Title: Critical Process Improvement (Strategic Study Groups
1Critical Process Improvement (Strategic Study
Groups EUP)(Action Teams UCO)Thursday,
March 2, 2006 300 - 430 p.m.Friday, March 3,
20061000 1130 a.m.
- Dr. Erinn D. Lake, Edinboro University of
- A critical component of institutional
effectiveness is process improvement reform. This
session will focus on the development of study
groups for critical processes on campus. The
purpose of these study groups will be to reduce
cycle time and increase constituent satisfaction.
Discussion will focus on the selection of topics,
the proper mix of membership on teams, the
development of improvement statements,
flowcharting, and the appropriate formulation of
recommendations.The session will conclude on
how these recommendations become part of the
planning process as well as how the advancements
are communicated to the campus community.
3The Power of Improvement
4Why critical process review?
- June 2004 NACUBO Business Officer The Skinny
on Getting Lean - Article features University of Central Oklahoma
and VP for Administration Steve Kreidler - Getting a key made required seven signatures.
- Generating one work order took 19 pieces of
paper. - Resources were too slim.
- The Lean University was born the idea is simple
Get rid of everything that doesnt have value
and identify world-class practices to solve
5Dr. Mary Thornley, President of Trident Technical
College, SC
- 13 PITs Process Improvement Teams. Finalist
for RIT/USA Today Quality Cup Award. - Have TQM failures in higher education resulted
more from flaws in the philosophy , or more from
flawed application of the philosophy? - Organizations that adapt to change better have an
advantage over competitors in the face of five
economic trends - Rising expectations.
- Increased globalization.
- Increased competition.
- Burgeoning e-commerce.
- Increased technical ability.
- http//www.tridenttech.edu/
6Give these questions some thought
- How many signatures are required to process a
work order? A key request? - How long does it take to obtain course or program
revision/approval? - How satisfied are students with the master
schedule? Campus parking? The health center? - How many admissions applications exist on campus?
How long does it take to process an application? - How much does your campus spend a year on
postage? - How much does your campus spend on
duplicating/printers/copiers/toner/paper, etc?
7Our 9 Priorities
- 1. Increase enrollment to 8,000 students in the
next several years through enhanced enrollment
and retention strategies. - 2. Enhance academic quality.
- 3. Enhance technology campus-wide.
- 4. Create a just community that is
student-centered. - 5. Enhance the Advancement arm of the
institution. - 6. Create a collaborative administrative team
both on and off campus. - 7. Create an inclusive planning process that ties
budgeting to planning. - 8. Increase diversity.
- 9. Enhance Graduate Studies.
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10Process Identification
- Strategic Study Groups 2004-2005 - Call for
Proposals - Once again, it is time to call for proposed
topics to be examined by new strategic study
groups during the 2004-2005 academic year. Study
suggestions focusing on key University processes
may be emailed to mmogavero or lakee or may be
mailed to the Office of University Planning,
Institutional Research and Continuous
Improvement, Reeder Hall, Lower Level. It is
necessary that suggestions be received by Friday,
October 1, 2004, to allow sufficient planning
time to organize the study teams. - Annually, the outcomes of the strategic study
groups are examined at our summer planning
retreat while the on-going implementation of the
study group recommendations are shared with the
campus community via the periodic planning
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12Ingredients of a Process Improvement Team
- Charge
- Description of current process
- Baseline data describing activities and current
length of time to complete process - A recommended strategy to streamline process
which protects the academic and fiscal integrity
of the University and respects all agreements
with the unions that represent members of the
campus community and - A recommended policy or set of procedures that
will produce results which are quantifiable in
13Ingredients of a Process Improvement Team
- Team Composition
- Team Members (no more than 9)
- Guidance Team (1 or 2 individuals w/stake or
responsibility in process) - Quality Advisor (Director of CI/Asst. VP)
1436 Study Groups Completed/In-Process at Edinboro
15Study Groups
1997 Curriculum Committee Faculty Hiring Technology Procurement
1998 Classroom Utilization Expenditure Requests/Purchasing Parking
1999 Accessibility of Audio-Visual Equipment Admissions Applications Duplicating Financial Aid Service/Loan Grant Refunds/Work Study
16Study Groups
2000 Graduate Admissions Process Graduate Assistant Award Process Student Recruitment Student Scheduling Parking
2001 Academic Advising Course/Program Approval Process Grant Writing
2002 Awarding of Scholarships Facilities Communication Life Experience Credit Mass Mailings
17Study Groups
2003 Honors Award Process Master Schedule Process Monitoring Student Progress Practices Used in Recognizing Retirees Parking
2004 Processing and Resolution of Complaints of Harassment Targeted Recruitment of all Students Work Study Awards Process Master Schedule Part 2 Student Satisfaction
2005 Second Year Persistence/Retention Evaluation and Awarding of Transfer Credits
2006 Healthy Campus Community Residential Living
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22Strategic Study Groups(SSGs)
- Waiting lists of volunteers to be on teams.
