Title: Millennium Overview and Status
1Millennium Overview and Status
- David Culler and Jim Demmel
- Computer Science Division
- culler,demmel_at_cs.berkeley.edu
- http//www.millennium.berkeley.edu
2MM Proposed Cluster of Clusters
Gigabit Ethernet
C. E.
3Physical Connectivity
4Associated Commitments
- Intel provides 6 M in equipment
- Sun provides all Solaris x86 software
- Microsoft provides all NT software
- Campus provides staff to support the core
infrastructure, networking - CS will try to raise funds for the network and
campus cluster infrastructure - Departments provide 1/2 of system admin for own
side and 20 K for group cluster - racks, network, software, ...
5Where are we?
- Evolving Vision gt SimMillennium
- Hardware deployment
- Software availability
- Cluster Environment
- Grants
- Networking
6The Vision
- To work, think, and study in a computationally
rich environment with deep information stores and
powerful services - test ideas through simulation
- explore and investigate data and information
- share, manipulate, and interact through natural
actions - Organized in a manner consistent with the
University setting
7SimMillennium Project Goals
- Enable major advances in Computational Science
and Engineering - Simulation, Modeling, and Information Processing
becoming ubiquitous - Explore novel design techniques for large,
complex systems - Fundamental Computer Science problems ahead are
problems of scale - Develop fundamentally better ways of
assimilating and interacting with large volumes
of information - and with each other
- Explore emerging technologies
- networking, OS, devices
8Components of the Effort
- Community
- Cluster-based Resources
- Connectivity
- User Interaction
- Computational Economics
9NSF investment Cluster Network
- Transforms large collection of individual
resources into a powerful system - can be focus on a problem
- High Bandwidth
- scales with the number of processors (Gb/s per
proc) - Low Latency
- Low Overhead
- Low Cost
- Simple and Flexible
- Almost no errors
- Low Risk
- Today Myrinet
10NSF Investment Inter-cluster network
- Gigabit Ethernet connecting group clusters and
campus cluster - Bay Networks provides 70 discount
- Campus provides fiber plant, maintenance, and
11NSF Investment UI Technology
- Two Projection Table
- large field of view in horizontal (or vertical)
orientation - Phantom Haptic Interface
- 3D force feedback
- Motion Tracker
- untethered position
- 3D Shutter Glasses
- low cost visualization
12User Interaction Research Agenda
- Expand access to 3D visualization
- Explore any data anywhere
- Ease development
- Develop lab-bench metaphor for Viz
- two hands, physical icons
- Fast prototyping and exchange through Informal
Interfaces - sketching
- Dealing with large volumes of information
- lenses, brushing and linking
- 3D collaboration and interaction
13Computational Economy
- How is this vast, integrated pool of resources
managed? - Traditional system approach empower global OS to
provide optimal allocation to blind
applications - predefined metric, tuned to fixed workload
- ignores the inherent adaptation of demand
- Computer Center
- charge gt director-to-user feedback according to
cost - Economic view decentralized allocation according
to perceived value - pricing gt user-to-user feedback
- compatible niches,sense of control, cooperation
- idea has been around, why now?
14NSF Investment Staff Support
- Provide enabling technology and let it evolve
- monitoring, enforcement
- exchange
- negotiation tools
- Integrate it into users enviroment
- Tools and measurements to determine effectiveness
15Integrated Research Agenda
- Advance the State of Computational Science and
Engineering - immerse a community in a computationally rich
environment with the right tools algorithms,
programming system support - Path to exploiting novel techniques and
technology - Explore design techniques for robust large-scale
distributed systems - economic (or ecologic) approach
- Explore new ways of interacting with information
- large paste-ups, two hands, sketching, 3D
collaboration - Investigate new technology
- SMP nodes, gigabit Ethernet, SANs, VIA
- NT, dCOM, Java beans, directory services
- workbench displays, 3D icons, haptics, position
- Highly leveraged investment in a large scale
infrastructure for studying problems of scale - Deep commitment across the campus
- Sense of ownership and participation
- Rich research agenda
17Nuts and Bolts
18Current Environment
- All projects have servers and several desktops
- last few in current shipment
- millennium.berkeley.edu domain established
- solaris/x86 shared servers with 60GB disks
- www.millennium.berkeley.edu, MM.millennium.berkel
ey.edu - imap, ...
- solaris/x86 sww served from CS servers
- NT domain server with 60 GB disks
- MMNT.millennium.berkeley.edu
- exchange, file, ...
- First cluster ready for use
- NSF SimMillennium grant to cover network
- Two of three Millennium staff hired
19Hardware Deployment (per Q2_98)
20Basic Software Tools
- Standard Unix Tools /usr/sww/bin
- 484 packages
- GNU Tools
- gcc, g (version 2.8.1), gdb, g...
- Sun ProWorks
- workshop development environment
- C, C, F77
- Debugger
- Sun Performance Library /usr/sww/lib
- Sun Math Library
- NT dialtone
21Cluster Developments
- 4 x 4 PentiumPro Cluster ready
- Full NOW environment
- Glunix, MPI, Active Messages, Split-C
- titanium protoype
- Transfering to Cory to debug deployment
- CS / Civil Eng. Consortium has been shaking it
out - petc graph partitioner, finite element classes,
- ScaLapack (???)
- Have parts for three 8x2 Pentium II clusters
- AstroPhysics
- Soda Solaris x86 to be shipped out
- Soda NT cluster
- NSF CISE Research Infrastructure grant
- cluster networking
- inter-cluster networking (campus mgmt)
- computational economy staff support
- visualization
- devoted to CS research with disciplinary applns
- Bay Networks 70 discount up to 5 M
- gigabit networks
- IBM SUR disk towers
- IBM CS extension to PDA access
- NERSC/LBL - DOE2000 Initiative
- gt NSF Science and Tech. Centers in process
- Campus using Millennium to drive planning
- CNS is working closely with us.
- Testing gigabit ethernet
- Campbell, Evans, Davis moving forward
- CS will be able to cover the intracluster network
(Myrinet) and gigabit switch in the group
clusters - frees up some of the committed resources
24Going forward
- Roll out group clusters over next few quarters
- Roll out gigabit interconnect
- Build up the cluster programming tools
- Intel Merced pushed out
- campus cluster delayed
- utilize NOW as an alternative
- combine with NPACI infrastructure
- Exploring cluster technology
- Synfinity, ServerNet, Gigabit Ethernet
- Exploring NT
25A New Tier to Millennium
Wireless Infrastructure
Future Devices
Cell Phones