Sacred or Secular - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Sacred or Secular


Louis XIV ... invaded Italy capturing the pope and _the college of cardinals. Results: ... St. Francis de Sales. Influential writer advocating practices of love ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: sacred | secular


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Sacred or Secular

Chapter 8
  • Sacred or Secular?
  • Rationalism Confronts the Catholic Church
  • 1600 1870 A.D.

Church and Science
  • Following examples from the Renaissance,
    ______________ ___________________________________
  • Importance of ____________________
  • Post Reformation Europe
  • New worldview with intellectual, moral, and
    political implications
  • ________________________
  • Some of these theories were initially seen as
    opposing Christian beliefs, especially concerning
  • ____________________________________
  • Continuing into the present age
  • 17th 19th century Church
  • _________________________________________________

Scientific Conflicts
  • Period of transition in terms of the Church and
    its mission
  • ____________________________________________
  • Three main issues facing the Church during this
  • ______________________
  • ______________________
  • ______________________
  • Church / Science conflicts represented by the
    controversy surrounding ___________

Galileo and the Church
  • Galileo Galilei (1564 1642)
  • _________________________________________
  • ________________________________
  • Extensive use of a telescope
  • Argued for the adoption of a heliocentric theory
  • Belief that the earth and other planets revolve
    around the sun
  • ______________________________________
  • Instructed not to teach his heliocentric view
  • Placed under house arrest for not complying
  • ____________________________________

Reduced Scholasticism
  • From the Middle Ages, _______________________
    ____________________________ to explore truth
  • Scholasticism
  • ______________________
  • Begin with general principles, raise questions,
    then use logic to draw conclusions
  • Science
  • _____________________
  • Draws a generalized conclusion from particular
  • Used by Galileo and others

Biblical Truth
  • Before Galileos heliocentric theory, most people
    believed that the sun revolved around the earth
  • Joshua 10 12-13
  • ________________________________________
  • Initially caused great anxiety for Church leaders
  • __________________________
  • If one card was removed the entire structure
    could fall
  • Today, ___________________________________
  • Difference from some Protestant denominations

Catholic Education
  • Before the 17th century, higher education was
    entrusted to the Church
  • _____________________________________________
  • _____________________________________________
  • _____________________________________________
  • 17th century ? present
  • Education, especially scientific discovery not
    influenced by Catholic theology
  • _____________________________________________

New Age of Science
  • Enlightenment
  • _______________________________________________
  • Responsible for shaping learning in the modern
  • _________________________________________
  • Enlightenment thinkers
  • ____________________
  • French philosopher argued that nothing should be
    accepted unquestioningly
  • I think therefore, I am Cogito ergo sum
  • Reason as the source of human truth
  • ____________________
  • Nothing should be accepted solely on the basis of
  • ____________________
  • Courage to use your mind without the guidance of
    another. Dare to know! Have the courage to use
    your own understanding!

Enlightenment and Christianity
  • Reason as the ___________ for many
    Enlightenment thinkers
  • Focus on the natural world not on an eternal
  • ________________________________________
  • Supernatural world is solely in Gods hands
  • ________________________________________
  • Rationalism
  • __________________________________________________
    _ ________________________________________________
  • Obviously posed issues for Christianity
  • Deism
  • __________________________________________________
  • God as neither negative or positive basically
    uninvolved image of a watchmaker

Deistic Ideas
  • Key ideas of deistic thought
  • ________________________________________
  • ________________________________________
  • ________________________________________
  • ________________________________________
  • ________________________________________
  • ________________________________________

Catholic Responses
  • In the light of Rationalism and Deism, the Church
    was forced to respond
  • ______________________
  • ______________________
  • ______________________
  • Entrenchment of Scholasticism
  • Catholic universities reinforced the deductive
  • _______________________
  • Fear of straying off course

Catholic Responses
  • Popular Devotions
  • Sacred Heart of Jesus ________________________
    ______________ in the world
  • Warmth, care, compassion for creation
  • ______________________
  • Devotion to Mary as a protector and guide
  • ___________________________________
  • Moral and Spiritual Authority of the Pope
  • Vatican I 1870 pope as infallible
  • Incapable of error in ____________________________
    ________ when speaking ex cathedra

An Age of Nation-States
  • Growing of the monarch as an ____________________
  • Head of a nation-state who claims to have
    ____________________ in its governance
  • Embodied the reality of ________________
  • End of the role of the empire (Holy Roman)
  • _________________________________________
  • _______________________
  • People understood themselves as Germans or French
    rather than Bavarians or Normans
  • Thirty Years War (1618 1648)
  • Significant event in the development of
  • _________________________________
  • Weakening of papal influence in politics
  • ______________________________
  • Lutherans ? Scandinavia, Prussia, and southern
  • Calvinists ? Switzerland, Holland, Scotland
  • England ? Anglican
  • Rest of Europe ? Catholic

