Title: ELCA Using Data For School Improvement
1ELCA Using Data For School Improvement
- Making the Pieces Fit Together
2Rate Yourself Data Amateur or Data Expert?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Data Amateur
Data Expert
3Why Do We Need Data?
- How would you complete each of these sentences?
- I need to know how we use data because
- I think we should use data to
4Data for AdvancED
- Standard 5 Using Results for Continuous
Improvement - Indicator 5.2
- Professional and support staff continuously
collect, analyze, and apply learning from a range
of data sources, including comparison and trend
data about student learning, instruction, program
evaluation, and organizational conditions. - Indicator 5.3
- Professional and support staff are trained in the
evaluation, interpretation, and use of data.
5Data, data everywhereSo much it's hard to
think.Data, data everywhereIf only it would
6The Math Problem Analogy
- A man has to be at work by 900 a.m. It takes
him 15 minutes to get dressed in a suit and tie,
20 minutes to eat, and 35 minutes to walk to work
in his Reeboks. He likes to eat Raisin Bran for
breakfast. His friend at work, Jeanette, is
usually late for work each day. What time should
he get up?
7Albert Einstein said
- Not everything that counts can be counted and
not everything that can be counted counts.
Using data well depends on knowing the difference.
- Data is just numbers until you do something with
9Question to Consider
- What would our school be like if our school was
achieving all of its expectations operationally
and for student learning?
10What is Data?
- According to dictionary.com, data means
- Factual information, especially information
organized for analysis or used to reason or make
This definition goes beyond test scores and
numerical values. It encompasses factual,
objective information about the child.
11The Challenge
- Educators have historically relied less on data
to guide their practice than on intuition,
teaching philosophy, or personal experiences. -
- -- Cromley, A. (2000) Using Student Assessment
Data What Can We Learn from Schools? North
Central Regional Educational Laboratory Policy
Issues, November 2000 (Issue6).
12What is Not Data
- Intuition
- Tradition
- Convenience
13Something to Think About
- Understanding and using data about school and
student performance are fundamental to improving
schools. Without analyzing and discussing data,
schools are unlikely to identify and solve the
problems that need attention, identify
appropriate interventions to solve those
problems, or know how they are progressing toward
achievement of their goals. Data are the fuel of
reform. - Joellen Killian Thomas Bellamy
14Why Bother With Data?
- Data leads to personnel being able to
- Reflect on his/her own practices.
- Generate new strategies.
- Make practical educational decisions.
- Meet the needs of individual students.
- Determine and reevaluate previous decisions for
effectiveness. - Ultimately, be more engaged, effective,
productive, confident, and happy.
Gall, Joyce P. and M.D., Borg, Walter R. Applying
Educational Research A Practical Guide. NY
Longman, 1999.
15How effective schools use data
- In a collaborative professional environment
- To facilitate focused, intentional instruction
- To drive changes in instruction and confirm
successful instruction - To communicate effectively with each other and
the community
16Data and School Improvement
- To be a driving force for school improvement,
data must be - clearly relevant to the people using it.
- reduced or transformed to become clear
information. - trustworthy!
17Data Helps Us Focus
- Data should be an essential feature of how
schools do business. - If we collectively focus on goals and regularly
measure the impact of the methods..., then we
will get better results. - Mike Schmoker, Results, The Key to Continuous
School Improvement
18Multiple Sources of Data
- Demographic Data Who are the students?
- Enrollment, Attendance, Ethnicity
- Achievement Data What do they know?
- Standardized Tests, Teacher Observations
- Program Data What are we doing to
- help them learn?
- School Programs and Processes
- Perception Data What do they perceive
- about the learning environment?
- Learning Environment, Values and Beliefs,
Attitudes and Observation
19Collecting the Data
- What data you collect depends on what you are
trying to do with it. - Is the data for student feedback?
- Is the data for program evaluation?
- Is the data to be used to impact classroom
instruction? - Is the data to be used for evaluating support
20Using Data to Plan Curriculum Meet Individual
Student Needs
- Data is only meaningful when it is linked to
decisions about teaching. - Data is used to make decisions about individuals.
- We must observe, reflect, and respond.
21Our Challenge
- Too often, in education, we have been guilty of
shooting an arrow into the wall and then drawing
a target around it.
We Need a Data-Driven Target!
23Data Available
CLASSROOM LEVEL Standardized Formative Summative
Observations Interviews
OTHER TYPES Surveys Attendance Discipline Enrollme
nt Course taking
24Need a break?
