Title: Jeopardy Template
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2End of Open Range
RR, Ranches Farms
Family to Commercial
Ag Products
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3Daily Double!
4Column One 100
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Where cattle grazed before lands were fenced in
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What is the open range?
What is private lands?
What is green pastures?
5Column One 200
Shortly after the Civil War, people showed which
cattle they owned by doing this
What is fencing in the land?
What is marking them with brands?
What is roping them into an enclosed area?
6Column One 300
This caused the range war of the 1880s
What is the sheepherders wanting to keep cattle
off their land?
What is small ranchers objecting to large
ranchers closing off the land?
What is large ranchers protesting the small
farmers use of fences?
7Column One 400
In 1885 and 1886, thousands of cattle died in the
Big Die-Up due to
What is the spread of a deadly disease?
What is the use of barbed wire?
What is severe winter weather?
8Column One 500
- Many of the investors who bought ranch land came
from the eastern United States and ____.
What is France?
What is Britain?
What is Germany?
9Column Two 100
How farmers made use of spreading railroads
What is to bring in lumber to build bridges?
What is to ship their cattle?
What is to reach new markets with their crops?
10Column Two 200
How towns tried to attract railroads
What is by building tracks for them?
What is donating land the railroads needed?
What is by providing free workers?
11Column Two 300
The effect the spread of railroads in Texas had
on the cattle industry in the late 1800s
What is it ended cattle drives?
What is it cut the demand for Texas beef?
What is it made it too expensive to ship beef by
12Column Two 400
How the Texas rail system changed in 1873
What is the refrigerated train car came into use?
What is Texas rail lines were connected with
those of other states?
What is tracks were built in the eastern part of
the state?
13Column Two 500
Where two meatpacking companies built plants in
What is Amarillo?
What is Houston?
What is Ft. Worth?
14Column Three 100
In the early 1870s, most Texas farmers were
involved in this kind of farming
What is commercial agriculture?
What is truck farming?
What is subsistence agriculture?
15Column Three 200
A period in which business slows, prices rise,
and workers lose their jobs
What is interest?
What is a depression?
What is a boom?
16Column Three 300
This happened to farmers in West Texas after the
economic problems and droughts of the 1880s.
What is most rebounded and prospered?
What is many lost their land and became tenant
What is most left Texas for other areas?
17Column Three 400
This is NOT a reason tenant farmers fell into debt
What is the landowners gave them only small plots
of land?
What is they spent large amounts of money buying
luxury goods?
What is they had to pay high interest form the
money they borrowed?
18Column Three 500
False information from railroad companies and a
few years of heavy rain misled them
What is the reason settlers thought it would be
easy to farm in West Texas?
What is the reason settlers thought it would be
easy to farm in the Panhandle?
What is the reason people were not willing to
move to West Texas?
19Column Four 100
What is a new product that provided a use for
cotton seeds?
What is an old product that fell out of use
during the Great Depressioni?
What is a new product created by the cotton
20Column Four 200
They contributed to the growth of the Texas sheep
industry in the 1840s and 1850s
What is the African Americans?
What is the German and Scottish immigrants?
What is the immigrants from Southern states?
21Column Four 300
Changes in the cotton gin and in baling machines
allowed growers to do this
What is grow more cotton per acre?
What is turn their cotton into cloth?
What is sell directly to the textile mills?
22Column Four 400
The second most important farm product in Texas
in the late 1800s
What is hogs?
What is corn?
What is lumber?
23Column Four 500
Produces fine mohair wool
What is angora goats?
What is llamas?
What is black sheep?
24Final Jeopardy
Final Jeopardy!
25Final Jeopardy Category
Internal improvements
What is eating vegetables and taking vitamins in
order to improve ones health?
What is building roads and railroads to encourage
population and economic growth?
What is remodeling the inside of a building?