Key Terms:

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Key Terms:


grandma's spinning wheel, not just one you find at a barn sale ... What was the role of 'freaks' in the early 19th century, as mentioned in the film? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Key Terms:

Key Terms
  • Modernity

Attfield What is authentic?
  • originality is key
  • an antique spinning wheel, not a copy
  • realness is key
  • the spinning wheel was used in the past
  • provenance (proof of origins) is key
  • grandmas spinning wheel, not just one you find
    at a barn sale
  • ideologies linked to a stable, happier past are
  • authentic ice cream, made the old-fashioned way

Ephemerality (ef-em-er-AL-ity)
  • What are some signs that an item is designed with
    ephemeral value in mind?
  • How is the aesthetic of ephemerality related to
    ideas about waste, what kinds of uses of
    objects are considered wasteful, and what are

  • Have you ever encountered an object whose use you
    didnt recognize?
  • How does the design of objects help us use them
  • How does culture help us use objects correctly?

McCracken notes
  • The consumer revolution is now seen to have
    changed Western concepts of time, space, society,
    the individual, the family, and the state. pg. 3

The Great Transformation
  • Rapid rise of modern consumerism in the 18th
  • Karl Polanyi argued that in a market society,
    everything is for sale, and everything can be
    treated that way
  • Why do you need a consumer revolution to make the
    Industrial Revolution work?

The Consumer Revolution
  • What are some features or stages of consumerism
    that McCracken relates to the consumer
  • 16th/17th century patina and corporate
  • 18th century novelty and obsolescence driving
  • 19th making consumption public expressive
    power of goods as seen in consumer lifestyles

What is modernity?
  • Modernity can be defined in many ways, but should
    not be confused with the aesthetic movement of
    modernism in literature and art in the first half
    of the 20th century.
  • Generally, modernity means having the features
    of a capitalist society in the modern period
    usually considered later than the 18th century,
    and in particular, the 19th and 20th centuries

Frederic Jameson stages of capitalism
  • market capitalism 18th 19th centuries
    emphasis on production of goods
  • monopoly capitalism late 19th to mid-20th
    centuries emphasis on consolidation of
  • consumer capitalism (post-modernity or late
    capitalism) current phase emphasis on
    marketing, not production

What is modernity all about?
  • rationality and order rejection of non-objective
    (non-scientific or magical) worldviews
  • reproducibility in goods, scientific results,
  • binary oppositions that separate a modern us
    from pre-modern societies (e.g. order/disorder
    logical/magical science/superstition
  • organization and control of knowledge is
    essential to modernity

Where is modernity NOT?
  • Whats in a name?
  • pre-modern
  • traditional

  • Much of what we read in this class has a
    post-modern twist to it, even if it isnt
    pure postmodern theory.
  • Post-modern approaches reject the idea that
    knowledge is self-evident and objectively
    knowable instead it recognizes that science
    is also a belief system. Postmodern theory asks
    us to think about how people/groups construct
    their own realities using particular cultural
    tools. Postmodernism also pays attention to how
    power influences or controls perceptions of
    possibilities or reality

Sara Baartman film
  • The first modern museums were cabinets with
    curiosities in them how does the display of
    the Hottentot Venus fit into this?
  • What was the role of freaks in the early 19th
    century, as mentioned in the film?
  • How have things changed in late modernityor
    have they?

Money is No Object Keane article
  • alienable can be removed from you, given a
    price, turned into a commodity
  • inalienable cant be removed/taken from you
    shouldnt or cant have a price. (We say that you
    can sell your soul, but can you?)

Objectification of parts
  • What parts of Baartmans body were preserved and
  • Are body parts alienable in Keanes definition?

Whats going on on Sumba?
  • link between money and materialism
  • local people contrast traditional
    subsistence/ceremonial exchange economy, and
    modern age of money

  • natural meaning condition of objects tells us
    something about them (a torn cloth)
  • non-natural meaning social intentions and
    meanings we encode into objects and their
    features (cloth was torn, or given in torn
    condition, as an insult)

Money vs. ceremonial exchange
  • Why does Keane say that most scholars see money
    and ceremonial exchange as being in direct
    opposition to one another?
  • What examples does he give of how money has been
    incorporated into ceremonial exchange to question
    this opposition?

Money as an instrument of alienation
  • Keane, pp. 79-82
  • Money is often seen as making true alienation
    possible buying and selling snap the links of
    people to their property
  • Money circulates promiscuously, without
    respecting persons or things.

Traditional vs Modern exchange?
  • How is traditional exchange on Sumba different
    from money-based (modern) exchanges?
  • Do you believe in modernity?
  • Were you convinced by the historical perspective
    offered by McCracken and the scholars he cites in
    his chapter? How would this process of
    modernization translate to other cultural
    contexts (or would it?)

Alienability and value
  • Does refusing to give something a price limit or
    alter its value? Can objects without prices
    really circulate? Think of an example.
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