25Elementary Middle School Tests We Currently
evaluate students on an individual basis, as well
as receive immediate results to guide classroom
instruction. An online computer-adaptive
assessment that matches each students ability
level. All tests begin in relation to a
students grade level. The test adapts according
to his or her response. Question difficulty
decreases with incorrect responses and increases
with correct responses. - The STAR test is designed to help find the
reading level at which students will most likely
be successful.
26Sample PST
Unit Standard Attained Not Attained
Algebra CCSS.Math.Content.5.OA.B.3 The learner will create numerical patterns given two rules. 42 23
Algebra CCSS.Math.Content.5.OA.B.3 The learner will identify the relationship between corresponding terms. 13 52
Algebra CCSS.Math.Content.5.OA.B.3 The learner will create ordered pairs given two patterns. 13 52
Data Analysis Probability CCSS.Math.Content.5.MD.B.2 The learner will display a data set of fractions on a line plot. 39 26
Geometry CCSS.Math.Content.5.G.A.2 The learner will record and plot ordered pairs of whole numbers in a rectangular coordinate system. 40 25
Geometry CCSS.Math.Content.5.G.B.3 The learner will classify two-dimensional polygons by given attributes. 10 55
Measurement CCSS.Math.Content.5.MD.C.4 The learner will calculate volume using number cubes. 28 37
Measurement CCSS.Math.Content.5.MD.C.5b The learner will find the volume of a figure when a formula is given. 26 39
Measurement CCSS.Math.Content.5.MD.C.4 The learner will calculate volume using unit cubes. 21 44
Measurement CCSS.Math.Content.5.MD.A.1 The learner will convert units of capacity within either the metric or standard system. 8 57
Measurement CCSS.Math.Content.5.NF.B.4b The learner will represent fraction products as rectangular areas. 3 62
Measurement CCSS.Math.Content.5.MD.C.5a The learner will represent threefold whole-number products as volumes. 1 64
Measurement CCSS.Math.Content.5.MD.C.5c The learner will calculate the volume of composite figures in mathematical problems. 1 64
Measurement CCSS.Math.Content.5.MD.C.5c The learner will calculate the volume of composite figures in real world problems. 0 65
Number Operations CCSS.Math.Content.5.NF.B.4a The learner will interpret sharing a whole in equal parts as multiplication of a whole number by a fraction. 46 19
27Understanding the STAR
- Scaled scores show whether or not a student is
on track to meet benchmark, or in need of
intervention. - The benchmark scores are set by Renaissance
28Understanding the STAR
- The Benchmark Categories are
- At/Above Benchmark
- On Watch
- Intervention
- Urgent Intervention
29High School Tests We Utilize
- SAT and ACT scores are important factors for
college admissions. - ACT Aspire ACT
- There are 4 ACT subtests English, Math,
Reading, Science. - Percentile ranks are an indication of where
students stand compared to other high school
graduates. - Benchmark scores indicate the possibility of
getting a B or C in the first year college
course in that subject.
30High School Tests We Utilize
- The SAT has 3 sections Critical Reading, Math,
Writing. - Percentile ranks are an indication of where
students stand compared to other high school
graduates. - If a student takes the test more than once, most
colleges look at the higher score.
31Understanding the ACT
- The ACT is a national college admissions
examination that consists of subject area tests
in English, Math, Reading, and Science. - The ACT is administered on six test dates within
the United States. - Students are encouraged to take the test for the
first time in the spring of their junior year. - The basic registration fee includes score reports
for up to four college choices.
32How does ELCA Measure UP???
- The Nation
- The State
- The County
33The ACT Class of 2015
- English --- 22.0 (1.4)
- Math --- 20.8
- Reading --- 22.3 (1.1)
- Science --- 21.5 (2)
- Composite --- 21.8 (1.2)
- Tested 93 (27)
- English --- 20.4
- Math --- 20.8
- Reading --- 21.4
- Science --- 20.9
- Composite --- 21.0
- English --- 20.6
- Math --- 20.5
- Reading --- 21.6
- Science --- 20.9
- Composite --- 21.0
34The ACT Benchmark ScoresEnglish
18Mathematics 22Reading 22Science 23
35Profile for Success
36Practice ACT Score Report
37ACT Aspire
- An Aligned Assessment System
- Grades 3 - 10
38 ACT Aspire is a longitudinal assessment system
that measures student growth towards college and
career readiness from the elementary grades,
beginning in grade 3 through grade 10. Learning
gaps emerge early and become harder to remediate
as students approach middle school and high
school. Therefore, the importance of being on
target to college and career readiness beginning
in grade 3 is critical to having all students
graduate from high school ready for college and
other post-secondary learning opportunities.