- Over 50 of total team composition is now
faculty. - 99 of recommendations accepted by the President.
- 85 have been implemented to date.
- Goal To increase constituent satisfaction and
reduce cycle time.
- The wearer best knows where the shoe pinches.
- - Irish Proverb
24Or as Walt Disney put it
- I happen to be kind of an inquisitive guy and
when I see something I dont like, I start
thinking why do they have to be like this and
how can I improve them?
25An Example Official Business Card Process
Primary Goal Technical Quality
26Underground Business Card Process Primary
Goal Speed, Ease
27Revised Official Business Card Process Primary
Goal Technical Quality Speed Ease
The Communications Department and the printer(s)
develop specifications and contracts. The list
is then distributed to faculty and
28Tools for Quality Improvement
- 12 minute video on Flow Diagrams from the
American Management Association - http//www.crmlearning.com/education/
29Improvement Statements
- Whats an Improvement Statement?
- The improvement statement assists the members of
the SSG in identifying the goal(s) of the
project. Statements should be clear, objective,
and should not include an implied solution. -
30Improvement Statements from 2000-2001.
- Course/Program Approval Process
- Reduce the period of time for course/program
approval from Department to President while
retaining quality and relevance of courses and
programs approved.
31Improvement Statements from 2000-2001.
Increase the number of grants received at
Edinboro University by simplifying the grant
writing process in order for faculty and staff to
be more interested and productive in generating
proposals, and to be more satisfied with the
overall process.
32Flowchart Example
- Each quarter action steps, costs and timelines
are noted. - Periodic Planning Reports become the Presidents
Annual Report to the campus community. - The campus community must know the successes and
failures in order to re-focus our efforts.
34Example SSG Recommendations
Work Study Awards Process Charge The issue
presented to the SSG was How do we employ
students? The team was also charged with
working closely with the Targeted Recruitment SSG
team in order to determine how students get here
and how they secure work on campus. Improvement
Statement Define the student employment process
in an attempt to increase campus (student and
campus employer) satisfaction while maintaining
compliance with Federal regulations.
Recommendation Implementation Status Responsibility
1. Provide mandatory training for all employers on campus. (One designee from each employer site must attend.) March of each year. Cost minimal staff time. Student Financial Support Services Financial Operations and Technology Communications
2. Create and maintain accurate, online Student Employment Eligibility List accessible by campus employers. Weekly. Cost minimal staff time. Student Financial Support Services Financial Operations International Student Services and Technology Communications
3. Create two online Student Employment Procedural Manuals (1) for students and (2) for employers in a printable format. Updated each March - create for August 2004 - provide link to students with application materials. Cost minimal - creation of manual, staff time, and posting to web site. Student Financial Support Services and Technology Communications
35Post-Dissertation Thoughts on CI Implementation
36Cross Case Study
- A Cross Case Study of Continuous Improvement in
Two Universities of The Pennsylvania State System
Of Higher Education. - The study findings related to the broader
research question of how two selected
universities in the Pennsylvania State System of
Higher Education successfully implemented
continuous improvement (CI) on their respective
37CI Implementation
- University 1 and University 2 both implemented
continuous improvement in terms of service. - However, critical processes reviews focusing on
teaching and learning did not occur on either
campus, which may attribute to the lack of
faculty participation on the CI teams.
