Title: Simulations of General Relativistic Hydrodynamics
1Simulations of General Relativistic Hydrodynamics
- Kim, Hee Il (SNU)
- The 20th NR meeting
2GR Hydro
- Fluid dynamics in a strong Gravitational field
- Astrophysics (mainly for NSs)
- Single star evolution supernova, instability
- Evolution of Binary Star
- GRMHD GRB, Astrophysical Jets
- Cosmology
- Evolution of the universe
- Primoridial black holes Critical phenomena
3ShibataShapiro Group single star
- Axisymmetric collapse simulations of rotating
massive stellar cores in full general relativity
Numerical study for prompt black hole formation.
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astro-ph/0408016 - New criterion for direct black hole formation in
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to black holes Fully general relativistic
simulations.Astrophys.J.595992,2003. e-Print
astro-ph/0310020 - Dynamical bar-mode instability of differentially
rotating stars Effects of equations of state and
velocity profiles.Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc.343619,
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5- Axisymmetric general relativistic hydrodynamics
Long term evolution of neutron stars and stellar
collapse to neutron stars and black holes.
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gr-qc/0301103 - Collapse of a rotating supermassive star to a
supermassive black hole Analytic determination
of the black hole mass and spin.Astrophys.J.5779
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e-Print gr-qc/0206002 - Collapse of a rotating supermassive star to a
supermassive black hole Fully relativistic
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6ShibataShapiro NSNS
- The Final Fate of Binary Neutron Stars What
Happens After the Merger? e-Print gr-qc/0701145
 Unknown - Merger of binary neutron stars to a black hole
disk mass, short gamma-ray bursts, and
quasinormal mode ringing.Phys.Rev.D73064027,2006
. e-Print astro-ph/0603145 Â Unknown - Binary neutron stars in a waveless
approximation.Phys.Rev.Lett.97171101,2006. - Merger of binary neutron stars with realistic
equations of state in full general
relativity.Phys.Rev.D71084021,2005. e-Print
gr-qc/0503119Â - Merger of binary neutron stars of unequal mass in
full general relativity.Phys.Rev.D68084020,2003.
e-Print gr-qc/0310030 Â Unknown TOPCITE 50 - Gravitational waves from the merger of binary
neutron stars in a fully general relativistic
e-Print gr-qc/0203037 Â Unknown TOPCITE 50
7Shibata BHNS
- Merger of black hole-neutron star binaries
Nonspinning black hole case.Masaru Shibata
(Tokyo U.) , Koji Uryu (Wisconsin U., Milwaukee)
. Dec 2006. 5pp.Published in Phys.Rev.D74121503,
2006.e-Print gr-qc/0612142 Â Unknown - Merger of black hole-neutron star binaries in
full general relativity.Masaru Shibata (Tokyo
U.) , Koji Uryu (Wisconsin U., Milwaukee) . Nov
2006. 14pp.Submitted to Class.Quant.Grav.
8ShibataShapiro MHD
- Magnetorotational collapse of massive stellar
cores to neutron stars Simulations in full
general relativity.Phys.Rev.D74104026,2006.
e-Print astro-ph/0610840 Â Unknown - Collapse and black hole formation in magnetized,
differentially rotating neutron stars.e-Print
gr-qc/0610103 Â Unknown - Evolution of magnetized, differentially rotating
neutron stars Simulations in full general
relativity.Phys.Rev.D73104015,2006. e-Print
astro-ph/0605331 Â Unknown - Magnetized hypermassive neutron star collapse a
central engine for short gamma-ray
bursts.Phys.Rev.Lett.96031102,2006. e-Print
astro-ph/0511142 Â Unknown - Collapse of magnetized hypermassive neutron stars
in general relativity.Phys.Rev.Lett.96031101,200
6. e-Print astro-ph/0510653 - Magnetohydrodynamics in full general relativity
Formulation and tests.Phys.Rev.D72044014,2005.
e-Print astro-ph/0507383 Â Unknown
- Luca Baiotti, Ian Hawke, Luciano Rezzolla, Erik
Schnetter, Gravitational-Wave Emission from
Rotating Gravitational Collapse in three
Dimensions, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 131101 (2005),
arXivgr-qc/0503016. - Burkhard Zink, Nikolaos Stergioulas, Ian Hawke,
Christian D. Ott, Erik Schnetter, Ewald Müller,
Black hole formation through fragmentation of
toroidal polytropes, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 161101
(2006), arXivgr-qc/0501080. - Frank Löffler, Luciano Rezzolla, Marcus Ansorg,
Numerical evolutions of a black hole-neutron star
system in full General Relativity, Phys. Rev.
Lett. 97, 141101 (2006), arXivgr-qc/0606104. - Christian D. Ott, Harald Dimmelmeier, Andreas
Marek, Hans-Thomas Janka, Ian Hawke, Burkhard
Zink, Erik Schnetter, 3D Collapse of Rotating
Stellar Iron Cores in General Relativity with
Microphysics, arXivastro-ph/0609819
10- Burkhard Zink etal, Non-axisymmetric instability
and fragmentation of general relativistic
quasi-toroidal stars, arXivastro-ph/0611601. - Christian D. Ott etal, Rotating Collapse of
Stellar Iron Cores in General Relativity,
arXivastro-ph/0612638. - Luca Baiotti, Ian Hawke, Luciano Rezzolla, On the
gravitational radiation from the collapse of
neutron stars to rotating black holes,
arXivgr-qc/0701043. - Bruno Giacomazzo, Luciano Rezzolla, WhiskyMHD a
new numerical code for generial relativistic
magnetohydrodynamics, arXivgr-qc/0701109. - Burkhard Zink etal, Fragmentation of general
relativistic quasi-toroidal polytropes,
arXiv0704.0431 gr-qc. - Where is NSNS???