National vs. Universal Church
  • Catholic monarchs viewed _____________________
  • Louis XIV Gallicanism
  • A movement originating among the
    _________________ based on national rulers having
    authority for Church governance
  • Attempt to _______________________ from Rome
  • Similar actions in Austria and Germany
  • Led to a __________________ six popes from

Impact of the French Revolution
  • ____________________
  • Period during the Revolution when nobility and
    clergy were ________________________ leaders
  • ___________________________
  • French armies invaded Italy capturing the pope
    and ______________ the college of cardinals
  • Results
  • ___________________________________
  • Separation from ________________ of the Church

Napoleonic Concordat
  • Concordat
  • An ___________________________ and a head of
    state identifying the role that each would play
    in Church governance
  • Concordat with Pius VII
  • _______________________________ Pius VII to
    approve bishops
  • ______________________ as the spiritual head of
    the Church
  • Ultramontanism
  • ________________________
  • Pope having ______________________ in all lands
  • Impact / Results
  • Future popes established concordats with national
  • ___________________________
  • Unquestioned spiritual authority

Post Napoleonic Europe
  • Congress of Vienna
  • 1814-15 _____________________ of Europe
  • ____________________ of Austria
  • Main architect attempting to prevent a
    ____________ from controlling the continent
  • ______________________
  • Reestablishment of the Papal States
  • Election of __________ in 1846

Pope Pius IX
  • Elected in 1846, served until his death in 1878
  • _______________________
  • Enjoyed brief political power with the
    restoration of the papal states only to loose it
    during the unification of Italy
  • Loss of political influence led to an increase in
    religious influence
  • __________________________
  • 1854 Dogma of the _____________________
  • Belief held by Tradition formalized by Pius IX
  • Mary was conceived without the stain of original
  • 1869 calling Vatican I
  • __________________
  • The gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church whereby
    either the pope alone or the college of bishops
    acting with the pope can definitively proclaim a
    doctrine of faith or morals for the belief of the

Catholic England?
  • Initially, Church of England was close to
    Catholicism in belief and practice
  • Key difference ? ___________
  • Gradually, ____________________________
  • Despite anti-Catholic laws of Elizabeth I,
    toleration was practiced within England
  • Perception of an ________________ nation
  • Safe haven for _______________________ during the
    French Revolution
  • ______________________
  • Attempt of moving the Church of England closer to
  • Advocated strong, ______________ of the pope in
    spiritual matters
  • Major Figure ? _______________________
  • Anglican priest who converted to Roman
    Catholicism in 1845
  • Influential Catholic writer and theologian

Irish Catholicism
  • Protestant Reformation did not ___________
  • Would remain heavily Catholic in line with Rome
  • In part, ____________________ of English monarchs
  • North Ireland settled by Scotch Presbyterians and
    English Protestants
  • ____________
  • Protestant, Northern Irish

A Changing World
  • In addition to questions over authority and
    scientific knowledge, three movements impacted
    the Church during the Enlightenment
  • _______________
  • _______________
  • _______________

  • Baroque
  • French word meaning ________
  • A style of art, architecture, and spirituality
    that emphasizes _______________________
  • Catholic churches and liturgies ___________
    _____________ to the simplified churches and
    liturgies of Reformed Protestantism
  • ___________________
  • ___________________

Varieties of Spiritual Life
  • Significant impact on local levels
  • ________________
  • St. Vincent de Paul / St. Louise de Marillac
  • 17th century saints committed to working for the
  • Patron saints of charitable work and social work
  • St. Vincent de Paul Society
  • Charitable, parish-based organization
  • ________________
  • St. Francis de Sales
  • Influential writer advocating practices of love
    and compassion
  • Responsible for winning back Calvinists in Geneva
  • Educating the Poor
  • ______________________
  • Patron saint of teachers
  • Founder of the Christian Brothers
  • Organization with education as primary focus
  • Developed practices still used in education today

Catholic Missionaries
  • Spain and Portugal
  • Major Catholic exploring nations
  • Primary goal ? __________________
  • Secondary goal ? ________________
  • Dangerous enterprise
  • Missionaries faced travel dangers as well as the
    threat of ___________________
  • By the 17th Century
  • Catholic missionaries responsible for the faith
    _________ ___________________
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