ODMGODL - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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As a result there has been a significant effeort by a number of organizations to ... currently comprising GemStone Systems, IBEX Computing, O2 Technology, Object ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Chapter 4

The need of standard
  • The benefits of standardization
  • Data sharing
  • Supportive context for third-party software
  • Relational systems have more extensive standards
    than do object-oriented systems because
  • Relational DBMS are more mature.
  • As a result there has been a significant effeort
    by a number of organizations to create a usable
    set of standards.
  • Relational model is much simpler than an object
    model and has a strong mathematical background.

Standardization bodies
  • OMG (Object Management Group)
  • Members DEC, Bull, IBM, O2, Informix, AA..etc
  • Propose architecture OMA (Object Model
    Architecture) shared OO interface COBRA (Common
    Object Request Broker Architecture)
  • Microsoft de facto standard, eg. ODBC
  • ODMG (Object Management Group)

OMA (Object Model Architecture)
ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)
  • ODMG
  • Rick Cattell of Sun Microsystems, who invited the
    most important OODBMS vendors to club together to
    create a standard with which they could all work.
  • originally five in number but currently
    comprising GemStone Systems, IBEX Computing, O2
    Technology, Object Design, Objectivity, POET
    Software, UniSQL Inc. and Versant Object
  • Three criteria apply to voting members
  • They must be the manufacturer of an OODBMS
  • They must commit 20 of the time of a leading
    technical expert to the development of the
  • They must implement the ODMG-93 standard in their

  • ODMG proposals are expected to comply with OMG
    standards, but to be somewhat more detailed
  • an architecture for OODBMS
  • a data model which will act as the logical model
    for all OODBMS and thus achieve a similar level
    of inter-operability to that found in relational
  • a data definition language, ODL, which will form
    a concrete specification of the operations
    permitted over schemata defined in the data
  • a query language, OQL, which provides an
    interface for posing ad hoc queries (but not for
    doing data definition or data manipulation) and
  • a number of bindings to existing object-oriented
    programming languages, such as C, Smalltalk and

ODMG architecture
ODMG architecture
  • The principal components of the architecture are
  • The object data model
  • The object definition language (ODL). ODL allows
    a schema to be described as a set of object type
  • The object query language (OQL). This is an
    SQL-like query language which can be used as a
    stand-alone querying language or be embedded in
    one of the OMLs. OQL contains only querying
  • Object manipulation languages (OMLs). OOPLs are
    not naturally persistent. To enable them to
    interact with stored data, they need to be
    extended. An OML is the integration of a OOPL
    with the ODMG data model for this purpose. The
    system may provide more than one OML in order to
    exploit the differing programming skills of
  • The persistent object store.
  • Tools and libraries.

ODMG data model
  • The ODMG data model describes a database as a
    collection of denotable values of which there are
    two kinds - objects and literals
  • An objects type has an interface and one or more
  • The interface describes the external appearance
    of the type, including the following components
  • A name
  • A set of supertypes
  • Extent the name of a system-maintained
  • Keys for associative access
  • A set of attributes (a component object or
    literal value)
  • A set of operations
  • An implementation consists of the data structures
    which implement the properties and the code
    bodies which implement the operations.

(No Transcript)
ODMG data model
  • Mutability
  • If an address is modeled as an object then its
    components (house number, street name, etc.) can
    be updated, while it remains the same object -
    this is therefore a mutable object.
  • If an address is a literal structure and one of
    its components is changed, then the whole address
    is considered to become a different value. If it
    is to remain the same value, the components may
    not be changed, i.e. it is an immutable literal.

The built-in typeatomic literal type
  • Numbers
  • Integers
  • Longa signed integer with a large range of
  • Shorta signed integer with a small range of
  • Unsigned Longan integer with a large range of
    positive values
  • Unsigned Shortan integer with a small range of
    positive values
  • Reals
  • Floata single precision real type
  • Doublea double precision real type
  • Booleans
  • Booleantrue or false
  • Character
  • Charthe type of a single character
  • Octet
  • Octetthe type of a single byte
  • Any
  • Anythe type of a location which can hold any

The built-in typecollections
  • Five kinds of collection
  • Sets are unordered collections which do not allow
    duplicates. They support operations to perform
    set union, intersection and difference to copy
    the set to test for subset and superset
    relationships and to (object sets only) insert
    and remove elements.
  • Bags are unordered collections in which
    duplicates are allowed.
  • Lists are ordered collections in which duplicates
    are allowed. These support a variety of retrieval
    operations and (object lists only) insertion and
    removal operations.
  • Arrays are indexed lists of fixed size. They
    support indexed retrieval and insertion
    operations. Deletion operations on object arrays
    merely replace the value with nil.
  • Enumerations are literals which contain an
    explicitly listed group of values. In our
    example, the title of a person is one of Mr.,
    Ms, Mrs, Miss or Dr., i.e. an enumeration
    type of five strings. Enumerations are not
    supported by all ODMG compliant systems.