ACT Aspire offers the exciting opportunity to
provide information to help all students get on
track early.
Growth by grade
39(No Transcript)
40(No Transcript)
41(No Transcript)
42Understanding the SAT
- The SAT is a globally recognized college
admission test that lets students show colleges
what they know and how well they can apply that
knowledge. - It tests a knowledge of reading, writing and math
subjects that are taught every day in high
school classrooms. - Most students take the SAT during their junior or
senior year of high school, and almost all
colleges and universities use the SAT or ACT to
make admission decisions.
43The SAT Class of 2015
- Critical reading --- 510 (16)
- Math --- 498 (-3)
- Writing --- 491 (9)
- Composite --- 1499 (22)
- tested 80 (-8)
- Critical Reading --- 490
- Math --- 485
- Writing --- 475
- Composite --- 1450
- Critical Reading --- 495
- Math --- 511
- Writing --- 484
- Composite --- 1490
44The New SAT
45What Do Students Need to Know for Post-High
School Success?
- The College Board has identified a critical set
of knowledge, skills, and understandings that
predict student success in college and workforce
training programs - Comprehend challenging literary and informational
texts - Revise and edit extended texts
- Show command of math, especially algebra and data
analysis - Use evidence in reading and writing
- Analyze data
- Use and understand words in context
46Key Changes in the Redesigned SAT
- Words in Context
- Command of Evidence
- The Essay and Analysis
- Focused Math
- Problems Grounded in Real-World Contexts
- Analysis in Science and Analysis in
History/Social Studies - Founding Documents and the Great Global
Conversation - Rights-Only Scoring
47What Does the Redesigned SAT Look Like?
- Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Section
- Reading Test
- Writing and Language Test
- Math Section
- Math Test
- Optional Essay
48(No Transcript)
49(No Transcript)
50Changes for the SAT/ACT
- Pre March 2016 Post March 2016
- Q2. Solve the If x and y are
- following system of solutions to the
- equations system of
- equations
- ½x ¼y 10 ½x ¼y 10
- ¼x ¼y 19 ¼x ¼y 19
- and x gt y, what is
- the value of x y?
51Understanding the PSAT/NMSQT
- The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship
Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) is a program
cosponsored by the College Board and National
Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC). - It's a standardized test that provides firsthand
practice for the SAT. It also gives you a
chance to enter NMSC scholarship programs and
gain access to college and career planning tools.
- The PSAT/NMSQT measures
- Critical reading skills
- Math problem-solving skills
- Writing skills
- The PSAT offers a wonderful Summary of Answers!
52What Are My Scores?
53What Are My Scores? (cont.)
54How Did My Score Measure Against College
Readiness Benchmarks?
- Section, test, and subscores all report scores in
performance zones which indicate whether you are
on track for success in the first year of
college. - For section scores
- Need to Strengthen Skills below grade-level
benchmark by more than one year - Approaching Benchmark below grade-level
benchmark by one year or less - Meets or exceeds Benchmark at or above
grade-level benchmark
- For test scores and subscores,
- Red, yellow, and green ranges reflect areas of
strengths and weaknesses compared to the typical
performance of students
- 995 1076 1010
- MATH 56 DNM Benchmark
- ERW 12 DNM Benchmark
- (63 at ELCA in Elementary School)
56Instructional Planning Report
- Provides breakout of student performance in
section scores, test scores, cross-test scores,
and subscores - Need to strengthen skills (red)
- Approaching benchmark (yellow)
- Meets or exceeds benchmark (green)
- Lists students in each performance group
(school-level only) - Links to state standards aligned to subscores
- Drills through to Question Analysis report
- Exports reports to PDF or .xls files
57Using the Instructional Planning Report
- Determine areas in which students are meeting and
exceeding college and career readiness
benchmarks. - Compare areas to curriculum pacing maps,
instructional strategies, and common assessments.
- Consider what is helping students to be
successful in these areas - Time-on-task?
- Spiraled learning opportunities?
- Questions align to those used on common
assessments for practice? - Compare these processes with those in content
areas in which students are less successful as
indicated by the reports. Identify possible
processes for improvement in less successful
areas. - Collaborate to design common activities,
assignments, and assessments that build skills
from year to year.
58Question Analysis Report
- Provides performance, by question
- For disclosed forms
- Provides individual answer choice performance
- Links to actual question content (including
answer explanations) - For nondisclosed forms
- Provides percent correct/incorrect
- Does not provide question content
- Links to individual student performance
- Links to subscores and state standards aligned to
PSATTM 8/9 is a nondisclosed form in 2015-16.