11Numerical Implementation
Primitive rho, p, v, h, W ? Conservative D, S,
12Method of Lines (MoL) PDE ? ODE by integrating
over a cell
High Resolution Shock Capturing HRSC
Should Calculate the flux at the cell boundaries!
13- Reconstruction -
to increase the order of accuracy
- TVD (Total variation diminishing),Minmod
(limiter) - PPM (Piecewise parabolic method)
- ENO (Essentially Non-Oscillatory)
14- Flux calculation as a Riemann problem
Conservative system with Discontinuous initial
data ?
For linear eq.
- Nonlinear Solvers
- Roe solver
- HLLE (Harten-Lax-van
- Leer-Einfeldt) solver
- Marquina solver
15Whisky 3D GRHydro Code for the EU
Network (mainly copied from http//www.whiskycode.
16sonnim_at_bucks EUHydro pwd /home/sonnim/Cactus/ar
rangements/EUHydro sonnim_at_bucks EUHydro
ls ADMConstraints EOS_Polytrope WhiskyQuad
Whisky_IVP Whisky_Steer Auxilliary
Einstein Whisky_Analysis
Whisky_Init_Data Whisky_TOVSolver CVS
Hydra Whisky_DriftCorrect
Whisky_MeudonData Whisky_TOVSolverC CactusEinstei
n Whisky Whisky_Dust
Whisky_RNSID sonnim_at_bucks EUHydro
EUHydro ? Whisky in May, 2007
17- Whisky
- Provides the hydro variables and the evolution
routines. - 2. Calculates stress energy terms for a spacetime
evolution routine. - The basic routines all seem to work fine. We have
good results and convergence for shock tubes, TOV
stars (Cowling approximation and dynamic),
rotating polytropes, the migration test and the
forced collapse of an unstable TOV star. Some
testing may still be required for any new run,
but it seems solid. - Whisky_Init_Data
- Provides some simple initial data, such as shock
tubes (just simple cases right now) and TOV
stars. Shock tubes work fine. TOV routines
require LSODA and are largely untested currently
we're using RNSID or the separate TOVSolver
18Whisky_RNSID Provides initial data for hydro and
spacetime variables for a single neutron star.
Currently used for the TOV tests as well. As
this is just an interface to the standard RNSID
code I think we can say this has been well
tested, with one exception you can't have a
point exactly on the origin at the moment.
Whisky_TOVSolver Provides initial data for
hydro and spacetime variables for a TOV star.
Works fine but doesn't do boosted solutions or
include support for the static conformal factor
as yet. Will provide up to 10 TOV stars "glued"
together in various ways along with various
perturbations. To make these configurations a
solution of the field equations you must use the
IVP solver.
19Whisky_IVP Given an initial guess for a solution
of Einstein's equations with matter this thorn
uses BAM to solve the York-Lichnerowicz initial
value problem. Normally used for perturbations of
solutions generated by RNSID or TOV_Solver.
Works ok for NS problems. Note that using BAM is
always a bit tricksy. EOS_Base Allows the
registration of multiple equations of state which
can be chosen between at run time. Works fine.
Is also used by GRAstro_Hydro. EOS_Ideal_Fluid
An implementation of the ideal gas EOS to use
with EOS_Base. Works fine. Is also used by
GRAstro_Hydro. EOS_Polytrope An implementation
of a polytropic EOS that uses EOS_Base. This is
a fudge, as EOS_Base isn't really designed for a
polytropic EOS. However it works and provides all
that we require with the minimum of code
rewriting. Stupid choice of name, though.
20ADMBase Provides spacetime variables and some
other utility routines. This is the standard
Cactus thorn from CactusEinstein. For our
purposes it just provides the spacetime
variables. ADMCoupling Couples the fluid /
spacetime variables (it's a Cactus thing and
doesn't do anything interesting) StaticConformal
Provides the static conformal factor. As we
currently have no initial data that uses a
conformal factor, this is just used for
compatibility. BSSN_MoL Evolves the spacetime
using the BSSN formulation of Einstein's
equations. This is essentially the standard
spacetime evolver used for black hole runs at
AEI, tweaked to use MoL. Is pretty constantly
tested. In the long term will be merged back into
the standard ADM_BSSN. ADMConstraints The
standard thorn from CactusEinstein. MoL
Generalized time integration.
21LORENE Binary Initial data (Meudon Data)
LORENE (Langage Objet pour la RElativité
NumériquE)LORENE is a set of C classes to
solve various problems arising in numerical
relativity, and more generally in computational
astrophysics. It provides tools to solve partial
differential equations by means of multi-domain
spectral methods.
- Initial Data
- Single rotating star
- Magnetized Star
- Superfluid Star
- Non conformally flat
- Lorene developers
- Gourgoulhon,
- Grandclement,
- Taniguchi,
- Marck (died)
- Novak,
- Bonazzola,
22Initial data of NSNS
- Quasi-equil. Conformally Flat Condition
- Oohara Nakamura (late 80, 97)
- Wilson Mathews (95,96) CFC
- Baumgarte etal., (97,98) corrotating binary
- Teukolsky(98) Shibata (98) potential flow
irrotational binary - Meudon group using Lorene (99,01)
- Elliptic equations for Lapse, Shift, Conformal
factor velocity potential
23Lapse Shift
24Baryon density Velocity
26Lorene Cactus(Whisky) using Whisky_MeudonData
I did it! BUT
27Concluding Remarks
- GRHydro simulations
- Diverse research topics
- Seem to be robust but incomplete yet
- We can touch some limited topics
- Whisky, Lorene
- Probably exchaustive expensive
- We have to do anyway
- GRHydro is not that far away
- Made in KCNR !!!