Title: Bayesian Logistic Regression
1Bayesian Logistic Regression
2O-Ring Data
- The O-Ring data consist of 23 observations on
Pre-Challenger Space Shuttle Launches - On each launch, it is observed whether there is
at least one O-ring failure, and the temperature
at launch - The goal is to model the probability of at least
one O-ring failure as a function of temperature
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4Logistic Regression Model
- P(T) Pr(Y1T)
- Y is distributed as Bernoulli(P(T))
- Log(P(T)/(1-P(T)) logit(P(T))
Beta1 TBeta2 - P(T) exp(Beta1 TBeta2)/ (1exp(Beta1
TBeta2)) - Interested in P(55) and P(75)
5 WinBUGS CODE (Noninformative Prior)
- model for (i in 1n)
- yi dbern(pi)
- logit(pi) lt- beta1 Tibeta2
- Or lt- exp(beta2)
- Prob1 lt- exp(beta1 55beta2)/
- (1exp(beta1
55beta2)) - Prob2 lt- exp(beta1 75beta2)/
- (1exp(beta1
75beta2)) - for (j in 12) betaj
6The Data and Initial Values
- list(T c(53,57,58,63,66,67,67,67,68,69,
- 70,70,70,70,72,73,75,75,76,76,78,79,81),
- y c(1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,
- 1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0),n23)
- list(betac(0,0)) list(betac(-10,10)
- T Temperatures at Launch Y 1 if at least one
O-Ring failure and 0 otherwise.
7Script Code
- We can either run the previous WinBUGS code by
manually clicking, or - We can run a script code, that will do the
clicking automatically - Script code is especially useful if you will run
WinBUGS several times before you are done
analyzing a data set
- display('log')
- check('c/oringlr.odc)
- data('c/oringdat.odc)
- compile(2)
- inits(1, 'c/orinit1.odc')
- inits(2, 'c/orinit2.odc')
Show results on screen
Run the program
Use these data
Compile two Markov chains
Use these initials For chain 1
And these for Chain 2
9More Script
- gen.inits()
- update(500)
- set(beta)
- set(Prob1)
- set(Prob2)
- set(Or)
Generate any initial values that were not
specified already
Burn-in of 500
Tell WinBUGS that you want to monitor the
Betas, P(55) P(75), and Or
10More Script
- dic.set()
- update(2000)
- gr()
- stats()
- history()
- trace()
Get the Deviance Information Criterion
Use 2000 MC samples
Get the Gelman-Rubin Diagnostic
Get summary statistics
Plot the histories for all parameters
Real time monitoring of the chains
11More Script
- density()
- autoC()
- quantiles()
- dic.stats()
- coda(,output)
- save('OringLog')
Plots Posterior densities
Monitor Autocorrelation
Monitor Quantiles
Obtain Deviance Information Statistics
Save the Markov Chain for future use
Save the entire log in this file
12- The code is run by going to the model menu and
clicking on script - Clearly convergence hadnt occurred before 1200
or so, after the burn-in burn-in was too small
13Convergence is not happening
14Autocorrelation is high even higher for the
15Quantiles are also not looking good
16Now we took a 50,000 burn-in with 50,000 more
Its Still not converging
17Further Analysis
- We considered another prior on the Betas with
larger variance (10,000). - Convergence seemed better with a 100,000 burn-in,
but it was still questionable - So we consider a proper, and slightly informative
prior on the Betas
18A Sensible Informative Prior for Beta
- Now consider the probability of O-ring failure at
55 degrees and at 75 degrees respectively - We already defined P(55) and P(75) respectively
- Suppose that apriori , the scientist is 2/3 sure
that P(55) gt 0.5, and that they are also 2/3 sure
that P(75) lt 0.5. - Using Betabuster, we get Beta(1.6,1) and
Beta(1,1.6) distributions for P(55) and P(75)
19The Priors for P(55) and P(75)
Density For P(55)
Density For P(75)
20- This is not particularly strong prior
information. - We have mainly suggested that the probably of
O-ring failure may be decreasing as Temperature
increases - This kind of prior may be preferable to having
arbitrary normal priors on Beta
21WinBUGS for LR with Inf Prior
- We now need to tell WinBugs what to do with the
prior information - This is very easy for this simple problem
- Two things are different from last time
- (1) Specify Beta priors for the Ps rather than
normal priors for the Betas - (2) Tell WinBUGS how to relate Ps to Betas
22We Know
- logit(P(55)) Beta1 55Beta2
- logit(P(75)) Beta1 TBeta2
- So we solve for Beta1 and Beta2 in terms of P(55)
and P(75) - This is done using standard algebraic methods for
solving two linear equations in two unknowns
23First Part is the Same as Before
- model for (i in 1n) yi dbern(pi)
- logit(pi) lt- beta1 Tibeta2
- Prob1 lt- exp(beta1 55beta2)/
(1exp(beta1 55beta2)) - Prob2 lt- exp(beta1 75beta2)/
(1exp(beta1 beta275)) -
24This is the New Part
- P55 dbeta(1.6,1) P75
dbeta(1,1.6) - beta1 lt- (75/20) logit(P55)
(-55/20)logit(P75) - beta2 lt- (-1/20)logit(P55)
25- We need new initial values for the Ps
- list(P c(0.5,0.5))
- list(P c(0.1,0.9))
- We ran this code with a burn-in of 10 and with
10000 samples
26History Plots
27Gelman-Rubin Plot
28Quantile Plot
29Posterior Inferences
- est sd 2.5 97.5
- P55 0.77 0.15 0.42 0.97
- P75 0.15 0.08 0.03 0.34
- Beta0 10.79 4.75 2.424 21.05
- Beta2 -0.17 0.07 -0.32 -0.05
30Betai N(0,10000)
- est sd 2.5 97.5
- P55 0.88 0.14 0.49 0.999
- P75 0.086 0.07 0.005 0.27
- Beta0 18.37 8.89 4.40 38.75
- Beta1 -0.28 0.13 -0.58 -0.08
31Induced Prior on Probs of O-Ring Failure
- Clearly, these priors are not sensible for this
problem. They result in posteriors that shrink
estimates of probabilities toward zero and one.
