make a brush (pile) with branches. - c. Build a natural retaining wall or
irrigation way to aid in a planned conservation
Woodsman Coordinator___________________
33Water Carnival
Sign Up
Sign Up
Team Members
- Wednesday Evening
- 700-900 PM
- 10 Team Members
- 8 Water Events
Team Captain ______________
34Airband Competition Thursday Evening
- Showcase your faux-musical talents Play an
imaginary instrument to song music-Lip Sync -
- Each troop may enter a youth, an adult or a
mixed airband -
- Each unit will select 4 songs as performance
pieces - Judging Criteria
- Enthusiam-10 pts
- Technique- 5 pts
- Imitation- 5 pts
- See Song List for Selections
AirBand Competition Coordinator __________________
Extra Points for Adult Band
Sign Up Early
35Golden Skillet
- Pit your cooking abilities against other units
for the coveted - Golden Skillet.
- Prepare and submit one entree and one dessert for
tasting by the - camps panel of experts.
- Thursday - Entree Competition
- Friday - Dessert Competition
- All entries must be prepared
- entirely during your stay at camp.
- Ingredients may be brought
- or purchased at a local store.
Team Master Chef ____________________
Golden Skillet
36Magic Competition
37Buddy System
Always Stay With Your Buddy
The buddy system - two people or buddies operate
as a single unit. They are able to monitor and
help each other. Improved safety is the main
benefit of the system.
38Duty to God Program
Scouts Scouters May Participate
New This Year
Earn patch by completing these requirements
during week in camp.
Each year, a new patch, in a sequence of four,
will be offered that form a square.
- Listen to presentation on religious program at
Monday breakfast - Attend one camp worship service on Sun or Mon at
7 PM - Attend 3 daily devotionals at troop campsite or
Wed - Fri during breakfast - Say grace before meals
- Fill out and return evaluation survey
- Patch (3) purchased at Trading Post
Chaplains Aide Monitors Program
- Tonight Turn-in following to Keith Kettell
- 1. BSA Medical Forms
- 2. Prescription Medicine Forms
- 3. 23.50 Bus Fee
- July 15 Turn-in
- 1. in envelope(s) to Patrol Advisors
- (for 2 lunches,Troop photo, MBs
and Trading Post) - 2. Medicine in sealed bags to Keith Kettell
- 3. Knives for Dan Beard Scouts to Patrol
Advisor - 4. Mail for Scouts to Patrol Advisor