Title: EN3515 Lecture 4: Networking and the Internet
1EN3515 Lecture 4Networking and the Internet
- Net Spaces
- Case Studies
- Network Hardware
- Network Software
- Network Standards/Protocols
- Internet Communication Strategies
- Evaluating Good Websites
2Net Spaces
- The landscape of Cyberspace
- The Matrix (main part of cyberspace
- The Internet
- FTP space
- Telnet space
- Gopher space
- WAIS space
- Web space
- Email space
- Usenet
- Commercial Services
- Private Nets
3Cyberspace The Matrix
4FTP Space
- The set of all resources accessible through the
File Transfer Protocol on the Internet. The
resources include directories of files and
individual files that might be text or binary
(executables, graphics, sound, and video) files.
It is among the oldest spaces on the Net and has
massive and often obsolete and polluted
information on it. It is a major distribution
area for software. - Recent trend of Files Transfer on Internet P2P
5FTP Keyword Searcher
- There is no way to search the contents of
documents at FTP sites. The only alternative is
to use Archie--a tool that indexes the filenames
at FTP sites and is good for looking for a
software or shareware program of a particular
name. Most of these old world Internet
resources are integrated by WWW today.
6Telnet Space
- Telnet is a protocol for remotely logging into a
remote computer. Many Telnet sites still offer
valuable and updated information (i.e. card
catalogs of libraries). Using Telnet, you can
also access your own e-mail account from a long
distance. - Example
- Telnet//personal.cityu.edu.hk
7Gopher Space
- Gopher, an information system designed at the
University of Minnesota, is among the oldest
spaces on the Net. Because of the rise of the
Web, the Gopher traffic on the Net has declined.
Here is the mother of all Gophers at the
University of Minnesota - http//www.webopedia.com/TERM/g/gopher.html
8Gopher Subject Tree
- A good collection of subject-related Gophers is
Gopher Jewels. A Web-version is at - http//galaxy.einet.net/GJ/index.html
- The Internet search engine history
- http//www.galaxy.com/info/history2.html
9Case Studies
- Build a peer-to-peer LAN
- Build a client-server LAN
- Build New Media Lab LAN
- From CityU to Internet
10Build a Peer-to-Peer Network
- Minimal items needed
- 2 computers, each with a network card
- a crossover cable, or a cable and a hub
- Windows 3.11/95/98 on all computers
(or crossover cable)
11The buzz word of peer-to-peer network (P2P) kazaa
- http//www.download.com 1 download!!
- Lets do a search on wired.com with kazaa
12Server/Client Network
- Minimal items needed
- a server with networking software
- 2 workstation
- a hub (or switch)
- Network cables
Link to outside network(s)
13New Media Lab LAN (example)
- Servers
- NT server primary controller, printer server,
file server, and secondary Web server - Win2000 server primary Web server
- Workstations
- 28, running Windows XP, with some of these
connected to overhead projector, sound system,
scanners, CD-writers, and video conferencing
14The NML LAN (2)
- Servers, workstations, and printers are connected
through 100BASE-T cable (100mps) to designated
ports on LAN switches - The Lab LAN is connected to the Internet via
CityU ATM backbone network (154mps) - A router shields the Lab LAN from CityU-EN LAN
(i.e., making the Lab a subnet of the LAN), to
separate the resources/broadcast messages between
the two LANs
15The NML LAN (3)
CityU Staff LAN
EN Staff LAN
24-port Switch
16-port Switch
16From LANs to Internet
17From CityU to the Internet
Media Lab
18Network vs. the Internet
- Network
- LAN (private, closed system)
- WAN (LAN extended to a larger area)
- Intranet, Extranet, and the Internet
- Intranet (LAN or WAN using Internet connection)
Example CityU Portal - Extranet (Intranet extended to associates)
- The Internet (a public, open system)
19Internet vs. World Wide Web
- Internet is the physical infrastructure on the
global scale whereas WWW is one of the following
protocols (i.e., software standards) that run on
the Internet - http (for WWW)
- ftp (file transfer protocol)
- telnet (remote login protocol)
- gopher (text-based WWW)
- mailto (e-mail)
20Networking Standards
- Protocol for connection
- TCP/IP (most popular)
- IPX (Novells proprietary system)
- NetBIOS/NetBEUI (easy, fast, from Microsoft, for
P2P LANs) - IP Address
- Classes (c.l.l.l c.c.l.l c.c.c.l)
- Default gateway (usually the last in the net)
- Subnet mask (usually
21IP Address
- An IP address is a unique identification for any
computer connected to the Internet. - All IP addresses are in the form of x.x.x.x
(where x has 8 bits ranges from 0 to 255). - IP addresses are assigned at levels
- Global authority Network Solutions, Inc.
