Title: Michigan High School Content Expectations Overview
1Michigan High School Content Expectations
2Science Tier I Overview
- Science High School Content Expectations (HSCE)
- Michigan Merit Graduation Requirements
- Michigan Merit Curriculum Course/Credit
Requirements (CCE) - Brief overview of all content area requirements
- Focus on Science
3Statewide Dissemination Plan
- The HSCE/CCE Rollout -- 3 Tiers of professional
development - Tier I General Overview Statewide Initiative
October 17 Lansing
October 18
November 9 Clinton RESA - Tier II Curriculum Alignment Regional
Initiative Align HSCE/CCE to current
district curriculum and practice - 9 meetings at Math/Science Centers across the
state - Tier III Instructional Alignment and Practices
Local Initiative
4WhyEconomic Survival
- Our students face both national and international
competition - Research shows students are not prepared to
succeed in college or workplace - Courses like Algebra II are new gateway to higher
paying jobs - Michigans economic recovery is tied to a
well-educated workforce
5WhyEmployers Want
- Strong math and science backgrounds
- Creative problem solvers
- Effective communicators
- Leadership qualities
- Flexibility - ability to adapt
- A minimum of 14 years of education
6College-ready is Work-ready
- we know that the skills expected for college
are also the skills needed to enter todays
workforce. So whether students plan further
education or work after high school graduation,
they need to graduate college-ready. - On Course for Success ACT
7History of High School Requirements
- Our students face both national and international
competition - Research shows students are not prepared to
succeed in college or workplace - Courses like Algebra II are new gateway to higher
paying jobs - Michigans economic recovery is tied to a
well-educated workforce
8History of High School Requirements
- Cherry Commission on Higher Education and
Economic Growth - Year long study of resources, districts, and best
practices - State Board of Education action
- Extraordinary partnership between Executive and
Legislative branches
9History of High School Requirements
- Legislation signed by Governor Granholm on April
20, 2006 created a set of rigorous high school
requirements - State graduation requirements become most
comprehensive in nation - New requirements effective Class of 2011 except
for Languages other than English (LOTE) 2016
10Successful High School Programs
- High expectations
- Rigorous requirements
- Academic studies applied to real-world problems
and projects - Challenging career/technical studies
- Work-based learning opportunities
11School Environment
- Teachers working together
- Students actively engaged
- Productive senior year
- Guidance
- Support structures
- High Schools That Work,
- Southern Regional Education Board
June 2005
12Our Charge
- Come together to help ALL students meet the
content expectations to be work or college-ready - Create a vision of implementation for high school
redesign - Identify curricular content and effective
instructional practices that lead to increased
student engagement
13Collaboration is the Key
Our Partners
- Higher Education
- Local School District Staff
- ISD and RESA Consultants
- Career and Technical Educators
- Special Education and Support Staff
- Content and Curriculum Consultants
- Professional Organizations
- Others
14Overview of Michigan Merit Curriculum
- 2011 Requirements (2006 8th grade class)
- Course/Credit Content Expectations for
- 4 English Language Arts
- 4 Mathematics (1 in senior year)
- 3 Science
- 3 Social Studies
- Content Area/Learning Experience Guidelines for
- 1 Physical Education/Health
- 1 Visual, Performing, and Applied Arts
- On-line course/experience
- 2016 Requirements (2006 3rd grade class)
- Content Area/Learning Experience Guidelines for
- 2 credits/experience in Languages other than
15Courageous Leadership
- By enacting the Michigan Merit Curriculum,
the Michigan Legislature and Governor
Granholmthe State Board of Education and the
Department of Education have catapulted Michigan
from the state that demanded among the leastto
one of the states that demands the most. - Enacting Michigan Merit Curriculum required
political leadership and courage. Implementing
it well will require the skill and dedication of
Michigans educators, a challenge they are surely
up to. - Michael Cohen
- President and CEO of Achieve, Inc.
16High School Content Expectations (HSCE CCE)
17Who Was Involved?
- Academic Work Groups
- Chaired by Higher Education
- Other representative members
- Local and Intermediate School Districts
- Professional Organizations
- Career Technical Education
- Review Committees
- Web Review
- National Review
- Achieve, Inc. ELA and Mathematics
- Council of State Science Supervisors
- North American Council for Online Learning
18What Was Developed?
