Diapositive 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Diapositive 1


Diapositive 1 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Diapositive 1

Nanotechnologies in France
Nanotechnologies in France
What is nanotechnology?  Nanotechnology is the
understanding and control of matter at dimensions
of roughly 1 to 100 nanometers, where unique
phenomena enable novel applications.  Source
NNI www.nano.gov
  • What is an industrial partner in
  • From micro to nano (When does a company become
    involved in  nano ?)
  • What kind of company? (Manufacturers?
    Integrators? End-product supplier?)
  • Are there relevant figures of the  nanoworld ?
  • Difficult to isolate the part of investments
    dedicated to nanotechnologies
  • Nano RD leads to innovation (confidentiality)
  • Where begins/stops the market for nanos ?(hard
    to find relevant figures)

Public budgets dedicated to nanotechnologies in
the world
Sources CEA/BEM, European Commission, French
Embassy in Japan, NNI , Lux Capital, CMP
Public research budget for micro
nanotechnologies in France
Key figures in France Public budget for research
(2005) 19,8 B ( 1 PIB) Total budget (public
and private) 2,2 PIB Goal 3 PIB in
2010 Micro and nanotechnologies public
budgets 445,6 M (2001) ? 616,5 M (2005) Main
recipients CNRS, CEA, INSERM, Estimated
private investments public budget
Source Le financement des nanotechnologies et
des nanosciences - Leffort des pouvoirs publics
en France - Comparaisons internationales (2004)
Nanotechnologies in France Public initiatives
  • Public Research Centers Universities, CNRS, CEA,
    INSERM, etc.
  • - experience and knowledge
  • - scattered specific research projects, not
    necessary within a larger program
  • Public initiatives Ministries of Research,
    Industry, Defence, local authorities, research
  • Technological Research Networks and calls for
  • RMNT (micro and nanotechnologies, 1999-2004)
  • RNMP (new materials and processes)
  • R3N National Network for Nanoscience
    Nanotechnologies (2005)
  • ACI Nanosciences
  • OMNT technical watch on key subjects in Micro
    and nanotechnologies (CEA/CNRS)
  • EMERTEC / EMERTEC 2 seed funding
  • MINATEC innovation pole (2006) research,
    training and technology transfer
  • European initiatives ERANET NanoSci-ERA
  • EU project proposed and managed by France
  • Goals
  • coordinating national research policies of state
    members for nanosciences nanotechnologies

Focus on RMNT results (1999 2004)
  • RMNT select projects for financing by MoR, MoI
    and French Agency for Innovation (ANVAR)
  • ? Selection by organization Committee 350
    experts (50 industrial, 50 academic)
  • 146 projects received, 59 projects selected
  • Total budget 200M, only 25 from public
  • 1069 p.year committed
  • 29 large companies and 49 SME involved in the
  • Main topics nanoelectronics, optoelectronics,
    connectivity and microsystems new topics
    biotechnologies, nanostructures, nanomaterials.
  • 42 projects (26 achieved)
  • Scientific results 270 publications, 43 PhD, 14
  • Technological results 27 patents (11 projects),
    15 projects lead to technology transfer
  • Economic results 6 companies created, 15 new
  • ? Time to market 18 months 3 year after the
    end of the project. Economics results to be
    precised in 2 years.
  • Source Yole Développement  Evaluation du
    RMNT  - juin 2005

National Program for Nanosciences
Nanotechnologies (PNANO)
  • PNANO Call for proposals launched by ANR and
    managed by R3N
  • Goals
  • Supporting fundamental research
  • Developing and transferring innovative
  • Increasing links between public and private
    research teams
  • Means
  • Financing 3-year projects (fundamental and
  • Fundamental projects a few hundreds k
  • Exploratory industrial research (for new
    products, new processes, ) ? from 500 k to 1
  • Pre-competitive projects (prototype or
    demonstrator) 500k/1M
  • Supporting research infrastructures (technology
  • Coordinating actions education, information,
    knowledge dissemination, ethical and health
    issues linked to nanotechnologies development
  • Increasing links between public and private
    research teams
  • Budget
  • 210 M (2005-2007)
  • Budget 2005 35M for 75 projects selected by ANR