- Local authority the network administrator of
your organization
22Classes of IP Address
23IP Address vs. Internet Address
- IP address (a 4-quad numeral) identifies a
computer connected to the Internet (e.g.,
144.214.44.x for our NT server) - Internet address (a literal of any length)
identifies a Web server (e.g., newmedia.cityu.edu.
hk for the NT server) or a subdirectory of a Web
server (e.g., newmedia.cityu.edu.hk/en5611) - Web server can be a server or a workstation with
a fixed IP address and a hardwire connection
24Dynamic IP Address and Dial-up Connection
- A dynamic IP address is assigned by a network
server during the connection time (often through
a dial-up means) - A computer is typically assigned a different
dynamic IP address each time connected - Dial-up connection involves modem-phone line (up
to 56kps), or ISDN (Integrated Service Digital
Network, 128kps), or ADSL, xDSL, or cable modem
25Next Generation of IP Address IPv6
26IP Address
27Other trend of WWW
- Connect to the next PPT file
28Internet Communication Fundamentals Strategies
- Effects a communication perspective
- Unique features of the Internet (Web) as a
communication medium - Web design setting reasonable goals
- Types of Web design
- Basic elements of good Web Sites
- Dos and donts in Web design
29Effects A Communication Perspective
- A simple hierarchy of communication effects
- Behavior (actions, performances)
- Attitude (beliefs, values, opinions, judgments)
- Emotion (feelings, likes)
- Cognition (knowledge, information, thinking
30Effective Communication
- Communication that comes from trusted sources,
reaches the targeted audience with appropriate
format (means and channels) and content, and
achieves the intended goals.
31Unique Features of Internet as a Communication
- Although the Internet has inherited some
features from the traditional media, it is
distinct in several ways - Interactivity
- Non-linearity (hypertext and hyperlink)
- Multimedia capability
- Porous quality (in pieces)
- Varying speed (connection speed dependent)
- Varying browsers (IE, Netscape, Mozilla, Opera,
etc.) - Varying display (monitors, mostly 14 and 15)
- Almost unlimited choices (too many possible
32The 28.8Kbps Factor
- About one-third of the people using the Internet
are connected through 28.8Kbps modems. A bit --
a contraction of the phrase binary digit --is the
most elemental unit of computer information,
either a 1 or a 0. One byte is made up of 8
bits. Therefore, a 75KB (75,000-byte) file would
take 20.8 seconds to transfer at 28,800 bits per
33Web recent trend
- From text-based, to more graphically-represented.
From more passively transfer information, to more
interactive, or even more immersive
(immersed) - Example http//flysworkshop.net/as/
- Example http//www.activeworlds.com/ or
34Internet Communication Goals
- General goals
- Information
- Entertainment
- Service
- Marketing
- Persuasion
- Pure presence
35Internet Communication Goals(Marketing)
- Some specific goals in marketing
- Brand-building
- Direct marketing
- Online sales
- Customer support
- Market research
- Content publishing/services
36Three Major Types of Web Sites
- Brochureware
- Show-biz
- Utilitarian
- Brochureware sites are the most commonly deployed
ones on the Web. They are normally static,
non-interactive and boring about-my-business
- Show-biz sites mean two things First, those
misguided attempts to lure visitors to shows of
products second, flashy and showy sites that
feature technical dexterity. - Example Liptons margarine http//www.tasteyoulo
- Utilitarian sites are those that offer Web
surfers a genuine service and experience -- an
interactive information/service utility. Federal
Expresss (FedEx) site is a classic example.