PSATTM 10 and April SAT School Day are
disclosed forms.
NOTE All reports are subject to change and
should not be considered final.
59Using the Question Analysis Report
- Understand what each question reveals about
student learning. - Consider whether students struggle with
particular types of questions. - Diagnose errors in student choices by
understanding the distractors. - Use difficulty indicators to determine the level
of question with which students are struggling. - All types Are students exposed to this content
in class? - Hard questions How can you raise the level of
challenge in class? - Look for opportunities for skill reinforcement in
science andsocial studies courses. - Identify questions linked to the cross-test
scores. - Ensure students have the opportunity to practice
analysis skills in content-area courses.
60What is My AP Potential?
- College Board research shows that students who
score a 3 or higher on an AP Exam typically
experience greater academic success in college
and are more likely to earn a college degree on
time than non-AP students. - AP Potential uses scores from the PSAT/NMSQTÂ to
provide predictions for 23 AP Exams.
61Advanced Placement The Basics
- AP courses are college-level courses offered in
high school - Courses reflect what is taught in top
introductory college courses - Students take AP Exams at the end of the course,
measuring their mastery of college-level work - A score of 3 or higher on an AP exam can
typically earn students college credit and/or
placement into advanced courses in college
62AP Exams
- AP Exams are administered by schools worldwide on
set dates in May each year. - Exams are typically 23 hours and include
- Multiple-choice questions
- Free-response items such as essays, problem
solving, document-based questions and oral
63Advanced Placement Highlights 2015
- ELCA total number of students taking AP exams -
178 (45 of student population) - ELCA total percentage with a score of 3 or higher
- 48.7 - HCS total number of students taking AP exams
1,909 (16 of student population) - HCS total percentage with a score of 3 or higher
- 46.3 - 6 ELCA students entered college as second
semester freshmen - 2 ELCA students entered college as first semester
64Need a break?
65The Using Data Process
66When Everyone Uses Data
- Uncommon schools move from the What?
- to the
- Why?
67A Clear and Unified Understanding
- Do you know why you are getting the results you
get? - Do you know why you are NOT getting the results
you want?
68Model for Student Success
Continuous Assessment
69Assessment Data
704 Basic Questions for Decision Making
- What do I want my students to know and be able to
do? - How will I know they know it and can do it?
- How do I account for the students performance?
- What am I going to do for the students who dont
get it? (and those who do get it?)
71Identify a Goal and a Plan (SIP)
- Steps that will be taken
- Persons responsible
- Additional persons involved
- Resources needed
- Time required and a schedule
- Indicators that will be monitored
72Writing SMARTSchool Improvement Goals
- SMART goals are Strategic, Measurable,
Attainable,Realistic, and Timely.
- To develop goals, begin by thinking about global
targets and narrow to measurable objectives,
strategies and activities, and resources needed
to accomplish the goals. Use these steps - Target General school improvement aim
- Objectives Measurable statements of success
- Strategies Actions adults in the school will
complete to accomplish the goals and meet the
objectives - Activities Actions adults and students will
complete to accomplish the goals and meet the
objectives - Resources Assets needed to accomplish the goals
73SMART Objectives Work Towardthe Goal
- Target Examples
- In the 2015-16 school year, 42 of students met
or exceeded the college and career readiness
benchmark on the PSAT/NMSQT. By 2018-19, at
least 50 of students will meet or exceed the
college and career readiness benchmark on the
PSAT/NMSQT, with all subgroups demonstrating
growth. - In the 2015-16 school year, 75 of the students
in the class of 2020 met or exceeded the college
and career readiness benchmark on the PSATTM 8/9.
By 2018-19, 80 of the students in the class of
2020 will meet or exceed the college and career
readiness benchmark on the PSAT/NMSQT.
74The Imperative K-12 ALIGNMENT
- Data Analysis
- School Improvement Plan
- Scope and Sequence
- Instructional Strategies
- Professional Learning
75Another Final Key for Success
What does our HEART say about our students?
76(No Transcript)
77All Kids Can Learn
- And we will do whatever it takes to ensure they
grow academically and spiritually
78Seven Core Principles in Setting Goals Pastor
Tim Dowdy
- What needs to be done?
- How can I contribute best?
- What are the defined parameters?
- Aim high and lead.
- Keep goals aligned with mission and values.
- Reconsider all goals each time you accomplish
one. - Do justice, walk in kindness, and humble
ourselves before God.
79(No Transcript)
80Mission Centric
- A culture of glorifying God, striving for
academic excellence, and impacting others for
Jesus Christ.