32 Logistic Regression with Error in the
- Now we consider situations where the binary
response may be in error - For example, Magder and Hughes analyzed data on
361 pregnant women who participated in a smoking
cessation program - The response is Yes I quit or No I didnt
33- If they really quit, you would expect that they
would tell the truth 100 of the time, but - If they didnt quit, you might expect them to lie
and say they did some proportion of the time
34Model for Probability of Quitting as Function of
Cov Information
- logit(P(Quitx_i)) x_iBeta
- Covariates are Age (3 categories) Previous
smoking status (2 categories) and Education (3
categories) - So we have 1 intercept plus 2 plus 1 plus 2
(dummy) regression coefficients - We model prior information for 6 probabilities of
quitting and induce prior on Beta
35Informative Prior on Probability of Quitting
36- So let pi_i be the probability of actually
quitting for individuals corresponding to the ith
row of the previous table - We will specify independent beta priors for each
of the types of individual that have been
specified - The rows of the matrix given have been specified
so as to not be too close
37- Let pi be the vector (pi_1,,pi_6)
- Let x_i correspond to the ith row of the previous
matrix, with a one in the first slot - Let X be the 6 by 6 matrix composed of putting
all 6 row vectors x_i on top of one another - We elicit the following beta priors for q
38The Actual Prior Specification
Prior Mode 95 Prob Int.
Beta (a,b)
39Induced Prior on Beta
- We have selected X so that it is invertible. If
it was not invertible, we would have to try again - We have the vector equation
- logit(pi) XBeta
- Which is solved by
- Beta inv(X)logit(pi)
40The Model for the Data
- Let Se P(Says she QuitActually Quit)
- Sp P(Says she didnt QuitActually Didnt)
- The response is Y_i 1 if ith woman says she
quit, and Y 0 if she says she didnt - Let q_i be the actual probability of quitting
for women with same covariates as woman i in the
41 q_i Plays the Role of Prevalence
- So the data are the Y_is and their corresponding
x_is - P(Y_i 1x_i) q_iSe (1-q_i)Sp
- logit(q_i) x_iBeta
42Prior on Se and Sp
- Se Beta(a,b) Sp Beta(c,d)
- For these data, a 99 and b 1 and c 14 and d
2 were selected - The prior median for Se is 0.993 and
corresponding 95 probability interval is
(0.963, .9997) - For Sp, these are 0.89 (0.68, 0.98)
43WinBUGS Code
- Model for(i in 1N)
- yi dbern(si)
- si lt- qiSe(1-qi)(1-Sp)
- logit(qi) lt- beta6 x1ibeta1
x2ibeta2 - x3ibeta3 x4ibeta4
x5ibeta5 - Se dbeta(99,1) Sp dbeta(14,2)
- pi1 dbeta(8, 15) pi2 dbeta(10, 15)
- pi3 dbeta(3, 13) pi4 dbeta(8, 10)
- pi5 dbeta(4, 15) pi6 dbeta(6, 15)
44Beta inv(X)logit(pi)
- beta1 lt- xinv1,1logit(pi1)
xinv1,2logit(pi2) - xinv1,3logit(pi3) xinv1,4logit(pi
4) - xinv1,5logit(pi5)
xinv1,6logit(pi6) - beta2 lt- xinv2,1logit(pi1)
xinv2,2logit(pi2 - xinv2,3logit(pi3)
xinv2,4logit(pi4) - xinv2,5logit(pi5) xinv2,6logit(pi6
) - beta3 lt- xinv3,1logit(pi1)
xinv3,2logit(pi2) - xinv3,3logit(pi3) xinv3,4logit(pi
4) - xinv3,5logit(pi5)
xinv3,6logit(pi6) - beta4 lt- xinv4,1logit(pi1)
xinv4,2logit(pi2) - xinv4,3logit(pi3)
xinv4,4logit(pi4) - xinv4,5logit(pi5)
xinv4,6logit(pi6) - Etc.
45- The adjusted odds ratio estimate for smoking was
3.62 (1.97, 7.78) - So, if you smoked less than a pack a day, your
estimated odds of quitting were about 3.6 times
greater than if you smoked more than a pack a day
46- The odds of quitting for those who graduated from
HS and did not attend college was estimated to be
2.36 (1.27, 5.14) times greater than those who
did not graduate from high school
47Estimated probabilities of smoking cessation
- (a) high school graduates in their 20s without
any college experience that smoked lt 1 pack/day - 0.30 (0.15, 0.41)
- (b) high school graduates in their 20s without
any college experience that smoked 1 pack/day - 0.10 (0.03, 0.20)
48Estimated Difference and Ratio
- (c) the risk difference
- 0.19 (0.09, 0.28)
- (d) the risk ratio
- 2.82 (1.68, 6.00)
49Probit Regression with or without
- Simply replace logit(P) with Phi(P) throughout
where Phi() is the standard normal cdf
- McInturff, Johnson, Gardner and Cowling
Modeling Risk When Binary Outcomes are Subject
to Error Statistics in Medicine (to appear)
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