40Schools of Web Design
- Early ASCII text
- Classic three-part Web page
- Modern graphic slabs
- Postmodern fragments
- Early virtual 2D/3D scene, metaphor
41Early ASCII Text
- Influenced by the hierarchical organization
common in previous information systems such as
Gopher, FTP and Telnet, the early ASCII design
style relies heavily on hierarchical organization
and links to extend meaning. This school is
obsolete. - Example a telnet web page design.
42Early ASCII Page Example
43Classic Three-Part Web Page
- The classic three-part structure of head, body
and column is popular with the use of graphical
browsers because the visual impact of a single
screen has more visual impact that the scrolling
browsers, such as the Lynx browser. - Example our course site
44Modern Graphic Slabs
- Marked by the use of graphics to draw attention,
reveal choices and provide ornament, this style
runs the gamut of expressions ranging from a
single-graphic slab to a mixture of graphics and
text often arranged in a grid to reveal
functionality. - Examples compare whitehouse.gov and amazon.com
45Postmodern Fragments
- Instead of conceiving a page as a fixed
structure, a postmodern style generates a page
based on user requests by the use of CGI
programming to dynamically create web pages and
graphics on the fly. - Example HotWired (http//www.hotwired.com/membe
46Early Virtual Scene
- The early virtual page involves Virtual Reality
Modeling Language (VRML) and can be viewed as an
environment in which the room or the scene
becomes a unit of attention for the user. - VRML
- Adobe Atmosphere
- Digital Space
- Activeworlds..etc.
- http//www.taj-mahal.net/blackBack.htm
47Elements of Good Web Sites
- Good sites are good communities
- Good sites are relevant (e.g. personalized
content) - Good sites entertain (pleasing)
- Good sites do not stand alone (linked)
48Some Dos in Web Design
- Know your audience
- Build in interactivity and feedback (when
necessary) - Provide good and user friendly navigation
- Create consistent, pleasing and efficient look
and feel - Keep files short and small (45KB or below per
page) - Content, content, content
- Link to most relevant resources
- Use graphics and multimedia only when they are
necessary and efficient
49Some Donts in Web Design
- Avoid
- monster page overloaded with information
- multimedia overkill example1
- meaningless links
- clown pants (disorganized pages)
- KOOL design (overly fancy but empty sites)
- sukers
- worst websites
50Evaluating Standards and Strategies (1)
- Basic assessment
- The Internet is an invaluable source of
information, communication, and interaction. It
contains diverse information, some of which is
good and some of which is garbage.
51Evaluating Standards and Strategies (2)
- How to evaluate the information on the Net
depends on the purposes and needs of the user. - Some basic needs
- 1. Factual information 2. Entertainment
- 3. Socialization 4. Escape/diversion
- 5. Services 6. Business
52Evaluating Standards and Strategies (3)
- Basic standards
- Accuracy Reliability
- Authenticity Readability/Ease
- Authority Utility
- Accessibility Stability
- Currency Links
- Interactivity Security
53Evaluating Standards and Strategies (4)
- Some good information providers
- 1. Academic institutions/experts
- 2. Tradition mass media
- 3. Government organizations (i.e., U.S. Census)
- 4. Major corporations
- 5. Reputable newsgroups/sites
54Evaluating Standards and Strategies (5)
- Some strategies
- 1. Lists of top (good) sources
- 2. Frequently visited sources
- 3. Frequently linked sources
- 4. Databases provided by professional providers
55Evaluating Standards and Strategies (6)
- Ten things to bear in mind
- 1. Traffic might be heavy.
- 2. Servers can go down.
- 3. The Net can go down.
- 4. Resource names can change.
- 5. Resources can disappear.
- 6. Resources can be HUGE.
- 7. Links can break.
- 8. Your senses might be overloaded.
- 9. You might be shocked.
- 10. You can get sick.