Title: Living on the Edge
1Quirky Questions
Living on the Edge
2Quirky Questions
Why does a sea anemone hate the Christmas
- Because lots and lots of people come along
and poke it in the mouth! - How would you like to be poked in the mouth,
(which happens to double as its bum!!), by a
complete stranger dozens of times a day? No
wonder the anemones get tired and stressed! -
Always treat marine creatures with respect !!
3Quirky Questions
How did the elephant snail get sun burnt?
- Some unthinking person turned over its rock and
left it that way! The poor elephant snail had to
rush well it was rushing for an elephant snail,
under another rock. - On the way it was exposed to the hot, sun, got
sun burnt and only just made it into the shade in
time! Phew!
Protect our creatures - always put rocks back as
you found them.
4Quirky Questions
What makes a blue ringed octopus hopping mad ?
People sticking their hands into nooks and
crannies where he lives. They get so angry
that their rings glow bright blue and they get
ready to bite someone
Never put your hands anywhere you cant see. You
never know who might be hiding there!
5Quirky Questions
Why are crabs terrified of plastic buckets?
- Plastic containers are certain death to crabs. A
crab cannot survive away from its natural
habitat, putting it in a bucket or container will
sentence it to death. Please leave all sea
creatures in their natural environment so that
they can reproduce and be there for future
generations to enjoy.
Never take any creatures away from their natural
environment. They will die!
6Quirky Questions
What do the Neptune's necklace really hate?
People jumping on them and squashing them. It
takes ages to grow and then some unthinking human
comes along and ruins months of hard work. Its
so frustrating and potentially life threatening
to the seaweed.
Be careful where you put your feet always try to
stand on bare rock or sand. Feet can be lethal
7Quirky Questions
Why do all the creatures on the reef loathe heavy
Heavy rain means that all the rubbish in the
streets is swept down the drains. This water and
rubbish then goes into streams rivers and the
sea. Some creatures get tangled in the rubbish,
while others are harmed by chemicals and
fertilisers in the water.
Be careful what you put down drains as the Bluff
creatures may end up living in it.
8To be a Good friend to the Barwon Bluff Sanctuary
and its creatures always
- Put rocks back where you found them
- Never put your hands where you cant see
- Leave the creatures where they are so everyone
can enjoy them