- High School Content Expectations (HSCE)
- The universe of required and recommended
content knowledge and expectations for a 4 year
high school experience - Course/Credit Content Expectations (CCE)
- Specific course/credit content requirements
derived from the universe of the HSCE
19Course/Credit Content Expectations
- Build on and extend
- Michigan K-8 Grade Level Content Expectations and
the K-8 Educational Experience - Michigan Curriculum Framework
- - Career and Employability Skills Standards and
20Course/Credit Content Expectations
- Are aligned with national standards and
recommendations from - National Assessment Evaluation Program (NAEP) and
National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB) - American College Testing Program (ACT)
- Benchmarks for Science Literacy (AAAS)
- National Science Education Standards (NRC)
- College Board (SAT)
- American Diploma Project (ADP) and Achieve, Inc.
21Course/Credit Requirements
- Guides for HSCE/CCE implementation
- Define requirements for assigning credit
- Common Elements
- Curriculum Unit Design
- Relevance
- Formative and Summative Assessment
- HSCE/CCE Organizational Structure
- Goals Statement
22MDE Obligations
- Develop Course/Credit Content Expectations for
subject areas named in legislation - Develop guidelines for
- Visual, Performing, and Applied Arts
- Online Learning Experience
- PE/Health
- Languages other than English (experiences K-12)
- Define
- Minimum level of technology and internet access
- Alternative delivery methods
- District phase-in requirements
- Develop guidelines for applications for
specialty schools
23MDE Obligations (contd)
- By April 2009, MDE must develop or select and
approve assessments that may be used by the
district for the Course/Credit requirements (at a
minimum) in - English Language Arts
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Studies
- May be end-of-course, unit, or in other increment
- Local districts may develop their own assessments
to measure achievement in credit - Legislation authorizes local district to
institute Michigan Merit Exam (MME) as graduation
requirement - Legislation allows districts to require credits
beyond MMC requirements (Course/Credits and
24District Obligations
- Opportunities in place by 2007-08 school year to
meet all graduation requirements - If not, proposal for phase-in plan
- Educational Development Plan for 7th graders to
be completed by time student enters high school
25District Obligations (contd)
- Graduation credit areas taught by highly
qualified (NCLB) teachers - Notice to parents of students failing or in
danger of dropping out - Basic technology and internet access in place to
support on-line requirement
26Next Steps
- Implementing rigorous new requirements
- Change is difficult
- Not intended to happen overnight
- Evaluate current opportunities for earning
required credits - Develop plan of action and timeline for providing
opportunities to meet all expectations
27Next Steps
- Develop plan of action and timeline
- Align courses and written curriculum with
requirements and expectations
identify gaps and plan for new offerings - Align instructional resources with district
curriculum identify need for additional
materials - Identify common course assessments to monitor
achievement (or use those developed by MDE)
28Additional Information
- Districts have asked for clarification,
guidelines, and specific recommendations for - Assessment plans (MME and Course/Credit)
- Setting proficiency levels
- Assessable content document
- Guidelines for District Assessments Testing Out
- Specifics regarding special education,
alternative education, personal curriculum,
district modification, online experience, and
school accreditation - Legislation allows for flexibility in making
district decisions - MDE is developing policy in these areas
- Watch for Answers to FAQ on our web site
29English Language Arts
- Required 4 credits
- Credit content is defined by units
- 4 (or more) model units per credit (year)
- Anchor texts narrative/informational
- Organized by Big Ideas and Dispositions
- Increasing levels of complexity and
sophistication - Emphasis on Reading, Writing, and Informational
Text - Suggested literature
30ELA Expectations
Organized by strand and standard
- Literature and Culture
- Close Literary Reading (10)
- Reading and Response (5)
- (varied genre and time periods)
- Text Analysis (6)
- Mass Media (4)
- Language
- Effective English Language Use (5)
- Language Variety (5)
- 4 strands
- 14 standards
- 91 expectations
- Writing, Speaking, and Representing
- Writing Process (8)
- Personal Growth (4)
- Audience and Purpose (9)
- Inquiry and Research (7)
- Finished Products (5)
- Reading, Listening, and Viewing
- Strategy Development (12)
- Meaning Beyond the Literal Level (3)
