Title: By: Neela Barek-Zeh
- By Neela Barek-Zeh Bernice Chan
- A miracle is an event that appears to be
inexplicable by the laws of nature so is held to
be supernatural in origin or an act of God. - There are several opposing views on the existence
of miracles. - Many religious people see miracles as signs from
God, and view those who experience miracles to be
divine or favoured by God. - Others believe that a supernatural world exists
and miracles happen through it. They believe that
miracles are only significant if they reveal a
deeper meaning to life. - Many others view that a supernatural world and
miracles are impossible. -
3Categorization of Christian Miracles
- Major
- Stigmata
- Bilocation
- Involuntary levitation
- Healings
- Minor
- Incorruptibility of the body
- Odor of sanctity
- Divine images
- Other Types
- Invisibility
- Manifestations of objects
- Multiplication of food
- Raising the dead
- Dematerialization and materialization
- Weeping statues
- Inedia
- Emission of light from the body
- Ebullition of blood
4Christian Miracles
- Stigmata
- On September 23, 1971, 10 year-old Clorette
Robinson of Oakland California, started bleeding
from the palm of her hand. - She was rushed to the hospital and examined by
both doctors, who could neither stop or explain
the bleeding, and psychiatrists who could not
find anything wrong with her. - A few days later, she experienced stigmatism
again, but this time she bled from her side,
forehead and feet.The stigmatism continued until
March 31, 1972, and ended altogether.
5Christian Miracles Contd
Weeping Statues/ Miracle Healings
- In 1992 in San Thomas, Mexico, while praying for
her dying mother, a 12-year-old girl, Anna Avila,
noticed that the statue of Madonna was weeping
tears. When she returned home, she found her
mother in the kitchen preparing dinner and
singing. The woman had not been able to get out
of bed for three months. - As news spread, other healings were reported.
"People have come from South and North America,
from Europe and from Asia," says Father Amoros,
the local priest. "And all have been healed." He
says, "People arrive on stretchers and crutches,
then walk away under their own power after
praying to the Madonna and touching her tears. - Scientists from Mexico City and from the US all
say the tears are real, but no one knows where
they come from or how they heal.
6 Aboriginal Miracles
- A symbol of hope, rebirth and unity for Native
Americans has been born in the form of a white
buffalo calf named Miracle. - The rare birth has great cultural significance
for the Great Plains Native American tribes. - The calf's birth is believed to "bring purity of
mind, body and spirit, and unify all nations --
black, red, yellow and white". - Since the birth, thousands of visitors have
travelled to the Wisconsin farm to catch a
glimpse of Miracle. - According to statistics from the National Buffalo
Association, the likelihood of a white calf birth
is approximately 1 in 6,000 million.
7Buddhist Miracles
- "Burmese religious pilgrims flocked by the
thousands at the weekend to Nyaunglaybin
township, 160 kilometres north of Rangoon, to
witness a "miracle" of multi-coloured light beams
appearing from a Buddhist monastery." - Residents of Nyaunglaybin say the light beams
have been occurring since March 9, and has drawn
increasingly large crowds to the small town. - Followers claimed to see "relics of the Buddha",
or mortal remnants of the Lord Buddha who died
more than 2500 years ago, on the monk Sayadews
robes. - Witnesses also say they have seen rainbow-like
colours coming from the roof of Sayadews home.
8Hindu Miracles
- Sai Baba performs miracles before many
eyewitnesses. - Flame took the form of the symbol OM (Hindu
symbol for the Universe) and stayed in this form
long enough to be photographed. - Sai Baba materializing a small Bible before
eyewitnesses. - The portrait of Sai Baba manifested in the
clouds. - Sai Baba often materializes special, very fine
ash - vibhuti, which has healing powers.
9Islamic Miracles
- This is the pattern of air tubes in the lungs of
all human beings. - The pattern has been worked out with extreme
precision on a computer. - The air pipes are distributed in the shape of
the declaration of the Islamic creed in the
Arabic language that affirms the Oneness of Allah
and the Prophethood of Muhammad (SAS). It reads
"La Ilaha Illallah Muhammad-un-Rasullullah."
- It is almost certain that some miracles are
indeed facts. However, how they happen remains
controversial. Some believe miracles have a
religious significance, while others believe they
are psychological in nature. - D. Scott Rogo, believes that todays science and
technology are not advanced enough to explain the
physics of the miraculous. However, he does not
discount the possibility of a spiritual world
that may be responsible for miracles.