- Spanbauer explains that the process of Continuous
Improvement involves total commitment to
reviewing and reengineering all aspects
administration, student services, and most
importantly, the teaching process, while
transforming the culture of the institution
(Spanbauer, 1996, p. xiv-xv).
38CI Implementation
- Both universities implemented CI on their
campuses using an assumption of event change
versus process change. - Local CI champions were appointed and training
sessions were held on campus.
- Employees either volunteered or were appointed to
various process improvement teams. Reports were
prepared and presentations were given to
executive management. - The State System of Higher Education seems to
have driven much of the CI effort on the two
39CI Implementation
- It seems to the researcher that the initial
implementation stage was not as problematic for
the institutions as sustaining the momentum
surrounding continuous improvement proved to be.
- There are a variety of reasons why the
institutions struggled to sustain CI on campus
such as personnel changes, administration
changes, resource scarcity and a new chancellor
being appointed for the System which
significantly altered the environments in which
the universities functioned.
40CI Implementation
- A transactional leadership model seems more
closely matched to the leadership styles both the
president of University 1 and University 2
employed when implementing CI on their respective
- Both universities ranked high in terms of
employee perceptions of continuous improvement
during the quantitative Benson dissertation which
took place in 1998.
41CI Implementation
- However, long-term resource support was not
identified and when the CI champions left
campus or had a change in major job
responsibilities, no one was identified as the CI
successor or CI was added on top of other
responsibilities which left employees feeling
overwhelmed or burned out.
- Hall and Hord state that most changes in
education take three to five years to implement
at a high level and failure to address key
aspects of the change process can possibly
prevent successful implementation.
- Kanter (2001) optimistically states that my
personal law of management, if not of life, is
that everything can look like a failure in the
middle. Every new idea runs into trouble before
it reaches fruition. - She explains that one of the mistakes leaders
make in change processes is to launch them and
leave them. This results in people giving up
and chasing the next enticing rainbow (p.
43How to promote CI on campus
- Kanter advises leaders to
- stay with change through the initial hurdles,
- make appropriate adjustments midcourse
- stay on the path to success, all the while
staying attuned to the environment, planning
assumptions, while paying attention to the
long-term mission/vision.
44Edinboro Universitys SSG Publications
- Course Development Cycle Time A Framework for
- Continuous Process Improvement, Journal of
Innovative Higher Education, Fall 2003, Volume
28, Number 1. - Cost Reduction 101. Quality Progress, October,
2003. - Strategic Planning and Quality Improvement
Edinboro Universitys Triangulated Institutional
Effectiveness Model with Dr. Michael A.
Mogavero, Proceedings of the Middle States
Association of Colleges and Universities 2001
Annual Meeting. - A Case Study of Process Improvement at a
Pennsylvania University (with Dr. Michael A.
Mogavero). Quality Progress, July, 2000.
45Works in Progress
- NSF Grant Proposal on Group Decision Making
software in an environment of accountability and
high risk. - Strategic Planning Better Allocating University
Resources to Create On-line Learning Environments
for Non-Traditional Students in Underserved Rural
46A Deming sentiment often used to close his
- You have heard the words you must find the
way. It will never be perfect. Perfection is
not for this world it is for some other world.
I hope what you have heard here today will haunt
you the rest of your life. Then, I will have
done my best. - Quality Progress, August 2004, pg. 35.
47Overcoming the 5 Dysfunctions of a Team
- A Leadership Fable
- Patrick Lencioni
48Additional Resources
- Edinboro Universitys SSG Web Page
- http//www.edinboro.edu/cwis/admin/upirci/finalweb
/CI/SSG.htm - Penn States CQI Team Database
- http//www.psu.edu/president/pia/database/index.ht
m - Good to Great, by Jim Collins
- The Dance of Change, by Peter Senge.
- Evolve, Rosabeth Moss Kanter
49Additional Resources
- The Executive Guide to Improvement and Change
ASQ Beecroft, Duffy and Moran, Editors. - Failure is NOT an option Six Principles That
Guide Student Achievement in High-Performing
Schools Alan M. Blankstein. - The World is Flat A Brief History of the
Twenty-First Century Thomas L. Friedman - Execution Larry Bossidy Ram Charan.