The built-in typecollections
  • Examples of describe a collection in ODL
  • ListltFloatgt
  • Immutable_BagltPersongt
  • Arraylt Listlt Setlt Vehicle gt gt gt
  • Iterators are objects which keep track of which
    member of a collection., For instance
  • for all X in C do Command
  • the following sequence of operations would be
  • I C -gt create_iterator() ! Generate an
    iterator for the collection
  • X I-gt first() ! Make X the first member of
    the collection
  • repeat Command
  • while I -gt more?() ! Is this the end of the
  • do X I -gt next() ! Make X the next
    member of the collection

The built-in typeRecords
  • A structure has a name and a number of elements
    and each of these is a name, type pair. The
    latter can be any object or literal type, giving
    rise to the possibility of nested records
  • Examples
  • Struct Address Unsigned Short House String
    street, String city, String postcode
  • Such a definition can be used in a schema in one
    of two ways
  • attribute Struct Address Unsigned Short House
    String street, String city, String postcode
  • typedef Struct Address Unsigned Short House
    String street, String city, String postcode
  • attribute Address address

User-defined object typeskey ,extent
  • Object type interface to specify its name, the
    name(s) of its superclass(es), some type
    properties, the attributes of the class, the
    relationships of the class, and the operation
  • An extent is a collection of all of the instances
    of the type which will be maintained
    automatically by the system. The principal reason
    for defining the extent is to provide a
    persistent root to act as a start point for
    accessing the database - equivalent to the names
    of tables in a relational system.
  • Examples
  • interface Person(
  • extent People
  • key socialSecurityNumber ) persistent
  • interface Company(
  • extent Companies
  • keys companyID, companyName ) persistent
  • interface Adult Person(
  • key ( worksFor, staffNumber ) ) persistent

User-defined object typesattributes
  • An attribute is a property which is part of the
  • Examples
  • interface Person
  • attribute String socialSecurityNumber
  • attribute String name
  • attribute Unsigned short age
  • attribute Address address
  • interface Company
  • attribute Unsigned short companyID
  • attribute String companyName
  • attribute Adult manager
  • attribute Address address
  • interface Adult Person
  • attribute Unsigned short staffNumber

User-defined object types relationship
  • A relationship is a binary link between two
    objects, in which traversal in both directions is
  • Relationships in the ODMG data model are always
    binary, but, as in the ER model, there are
  • One-to-one pair two single-valued object
  • One-to-many pair a single-valued object class
    with a collection class.
  • Many-to-many pair two collection classes.
  • Examples
  • interface Person
  • relationship SetltAdultgt parents inverse
  • relationship Company worksFor inverse
  • interface Company
  • relationship SetltPersongt employees inverse
  • interface Adult Person
  • relationship Adult spouse inverse Adult
  • relationship ListltPersongt children inverse

User-defined object types const,typedef
  • Other kinds of exported item
  • const Unsigned Short maximumAge 150
  • typedef Unsigned Short Smallint
  • typedef ListltCompanygt EmploymentRecord
  • attribute EmploymentRecord pastEmployers

User-defined object typesname
  • To identify individual objects and give them
    names, which are independent of any particular
    database, and thus are part of the schema rather
    than the database. In the ODMG model any object
    can be given one or more names, although the same
    name cannot be used for more than one object.
  • For instance, if the Person type is intended to
    be used for genealogical purposes, in which each
    database is to house the descendants of a
    particular couple, this could usefully include as
    named objects FirstWoman and FirstMan. This
    looks like
  • name Person FirstMan
  • name Person FirstWoman
  • The most important use of named objects is that
    they are persistent root objects and can be used
    as the start points to database access. In the
    ODMG model, all persistent roots are either named
    objects or extents of object types.

