Title: CJA 354 Week 3 DQ 1 NEW
1CJA 354 Week 3 DQ 1 NEW Check this A tutorial
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54-NEW/CJA-354-Week-3-DQ-1-NEW Adam Smith is
angry with Karl Marx (not their real names) and
wants to engage Marx in a fistfight. Marx
refuses, but Smith wont let it go and throws a
punch that lands on Marxs chin causing a bruise.
What it also causes is Marxs rapid descent to
the sidewalk he was just standing on. Marx
topples backwards like a fallen oak tree and
slams his head on the concrete. Blood starts
trickling out of his left ear. Smith, frightened
(because he certainly didnt intend for this to
happen), calls 911 and an ambulance soon arrives.
To no avail. Marx dies. What, if anything, should
Smith be charged with? Simple assault? Aggravated
assault? Homicide? If yes to the latter, which
degree of homicide? Should he not be charged with
any crime? Explain your reasoning, using your
text and the case law and any research into
states laws you wish to find. For more classes
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