National network of large technological platforms
IEMN Lille Northern France
Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and
  • Key facts and figures
  • Joint research unit between CNRS (France's
    national research body ) and 3 higher education
  • Expertise in AFM/STM, microwave devices,
    nanoelectronics, molecular electronics,
    acoustics, physics/biology interface
  • 1600 m² clean rooms with 20 M world class
  • Staff of 420 people (190 researchers, 130 PhD)
  • Worldwide collaboration
  • Thematic research organization
  • Materials and nanostructures
  • Microtechnology and microsystems
  • Micro and optoelectronics
  • Circuits and communication systems
  • Acoustics
  • Microwave and ultrasonic technology and

Source AFII - Invest in France IEMN
IEMN Lille Northern France
  • A wide range of research activities
  • Multidisciplinary activities from basic physics
    to instrumentation
  • Microtechnologies (Microelectronics,
    Microsystems )
  • Nanotechnologies (nanoelectronics, molecular
  • Interface of Physics with biology and chemistry

Scientific activities some applications
On wafer 140-220 GHz network analyser
E-beam lithography system
Source AFII - Invest in France IEMN
IEMN Lille Northern France Industrial
  • TRT IEMN Common Laboratory on GaN RF
  • TIGER TRT IEMN GaN Electronics Research
  • Objective develop GaN technology for high power
    RF applications
  • TRT 340 p. 35 PhD 12 CNRS researchers
  • - TIGER 15 men/year 7 PhD students dedicated
    to the lab.
  • Technical objectives of Tiger focused on Thales
    core business
  • Surveillance radars
  • Radars for airborne and space applications
  • Counter measures
  • Collateral applications space telecoms, LMDS,
    MMDS, Services
  • BioChipLab project (2002-2005)
  • Conception and realization of a Lab-on-a-chip
    dedicated to supply a Mass Spectrometer for
    protein analysis
  • Partners
  • - Sanofi-aventis
  • - CEA-LETI
  • - Osmooze
  • - LCOM (Laboratoire de Chimie Organique et
  • - IEMN

Source AFII - Invest in France IEMN
  • Key facts and figures
  • Joint research unit between CNRS and Paris XI
  • Research topics semiconductor materials,
    magnetic materials, nanostructures, microsystems
    and associated processes, optoelectronics
    photonics, micro-electronics components,
    conception of integrated circuits and computer
  • 35 CNRS researchers, 50 teaching researchers, 40
    engineers technicians, 70 PhDs.
  • Micro-nano technologies technical centre CTU
  • MINERVE Microsystems, Imaging, Nanosciences,
    Education, Research, Valorisation, Entreprises
  • Network of partners in Paris Region
    nanosciences technologies, microsystems
  • Research, Education, Technology Transfer
  • 2000-2006 7,5 M from Ministry of Research,
    CNRS, Paris XI University, Local authorities
  • CTU University Technological Centre
  • Equipment, services and training (CEETAM)
  • Beneficiaries IEF projects and external
    companies Altis, AASA Optoelectronic, Chelton
    Telecom, Thales RT, Air Liquide, Nanovation.
  • 2000-2006 7,5 M from Ministry of Research,
    CNRS, Paris XI University, Local authorities

LPN Laboratory for Photonics and Nanostructures
- Paris
  • Key facts and figures
  • CNRS Research unit created in 2001
  • 40 researchers, 40 eng. tech., 30 PhD, 12
  • 1000 m² clean rooms, characterization equipment
  • Research topics
  • Quantum and Nonlinear optics, opto-electronics
  • Microfluidics and nanostructures for chemistry
    and biology
  • Micro-electronics and photonic devices
  • Heterostructures Physics and growth
  • Nanostructures, Electron Gas and Spin
  • Semiconductor and nanostructure Processing and
  • - Epitaxy 350 m² clean rooms
  • - Structural and optical analysis
  • - Processing technologies
  • Industrial partnerships
  • Alcatel, ST Microelectronics, Altis
    semiconductor, Picogiga, Thales.
  • Instrumentation project Nanofib with a german
    company ? patents

