Title: Research Methods for Cephalopods
1Research Methods for Cephalopods
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2Phylum MolluscaClass Cephalopoda
Sepiodea (cuttlefish)
Octopoda (Octopus)
Teuthoidea (squid)
Nautiloidea (Nautilus)
3Vampire Squid
Vampyromorpha (Vampyroteuthis infernalis)
Vampire squid from hell
Mix of squid and octopus
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4(No Transcript)
5Range expansions in response to warming sea
surface temperatures?
6Why are squid important?
7Striped Bass
Forage Fishes
Figure T.E. Essington
8Striped Bass
Forage Fishes
Figure T.E. Essington
9Eat a lot!
10(No Transcript)
11How may changes in squid abundance due to fishing
(or changing environmental conditions) impact
their prey populations?
12 Need to understand trophic ecology Prey
composition of squid? How does their diet change
with body size and season? Species of prey
consumed by squid? Sizes of prey?
13- Methods to determine prey composition
- I. Gut content analysis
- Collect squid via bottom- or mid-water trawl
- Different body sizes, seasons, times of day - Record length, mass, sex, maturity stage
- Identify prey to coarse taxonomic groupings
- Otoliths, scales, bones, beaks, hooks,
14Methods to determine prey composition
- I. Gut content analysis
- Squid masticate their food take bites of prey
- High digestion rates some prey not detected
- Thus, mass and number not good methods for
quantifying prey composition. - frequency of occurrence is best option -
- although still underestimates
- prey composition.
15Percent frequency of occurrence
- Indicates the proportion of squid stomachs that
contained a given prey type - Describes presence or absence of a prey type
- High frequency of occurrence may not mean prey
type is of nutritional importance (or
energetic impt.), but only that it is consumed
with some regularity
16How does squid diet change with ontogeny?
Presence / Absence Data
17How does predation by squid change with body size
and season?
Presence / Absence Data
18Methods to determine prey composition
- II. Stable Isotope Analysis
- Diet analysis can be problematic due to
well-digested prey and empty stomachs - Diets only provide information on last feeding
event (snapshot) - Stable isotopes provide a time-integrated
measure of feeding - - - Reflect materials actually assimilated by
squid over time - Allow better use of
sampled squid - no loss of information - Squid muscle tissue and beaks reflect food
A 3 - 4 enrichment of the heavy nitrogen
isotope represents a typical trophic level
increment Indication of feeding relationships
and energy pathways
20Methods to determine prey composition
II. Stable Isotope Analysis Muscle
tissue Mixing models generate more precise
estimates of the percent contribution of prey
items to squid diets
21How does trophic position change body size and
Delta 15N ()
Squid mantle length (mm)
A 3 - 4 enrichment of 15N a typical trophic
level increment
Squid muscle tissue (mantle)
22II. Stable Isotope Analysis Eye lenses
- Squid muscle tissue reflect materials
assimilated weeks / month - Eye lenses may contain record of food
consumption over life span - Chronological deposition of eye lens (Matt
Parry, PhD Thesis) - Measure 15N and 13C in each lens layer and
relate layer to body size - Understand ontogenetic changes in trophic level
of squid (sampling limitations) -
23How does trophic position of individual squid
over lifespan?
Squid A
Squid B
Squid C
d15N ()
24- How may squid impact prey populations?
- Prey composition of squid?
- How does their diet change with body size and
season? - Gut Content Analysis
- Stable Isotope Analysis (Muscle tissue Eye
Lenses) - Species of prey consumed by squid?
- Sizes of prey?
25What are the species of prey consumed by squid?
Compare morphological features of digested fish
otoliths and squid beaks with guide books and
reference collection
Northern smooth-tongue (Leuroglossus schmidti)
Brokenline lanternfish (Lampanyctus jordani)
Squid Lower beak
26What are the sizes of fish and squid prey?
Otolith length (width) to fish body length
Lower rostral beak length to squid mantle length
Regression equations provided by Bill Walker
27Prey size spectrum
28How may changes in squid abundance due to fishing
(or changing environmental conditions) impact
their prey?
- Trophic Ecology / Feeding Relationships
- Next steps
- Estimate consumption rate (bioenergetics models)
- Estimate population biomass (surveys trawl
acoustic) - Construct size-structured food web models
- - Quantify the predatory / competitive impact of
squid - - Evaluate effects of squid predation /
competition under alternative fisheries
management scenarios.
29Cool Video!