Title: Professional Development
1Professional Development
- Secrets of Success
- How Teachers Learn Technology Best
- Jamie McKenzie
210 Secrets of SuccessLesson 1
- 25 of technology budget
- TAGLIT (1c.1 2c.2)
- 15-60 hours annually
- TAGLIT (2c.1)
3TAGLIT NC State Report 1.C.1 Technology Funding
1.7 Professional Development
83 network hardware
4TAGLIT NC State Report 2c.2 Technology-Related
Professional Development Expenditure Compared
to All Other Technology Expenditure (Leaders)
5TAGLIT NC State Report 2c.1 Technology
Professional Development Participation in One
School Year (Teachers)
Only 25 of schools spent 15-60 hours
610 Lessons2
- Clarify the purpose for Professional Development
- Problem-solving and decision-making
- Focus shifts to learning instead of teaching
- Focus adult learning on issues that matter
7The World is Different
- Work is different..
- Tools are different..
- Communication is different.
- Information is different..
- Kids are different..
- Learning is different.
- Leading is different
Don Knezek - ISTE
810 Lessons3
- Replace Staff Development and Training with Adult
Learning - Choice is cardinal design concept behind adult
learning - Professional Development supports primary goal
effective teaching for effective learning - Training does not focus on student learning
910 Lessons4
- Student learning is the purpose
- Model Information Literacy
- Inference
- Analysis
- Synthesis
- Interpretation
1010 Lessons5
- Deal with the emotions
- Confidence
- Comfort
- Calm
- Competence
1110 Lessons6
- Create community of support
- Help when needed
- Adult learning culture
- Mutual support
- Stress teachers strengths
12(No Transcript)
1310 Lessons7
- Use assessments to guide planning
- Anonymous assessment (TAGLIT 2c.3)
- Preferences
- Interests
- Styles
- Skill levels
1410 Lessons8
- Provide Time (TAGLIT 2d.2)
- Invention
- Individualized Professional Development
- Discussion
- Group Professional Development
- Collaborative Teaching
- Lesson development
- Collaborative Lesson Development
153 Key Elements
- Program Development
- Professional Development
- Effective Teaching
1610 Lessons9
- What is the Hook for your school?
- Invoke passions
- Dispel fears
- Choices
- Available resources
- Incentives
- Follow-Up
1710 Lessons10
- Dont give up!
- 3-5 years
- Several Models
18What Does It Look Like?
- Technology in all Professional Development
- Encourage Teachers to visit
- Personally Model!
- Display Student work
- Share with the community
19NSDC Components of Effective Staff Development
- Staff development that improves the learning of
all students - Organizes adults into LEARNING COMMUNITIES
- Requires LEADERSHIP which guides continuous
instructional improvement - Requires RESOURCES to support adult learning and
20- As we connect our students to the world, we need
to focus much more of our staff development on
preparing teachers to help students manage
relationships and learn cultural negotiation.
The technical training is necessary but trivial
compared to the critical thinking skills. - - Alan November
21- The planning challenge is to imagine doing
things that we have never been able to do in
education, not simply improve upon what we are
doing today. - - Alan November
22- Â Â It is not the computer or convergence
technology resource that teaches the child. It is
the way in which technology is used as a tool in
creating a learning landscape. - - Bonnie Bracey
23"The genie is out of the bottle. No matter what
we do, technology is out there. The challenge is
how to use it effectively." - Frank Withrow
- Teacher Tap
- Web for Teachers
- How Teachers Learn New Technologies
- T.H.E. Institute
- Classroom Connect
- Teacher Universe