User-defined object types operations
  • Consider the following four operations
  • an operation, birthday, defined on Person, which
    adds 1 to the age
  • an operation, employ, which is defined on Adult,
    and sets the worksFor property
  • an operation, addChild, which adds another person
    to the children of an adult and
  • an operation, isChild, which tests if one person
    is the child of another.
  • The corresponding ODLs
  • interface Person
  • void birthday()
  • interface Company
  • void employ( in Adult newEmployee )
  • interface Adult Person
  • void addChild( in Person newChild )
  • boolean isChild( in Person testChild )

User-defined object types exceptions
  • Each operation is programmed to deal only with
    the normal case. If any other situation is found
    to occur, an exception is signalled to the system
    and some data indicating the reason for the
    exception is passed back. This is called raising
    an exception.
  • An exception is therefore made up of three
  • an event which causes the exceptional situation
    to occur
  • exception data which is a (possibly empty)
    structure holding information about the reason
    for the problem and
  • an exception handler - a piece of code which,
    using the exception, deals with the unusual
    situation in some way.

User-defined object types exceptions
  • To illustrate how the mechanism works, consider
    the following fragment of pseudo-code.
  • Implementation of Operation A of type T
  • define exception E to be event N which passes
    back a string as the exception data and is
    handled by handler H which just prints the string
    it has been given
  • ...
  • print 1
  • call operation B on object X of type U
  • print 2
  • ...
  • end of operation A
  • Implementation of Operation B of type U
  • ...
  • print 3
  • call operation C on object Y of type V
  • print 4
  • ..
  • . end of Operation B
  • If N occurs, output 1, 3, 5, 6, 4, 2
  • If N not occur, output1, 3, 5, N, 2

User-defined object types exceptions
  • In the ODMG model, there is a most general
    exception, which is used if no handler is found
    in any of the operations which are in progress.
    This prints out a message to say that the
    exception has happened and then aborts the
    current process.
  • Defining a new exception consists of defining a
    new exception type as a subtype of Exception.
    Exceptions can be specified either in modules or
    in type interfaces.
  • In the example, the operation birthday could
    encounter a problem if it attempts to increase
    the age beyond the specified maximum. Setting the
    age property outside of the legal range 0 to 150
    is an example of an exceptional event.
  • The most sensible place to put the exception
    handler is with the Person type, since it is only
    the operations of person that will be allowed to
    change age. The declaration of this type is
    extended with
  • exception ageLimit( Unsigned short wrongAge )
  • The exception can be raised in birthday, so the
    specification of that operation is changed to
  • void birthday() raises (ageLimit)

User-defined object types Transactions
  • Pessimistic concurrency control is the standard
    for the ODMG model.
  • The following operations are allowed on a
  • begin initiates a transaction (and specifies the
    concurrency control protocol where this is
  • commit completes a transaction, releasing all of
    the locks held by that transaction and making the
    changes accessible to any transactions in which
    this one is nested. If the transaction is a
    top-level transaction, then all other
    transactions can now access the changes.
  • abort quits the transaction, releases locks and
    undoes any changes.
  • checkpoint makes any changes permanent, but does
    not release any locks or quit the transaction.
  • abort-to-top-level quits and undoes not just the
    changes of the current transaction but of all
    transactions in which this one is contained.

An example of the ODL syntax
  • interface Company
  • (extent Companies
  • keys companyID, companyName ) persistent
  • attribute Unsigned short companyID
  • attribute String companyName
  • attribute Adult manager
  • attribute Address address
  • relationship SetltPersongt employees
  • inverse PersonworksFor
  • void employ( in Adult newEmployee )
  • interface Adult Person
  • (key ( worksFor, staffNumber ) ) persistent
  • typedef ListltCompanygtEmploymentRecord
  • attribute Unsigned short staffNumber
  • attribute EmploymentRecord pastEmployers
  • relationship Adult spouse
  • inverse Adult spouse
  • module Employment
  • typedef Struct Address
  • Unsigned Short House String street,
  • String city, String postcode address
  • interface Person
  • (extent People
  • key socialSecurityNumber ) persistent
  • exception ageLimit( Unsigned short
  • wrongAge )
  • const Unsigned Short maximumAge 150
  • attribute String socialSecurityNumber
  • attribute String name
  • attribute Unsigned short age
  • attribute Address address
  • relationship SetltAdultgt parents inverse
  • Adultchildren
  • relationship Company worksFor inverse
  • Companyemployees
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