Title: CJA 354 Week 4 Individual Anti-Drug Legislation Matrix NEW
1CJA 354 Week 4 Individual Anti-Drug Legislation
Matrix NEW Check this A tutorial guideline
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x-NEW Complete the University Material
Anti-Drug Legislation Matrix.. Remember, there
are three states plus federal laws to discuss.
Make sure all four are included. Please read each
question on the top row carefully and answer what
is asked. The first question, for example, asks
if marijuana is illegal in that jurisdiction. If
relevant, differentiate between recreational
marijuana and medical-use marijuana. The last
question asks about increased punishment for
increased blood alcohol level (in other words,
extremely drunk). It is not discussing repeat
offenders rather I want to know if there is a
higher level of intoxication than regular DWI,
what that level is and what the punishment forÂ
higher level of intoxication is. Almost all
states have such a law, so answering "no" will,
in all likelihood, be incorrect. For more
classes visit http//www.assignmentcloud.com