Title: Importance of Intellectual Property Rights in Crowdfunding Campaigns
1KarmaKrowd is a crowdfunding platform that
provides every crowdfunder an opportunity to
create their campaigns and protect their
campaigns intellectual properties. KarmaKrowd
also offer marketing services to ensure every
campaign manager to raise their campaigns success
2Intellectual Property
Intellectual property is a creation, invention,
brand, software, a design, words, or song.
Intellectual property rights allow creators
owners to prevent others from the unauthorized
use of their invention or creation in sake of
earn benefit from your creation. So it is very
important to protect your intellectual properties
by examining which one is best fitted for your
invention. Generally, it depends on what you have
3Types of Intellectual Property
- Common types of intellectual property protection
rights includes
- Patent
- Trademarks
- Copyrights
4Patent Your Intellectual Property
- Patent grant owners to prevent others from
making, using, offering for sale and importing
your inventions and take legal action against
- Your invention has to be new. It wouldnt be a
part or modification of any existing invention. - It can last for 20 years from the date you apply
for it.
- Patent right is valid only in the country where
it registered.
- It stop preventing others from using it without
your permission.
It lasts for 10 years and you can renew it every
10 years.
Trademarks are names, logos, sounds and taglines
that recognize your brand, goods or services.
It is valid only in the country of registration.
- Copyright allow authors, artists creators
to stop other peoples to use your creation.
Copyright protects - Literary works
- Music, films, sounds music recordings
- Computer Software
- Illustration photography
- Dramatic artistic works
- You cant copyright an idea but can protect
the work that you have used in your creation.
Copyright protection generally lasts for the
lifetime of the author plus 70 years -
- It can be valid in other countries too under
international copyrights agreement.
8Karmakrowd Intellectual Property Service
- Crowdfunding campaigns are best to raise your
business money. So it would be necessary to
protect your campaigns intellectual property to
stop unauthorized use by others. Karmakrowd
help you in protecting your crowdfunding
campaigns intellectual properties. We help you to
examine which IP protection right is best fit
based on appropriate subject of your crowdfunding
campaign. -
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