Title: UT Austin Community and Regional Planning
1UT Austin Community and Regional Planning
2Integrating Data - Police Crime Reports and
Aerial Photos
Cartography by Nat Brown
3Integrating Data - Toxic Release Inventory Data
(EPA) and County Outlines
Cartography by Barbara Parmenter
4Analyzing Buildable Land Erin Wilhelm, Advanced
GIS, Spring 2001
5Buildable land with farmland protection Erin
Wilhelm, Advanced GIS, Spring 2001
6Buildable land with water supply protection Erin
Wilhelm, Advanced GIS, Spring 2001
7Recommendations for Potential Park Acquisition
Areas Round Rock, Texas, 1999
Student team members Michael Gatto, Joe Gorney,
and Kirsten HardingCommunity and Regional
Planning Program, UT Austin, Introduction to GIS,
Fall 1999
Cartography by Barbara Parmenter, 2004
Cartography by Barbara Parmenter, 2004
Cartography by Barbara Parmenter, 2004
Cartography by Barbara Parmenter, 2004
Cartography by Barbara Parmenter, 2004
Cartography by Barbara Parmenter, 2004
Cartography by Barbara Parmenter, 2004
15This shows the approximate extent of the 1935
flood over a current aerial photo
16Colorado River at Austin, 1951
17Town Lake, 1964
18East Austin, 1995 improvements and continuing