- Independent Reading (8)
- Required 4 Credits
- Credit content is developed for
- Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II,
Pre-Calculus, Statistics, and Integrated
Mathematics - Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II are required
- Senior year of math is required to be selected
from district or online options, and/or dual
enrollment - Sequence is not mandated
- Legislation lists examples, list not exclusive
- Integrated math allowed
32Mathematics Expectations
Organized by strand, standard, and topic
- Quantitative Literacy and Logic
- Reasoning About Numbers, Systems, and
Quantitative Situations (9) - Calculation, Algorithms, and Estimation (9)
- Measurement and Precision (5)
- Mathematical Reasoning, Logic, and Proof (10)
- Algebra and Functions
- Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities (16)
- Function (39)
- Mathematical Modeling (3)
- Geometry and Trigonometry
- Figures and Their Properties (29)
- Relations Between Figures (10)
- Transformations of Figures in the Plane
- Statistics and Probability
- Univariate Data Examining Distributions (9)
- Bivariate Data Examining Relationships (6)
- Samples, Surveys and Experiments
- (3)
- Probability Models and Probability Calculation
(4) - Additional Recommended Expectations
- Extensions beyond the core
- Addendum Detailing Outlines for
- PreCalculus
- Statistics and Probability
- 4 strands
- 14 standards
- 157 expectations
- Required 3 Credits
- Draft Credit content is developed for
- Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics
- Biology required of everyone
- Choice of Physics or Chemistry
- 3rd credit to be selected from district or online
options, and/or dual enrollment - Legislation encourages 4th credit
- Sequence not mandated
34Science Expectations
Organized by strand (discipline), standard, and
content statement
- Earth Science
- Inquiry, Reflection, and Social Implications (2)
- Earth Systems (4)
- The Solid Earth (4)
- The Fluid Earth (3)
- Earth in Space and Time (4)
- Biology (
- Inquiry, Reflection, and Social Implications (2)
- Organization and Development of Living Systems
(6) - Interdependence of Living Systems and the
Environment (5) - Genetics (4)
- Evolution and Biodiversity (3)
- Physics
- Inquiry, Reflection, and Social Implications (2)
- Motion of Objects (3)
- Forces and Motion (8)
- Forms of Energy and Energy Transformations (12)
- Chemistry
- Inquiry, Reflection, and Social Implications (2)
- Forms of Energy (5)
- Energy Transfer and Conservation (5)
- Properties of Matter (10)
- Changes in Matter (8)
Credit for high school Earth Science, Biology,
Physics, and Chemistry will be defined as meeting
BOTH essential and core subject area content
expectations. Represents required
for graduation
36Social Studies
- Required 3 credits
- Credit content is being developed for
- U.S. History and Geography, Civics, Economics,
and World History and Geography - 1 credit in U.S. History and Geography
- .5 credit in Civics
- .5 credit in Economics
- 1 credit in World History and Geography
- Anticipated approval and dissemination 2007
37High School Course/Credit Guidelines
38Course/Credit Guidelines
- The Course/Credit Guidelines (CCG)
- Provide high schools with general curricular
content and processes - Local school districts will assign credits based
on their course/credit offerings that are aligned
to the Course/Credit Guidelines - Guidelines are aligned to Michigan Curriculum
Framework, Career and Technical Education
Standards, and/or other program area guidelines
39Visual, Performing, and Applied Arts
- Required 1 credit
- Draft Guidelines have been developed for
- Visual, Performing, and Applied Arts
- The goal is to provide students with experience
in the entire artistic/creative process - Guidelines focus on artistic/creative processes
rather than defining set of courses that meet
40Online Learning Experience
- Requirement The law requires an online learning
experience, but does NOT require a for credit
online learning experience - Guidelines for this learning experience have been
developed - Credit or non-credit course or learning
experience - OR
- District has integrated online learning into each
credit area required for graduation - MDE has identified the basic level of technology
and internet access for requirement
41Physical Education/Health
- Required 1 credit
- Guidelines are being developed
- Health and Physical Education (Nov. 2006 draft)
- Must be taught by teachers with the appropriate
endorsements (MA, MX or KH for health MB,
MX or SP for physical education) - May be integrated into one course if the teacher
is qualified and guidelines for both health and
physical education are met.
42Languages Other Than English
- 2016 Requirement (3rd grade class of 2006)
- 2 credits in high school
- OR..