Source CNRS LPN www.rtb.cnrs.fr
Nanomaterials cluster in Paris Region
Nanomaterials actors in France
  • Strong research skills
  • C-Nano RD nanosciences network in Paris region
  • 5 research topics Nanochemistry, Nanophotonics
    and quantum processing, Nanobiophotonics, Spin
    electronics, Molecular quantum electronics
  • Nanomaterials hybrid material, Legochemistry,
  • 21 laboratories, 30 research teams, 150
  • CEA nanomaterial applied research platform
  • Skills in bottom-up science and applied
  • Innovative coatings, nanoparticles,
  • Nanomaterials industrial environment
  • Nanomaterials actors in Paris Region
  • ? 113 companies, research centres or
  • Large material companies active in nanomaterials
  • Polymers Arkema, Rhodia
  • Glass, ceramics Saint Gobain
  • Steel Arcelor
  • Cosmetics LOreal
  • Final users with internal RD
  • Transportation PSA, EADS, Snecma, Onera,
  • Air liquide
  • Essonne Nanopole (semi conductor)

Source Digitip, Minefi
Source  Overview of the nanomaterials cluster
in Paris Region  - Yole Développement, Paris
Region Economic Development Agency
Essonne Nanopole
  • Key facts and figures
  • Created by Altis semiconductor (JV IBM
    Infineon) in 1999
  • 55 ha site, 40 km from Paris
  • 25000 m² clean rooms
  • 14 companies, 3000 employees, including 750
  • 2B invested, including 1 B over the last 4
  • A dynamic environment (Paris Region)
  • 68 000 researchers
  • 617 000 companies
  • 364 000 students and 20 000 eng. trained per
  • 17 universities 20 engineering schools
  • A major RD program
  • RD centre created in 2003
  • Partnership with IEF
  • Developing high performance SOCs
  • Magnetic memories MRAM
  • ? Target mass production

Source Agence pour lEconomie en Essonne Région
Ile de France  The Paris Region, A silicon
design cluster  - Paris Region Economic
Development Agency
Essonne Nanopole Industrial partnerships
Source Agence pour lEconomie en Essonne Paris
Region Economic Development Agency
LAAS Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées
Source Invest in France Newsletter n 107
LAAS Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of
  • Key facts and figures
  • Joint research unit between CNRS and Paul
    Sabatier University, INP, INSA
  • 11400 m² site, 474 employees (179 researchers,
    171 PhD)
  • 2200 m² clean rooms (16M investment end 2006)
  • 13 research groups organized in 4 research poles
  • MINAS Micro and Nanosystems
  • MOCOSY Modeling, Optimization and Control of
    the Systems
  • ROSA Autonomous Robots and Systems
  • SINC Critical Information Processing Systems
  • Research areas
  • Automatic control
  • Computer science and engineering
  • Micro and nano systems

Source LAAS www.laas.fr - Invest in France
Newsletter n 107
LAAS industrial partnerships
  • 6 research groups (70 p.) focusing on micro and
    nano technologies
  • Microsystems and components conception,
    manufacturing and characterization
  • Information and Communication micro nano
  • Energy management micro nano systems
  • Micro and nano systems for Physics, Chemistry
    Biology biosensors, biochips, microfluidics,
  • Involved in national and european projects
  • Collaboration with Motorola, Alstom, ST
    Microelectronics, Alcatel Space, etc.
  • Joint laboratories and networks
  • SMARTMOS (LCIP2) Motorola power integration
  • PEARL Alstom Power electronics
  • AUTO-DIAG Actia Automobile diagnosis
  • RIS network Airbus, Astrium, Technicatome,
    Thales critical systems safety
  • CEMES Centre for Materials Elaboration
    Structural Studies
  • Autonomous CNRS Laboratory created in 1989
  • Chemistry, Nanosciences and nanomaterials
  • - CMI Chemistry of Inorganic Materials
  • - GNS Nanosciences group
  • - MC2 Crystalline Materials under stress
  • - nMat Nanomaterials group