50MicroSoft Visio
51SNAP On-Line Survey Software
- http//www.snapsurveys.com/demos/
52Gestalt Organizational Resistance Theory
It isnt the changes that do you in...its the
- The German word gestalt means a complete pattern
or configuration. A gestalt is a perceived whole.
- GIC faculty and graduates innovatively apply
Gestalt principles to psychotherapy as well as to
business, health care, educational, governmental,
community, and religious organizations.
54Assumptions About Change
- Forces for Forces for
- Change Persistence
Interplay of Forces New what is
55Paradoxical Theory of Change
- Change occurs when one becomes what one is, not
when one tries to be what one is not. - Change does not occur through coercion,
persuasion or effort to be something else
requires acceptance of the status quo. - When one is involved in a conscious and chosen
change effort, resistance must be expected and,
paradoxically, supported.
56Paradoxical Theory of Change
- Use intervention to heighten awareness around the
interplay of the forces-- the resistance must be
met. - For every proposed change, a polarity, an
alternative exists (look at the other side). - Exploration of the polarity provides
understanding of both current and future state
(the desired change).
57Learning to Dance with the Energy of Resistance
- Awareness growing consciousness or
comprehension - Thinking, feeling, sensing, intuiting, in the
here and now, based on what individual(s) is
(are) saying - At times, providing whats missing
- what Im not hearing
- Cant change things of which you are not aware.
- Cant change patterns that are out of your
awareness. - Cant do clear directive change until you
understand what is.
- Resistance is not an absence of energy, but
energy/drive in a different direction. - Resistance should be respected, and not regarded
as something to be destroyed. - Resistance serves the functions of defense,
protection, healing creation. - The Gestalt approach helps one to experience
what is. A change agent must help the
organization see what is.
- There are consequences of non-negotiable change.
- The aim is to help the system resolve the dilemma
rather than annihilate it. - Stay in the solution, not the problem.
62Self-Regulation of Resistance
- Keeps us from being hurt.
- Prevents commitment to things we dont believe to
be in our best interest. - Keep us from overreaching our current level of
effectiveness. - Keeps us from being inundated.
63Resistance as an Asset
- It provides new information.
- It produced ENERGY!
- It makes the organization safe. People will
protect themselves as best they can. - Dont ignore what the resister is saying.
64Dealing with Resistance
- Acknowledge surface it as safely as possible.
Ask for all of it. - Honor it listen, acknowledge, reinforce it as
OK, then explore it. - Recheck How ya doing? Tell the group.
- Those not involved in planning view the plan as a
65Acknowledging Resistance
- Acknowledgement does not imply that you agree or
disagree. - Make eye contact.
- Ask non-judgment questions Help me understand
or I wasnt aware of that aspect, tell me more. - Restate and reflect.
- By acknowledging, you are taking seriously what
the other person says.
66Reinforce the okayness
- Its really OK not to like all of this.
- I can see and understand how you could be
angry. - Resistance is not a bad thing.
67Explore the Resistance
- Ask for concrete information.
- What is your objection?
- What tells you this?
- What would you prefer?
- Avoid why questions they elicit
defensiveness. Instead ask what and how
- There is a high probability that both your
perception and the resisters will have changed
somewhat. Check it out. - Explore positive aspects of proposed change Is
there any aspect of the proposal which you like? - Closure to such issues is important.
69Resistance Power
- Resistance is an expression of personal power.
The ability to NOT get what you DONT want. - Individual will resist what they believe is not
in their best interest. - Be attentive to non-verbal cues, body language,
message repeats. - Focus on the here and now.
70Story of the Nun in a Silent Order
- Vow of Silence 2 words every 10 years.
- bed hard food bad I quit!
- Mother Superior Im not surprised. Youve
done nothing but complain the whole time youve
been here! - Morals of the Story
- Resistance will EVENTUALLY come out as a
protective force for the individual. - People sometimes harbor resistance for years.
- Managers are prone to ignore and/or overact to