Title: October 26, 2006 is Drive Safely Work Week
1October 2-6, 2006is Drive Safely Work Week
2What Is DSWW?
- Drive Safely Work Week (DSWW) is an annual week
recognized nationally devoted to improving the
safety and health of the nations workforce by
promoting safe driving practices at their place
of business. The campaign week is always the
first full week in October. In 2006, NETS
celebrates the 10th year of the campaign.
3Participate in the DSWW Campaign Annually TO
- Â
- Save lives, your employees, their families and
members of your community
- Protect your organization from the human,
economic and liability costs associated with
motor vehicle crashes
- Demonstrate good corporate citizenship by making
the roadways safer for everyone.
4Workplace Trends
- 91 percent of employees commute to and from work
- 18 percent of all motor vehicle trips are
- One in four work-related deaths are due to a
traffic-related trauma.
- Employers have an opportunity to make a
difference on our nations roadways by improving
the safety in their own communities and
5Drive the Campaign Message Home
- What is most compelling about the DSWW campaign
is that employees tend to share what they have
learned with their families and friends, greatly
expanding the scope of the campaign with the
potential to improve the attitudes and behaviors
of a great many drivers. - Â
6Do You Know Your Employees Risk on the Road?
- Every 5 seconds a crash occurs.Every 7 seconds a
property damage crash occurs.Every 10 seconds
there is a traffic-related injury.Every 12
minutes in the US, someone dies in a traffic
crash. - Every 31 minutes someone dies in an
alcohol-related crash.
- Every 113 minutes a pedestrian is killed in a
traffic crash.
- Â
7DSWW 2006 Campaign Theme
- The DSWW 2006 campaign focuses on ten practical
driving behaviors that every driver should
practice to ensure their safety and the safety of
others on the road. -
Safe Driving is YOUR Responsibility
Make the Commitment
8DSWW 2006 Campaign Theme
- Make the Commitment
- The pledge to responsible driving is an integral
part of the campaign and is an action statement
directed at every participant. Employers are
encouraged to use the Make the Commitment pledge
cards to drive home their concern for the safety
of their workforce and to acknowledge their duty
of care for employees while on the road. Â Â Â Â
9DSWW 2006 Campaign Message
- Driving is an everyday activitybut it is a
serious responsibility and deserves your full,
undivided attention.
- Â
- Safe driving is up to you. Recognize the risks
you faceand do all you can to ensure your own
safety and the safety of others.
- Â
- Â
10DSWW 2006 e-Tool Kit
Campaign Materials available on-line at
- Dear Partner in Traffic Safety Letter
- Corporate Plan of Action
- 5 Daily Fact Sheet and Employee Activities
- Newsletter Article
- 5 Workplace Safety Ads
- 5 Daily Campaign Messages
- Drive Responsibly Pledge Card
- Campaign Poster
- Resource Catalog of Campaign Incentives
- Press Release
For those who prefer printed materials, the 2006
DSWW Tool Kit is available for 35.00, and
includes color copies of all campaign materials,
a campaign poster, and a CD-Rom containing all of
the campaign materials for easy production and
11Campaign Week Daily Focus
- Monday - Help Your Employees Get Their Vehicles
- Vehicle Maintenance Checklist
- Tuesday - Help Your Employees Get Their Vehicle
Organized to Drive Focused
- Get Your Car in Order ChecklistÂ
- Wednesday Help Your Employees Get the BIG
- Adjust Your Mirrors to Reduce Blind Spots
- Â
- Thursday - Teach Your Employees to Create a
Safety Cushion
- Two-Second Safety Cushion
- Â
- Friday - Have ALL Employees Commit to Safe
- Take the Pledge to Drive Responsibly
- Â
12Campaign Pledge Card
13Campaign Letter to Employees
14Campaign Workplace PSAs
15Campaign Resource Guide
16Drive Safely Ribbon Incentives
17DSWW 2006 Employer Symposium
Mark Your Calendars The Driver-The Vehicle
-The Roadway Future Implications for Employers
September 27, 2006, 900 am to 430 pm Baltim
ore Convention Center
18DSWW 2006 Employer Forum
Mark Your Calendars Alcohol Impaired Drivi
ng Strategies for the Workplace September 2
8, 2006, 900 AM to 430 PM Baltimore Conventio
n Center
19Participate in the Annual Drive Safely Work Week
- October 2-6, 2006
- 10th annual campaign
20This week Make the CommitmentSAFE DRIVING IS
YOUR RESPONSIBILITYKnow What to Anticipate
from YOUR Vehicle, the Roadway and YOURself Â
21DSWW National Sponsors
- Anheuser-Busch Companies
- Autoliv
- Chubb Group of Insurance Companies
- Coors Brewing Company
- General Motors Corporation
- Liberty Mutual Insurance Group
- Maryland highway Safety Office
- Michigan Highway Safety Office
- Monsanto
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
- National Institute for Occupational Safety
- Nationwide Insurance
- Safety Cost Improvement
22Add Another Second
- Avoid tailgating.
- Create a safety cushion by following the
two-second rule
- Add additional seconds in bad weather or when
road conditions are poor.
- Consider the stopping distance of other vehicles.
The larger the vehicle, the longer it takes to