- Course work or other learning experiences prior
to/during high school (K-12) - American Sign Language (ASL) and Heritage
Languages qualify toward LOTE requirement - Requirement may be met on-line
43Completion Timeline
- Course/Credit Content Expectations and Guidelines
are available on the MDE website - English Language Arts Units for 9th and 10th
grades - Mathematics Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II,
- Precalculus, Statistics
- Science Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry,
Physics (October 2006) - Visual, Performing, and Applied Arts
- Online Experience (October 2006)
44Completion Timeline
- Course/Credit Content Expectations and Guidelines
projected for 2007 - Social Studies U.S. History and Geography,
Economics, Civics, World History and Geography - PE/Health (Draft for Review November 2006)
- Languages other than English (LOTE) Guidelines
for credit and experience
45Performance Matters
What We Know
- Whats New
- Meet or exceed content expectations
- Perform and demonstrate competency
- Assign credit based on meeting expectations
- Currently
- Pass or fail
- Seat time
- Individual courses
46Courses vs. Credits
- Student earns credit by
- Successfully completing the learning expectations
in the Course/Credit Content Expectations for the
credit area - Successful completion to be determined, in part,
by state or local district assessments - Testing out allowed based on earning qualifying
score on state or local assessments
47Courses vs. Credits
- Graduation requirements intended to be
standards/competency-based - Requirements do not imply courses, seat time,
Carnegie Units - Legislation says districts may offer credits
through alternate methods (e.g. Humanities,
CTE, Industrial Technology, Voc-Ed, or
48Courses vs. Credits
- Credit requirement can be met in variety of ways
and in other courses - Career Technical Education
- Community based learning
- Independent study/project work
- High school credit may be earned for high school
level courses taken prior to high school
49Courses vs. Credits
- Legislation does not prohibit student satisfying
credit requirements through - Dual enrollment
- Advanced Placement
- International Baccalaureate
- Other early college experiences or programs
502006 OEAA Conferences
- Marquette November 28 29
- Grayling November 30 December 1
- Grand Rapids December 4 5
- Novi December 7 8
- Lansing December 11 12
- Sterling Heights December 13 14
- Online registration available through MIEM in
late September
51Net Trekker d.i.
- Differentiated instruction resource
- Academic search engine
- Over 180,000 educator-selected online resources
organized by readability level - Available by joining Michigan Learnport
http//www.learnport.org - Type in first and last name and district code for
Net Trekker user ID and password
52Science Breakout
- Opportunities to
- Analyze the expectations
- Identify whats new and different
- Find the rigor (ACT)
- Think about course offerings/schedules
- Plan for alignment with current curriculum and
practice - Identify next steps and professional development
needs - Debriefing
- Share plans in small groups
- Fill out needs survey and evaluation forms
53Find Information on Web
- ACT.org (POLICY MAKERS) On Course for Success
- http//www.act.org/path/policy/pdf/success_report.
pdf - ACT.org (POLICY MAKERS) Reading Between the Lines
- http//www.act.org/path/policy/reports/reading.htm
- College Readiness Standards
- http//www.act.org/standard/index.html
- ACT.org (EDUCATORS) The ACT Writing Test
- http//www.act.org/aap/writing/index.html
54Find Information on Web
- Understanding University Success
- http//www.s4s.org/cepr.uus.php
- Resources from High Schools That Work
- (including Making Middle Schools Work)
- http//www.sreb.org
- Resources from College Board
- (College Readiness Standards)
- http//collegeboard.com
55Find Information on Web
- Michigan.gov/highschool (with link to HSCE site)
- http//www.michigan.gov/highschool
- Michigan.gov/hsce
- http//www.michigan.gov/hsce
- Michigan.gov/oeaa (MME/ACT information)
- http//michigan.gov/oeaa
- Michigan.gov/mathematics (mathematics resources)
- http//www.michigan.gov/mathematics
56MDE Contact Information
- Jeremy M. Hughes, Ph.D.
- Deputy Superintendent/Chief Academic Officer
- Hughesj_at_michigan.gov
- Dr. Yvonne Caamal Canul, Director
- Office of School Improvement
- Canuly_at_michigan.gov
- Betty Underwood, Assistant Director
- Office of School Improvement
- Underwoodb_at_michigan.gov
- Deborah Clemmons, Supervisor
- Office of School Improvement
- Clemmonsd_at_michigan.gov
57MDE Contact Information
- High School Content Expectations
- Susan Codere Kelly CodereS_at_michigan.gov
- Science HS Content Expectations
- Kevin Richard RichardKE_at_michigan.gov
- Content Expectations
- Gale Sharpe SharpeG_at_michigan.gov
58MDE Contact Information
- English Language Arts HS Content Expectations
- Elaine Weber, Ph.D. eweber_at_misd.net
- Mathematics HS Content Expectations
- Ruth Anne Hodges HodgesRA_at_michigan.gov
- Visual, Performing, and Applied Arts Guidelines
- Ana Cardona CardonA_at_michigan.gov
- Online Learning Guidelines
- Barbara Fardell FardellB_at_michigan.gov