1PRECEPTING TIPS In precepting learners, you have
to do two things Diagnosis the
Patient Diagnosis the Learner
2USE THE 5 Ws Method W hat After the case is
presented, ask the learner what they think is
going on. Get a commitment to an assessment.
For example What do you think is going on
with this patient? -- --- I think my patient
has a viral URI.
3W hy - THE MOST IMPORTANT question. The answer
tells you what the learner knows about the
subject and this will guide your teaching. For
example, you ask Why do you think it is a viral
URI ? . The learner should say I think my
patient has a viral URI because..
4W hen - If your detect a gap in knowledge based
on the What and Why question, take a moment to
teach a point. For example When you see a
child with a runny nose and sore throat, it most
likely will be a viral infection rather than
5W hoops! - Correct any clinical mistakes or
myths immediately. This is a teachable
moment! Its not correct to treat strep throat
without a culture W arm fuzzy - At the end of
the case or at the end of the day, dont forget
to give feedback This is what you did right and
this is where you need improvement. I like the
way you presented the history of present illness
- but you do not need to get into an extensive
past medical history
6BONUS!! Cement new knowledge with Reflection As
k What were the 1 or 2 new things you learned