FEMTO Franche- Comté Electronics, Mechanics,
Thermics Optics
  • Key facts
  • Joint research unit between CNRS and
    universities, created in 2004
  • 350 p. (130 researchers, 125 PhD students)
  • Pluridisciplinary research consistent with
    industrial tradition in the Region
  • Micromanufacturing, micro and nano systems
  • Telecommunications
  • Biomedical engineering
  • Energy and Environment
  • International partnerships (ex LIMMS in Japan)

Implanteur ionique
Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition
  • Technology Platform MIMENTO
  • MIcrofabrication for MEchanics, Nanosciences,
    Thermics and Optics
  • 370 m² ? 800 m² clean rooms with 15 permanent
    engineers technicians
  • Platform for research teams and industrial

Source FEMTO www.femto-st.fr
Wafer bonding
XPS Analysis system
Applied research, a central role for CEA/LETI in
CEA/LETI industrial impact in Grenoble
30 start-ups

2000 jobs
700 jobs
15 000 direct jobs 30 000 indirect jobs
Industrial pole of excellence in MNT
6000 jobs
Joint program between LETI and a leading Japanese
  • Key facts and figures Yamatake corporation
  • Created in 1906 Today 7000 employees
  • Turnover 1700 M
  • Core activity measurement and control
  • Solutions in industrial, factory and building
  • LETI Yamatake relations
  • 1998 chemical sensors licensed to Yamatake
  • 1999 New RD issues in Yamatake Health,
    Environment, Energy
  • 1999 Biochip program launched in CEA
  • Feb 2000 patent CEA
  • - Manufacturing process for biological and
    chemical molecules sequences for analysis
  • Dedicated equipment need to be developed
  • Interest of Yamatake

Source LETI Yamatake www.yamatake.com
Joint program between LETI and a leading Japanese
  • DNA Chip In Situ Synthesis Process
  • 2002 collaboration starts
  • May 2002 Dec 2003 RD
  • - LETI Process Transfer to Yamatake
  • Yamatake Specific development of equipment
  • 1 full-time Yamatake engineer in LETI
  • 2003-2005 Pre-industrialization phase
  • Yamatake (Fujisawa Sagamihara)
  • Dedicated laboratory, 6 new employees
  • Equipment automation
  • Production and distribution agreements
  • LETI
  • Consultant engineer ? co-writing for 2 patents
  • 2005, Aug 11th License agreement
  • ? 8 patents (1 in USA, 1 in Europe)
  • June 2006 Commercialization GemkeyTM

In Situ Synthesis Process Licensed to Yamatake
  • 2006-2007 Further collaboration?
  • Interest from Yamatake and LETI for new topics

DNA Chip 20 mers / 80 masking steps
Source LETI
CEA examples of prestigious partnerships
Contract negotiation supported by a highly
specialized team of engineers and legal experts
250 contracts in hand 200 new contracts in 2004
MINATEC The model for Micro-Nanotechnologies
A scientific hub for education, research and
Education INPG 1,500 people
Research CEA-LETI 1,500 people
  • Promoting
  • inter-disciplinarity
  • Attracting young talent
  • Encouraging
  • creativity
  • Teaching skills for the future
  • Accelerating the innovation process

Industrial applications Services for public and
private organizations 1,000 people
  • Creation of
  • long-term
  • employment

An infrastructure to implement the model
Applied Research CEA-LETI
Industrial research available to partners
Basic Research CEA-LETI / INPG
House of Micro-NanoTechnologies
Education INPG
4 000 persons by 2007
Minatec area by 2009 1 BEuros invested for high
tech research
200 / 300 mm silicon platform Nano-characterizatio
n platform
Thank youBruno PAINGStrategic Marketing
ManagerCEA17 rue des Martyrs, 38054 Grenoble
cedex 9, FranceTel 33 4 3878 2631Mob 33 6
7743 9919bruno.paing_at_cea.fr
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