Research Loci20022004 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Research Loci20022004


Polarimetric Field Modeling and Reconstruction (Hory/Blatt) ... Sensor decides where to steer an agile antenna and illuminates a 100mx100m patch ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Research Loci20022004

Research Loci(2002-2004)
  • Statistical modeling of forward- and back-
    scatter fields
  • Polarimetric Field Modeling and Reconstruction
  • Adaptive multicomponent Pearson model
  • Markov random field (MRF) model for
  • Target vs clutter discrimination using MRF models
  • Distributed function optimization
  • Aggregation strategies for distributed sensors
  • Optimal estimator clustering/aggregation method
  • Hierarchical censoring for distributed detection
  • Cyclically averaged incremental gradient
    decentralized optimization
  • Sequential adaptive sensor management
  • Non-myopic multi-modality sensor
  • Information-driven non-linear target tracking
  • Reinforcement Learning (RL) approaches to sensor
  • Markov decision process (MDP) for detecting smart
  • Active Time Reversal Imaging
  • General MATILDA methodology(Raghuram)

Experiment Plate in Forest of Pine Trees
Statistical Modeling
Randomized tree positions
  • 15cm x 15cm x 1cm plate at 1m from ground
  • Plate under forest canopy (10 pine trees)

Backscatter realizations
Forest Alone Target in Forest
12 x 12 array of antennas with 0.5 degree
Linear Gaussian Models Inadequate
Q-Q Plot for Gaussianity Testing
Return from forest alone Return from
plate in forest
KS goodness-of-fit P value0.0303
KS goodness-of-fit P value0.9985
Non-parametric MRF Model
Step 1 contruct empirical histogram over MRF
feature space
Conditional Markov transition histogram
estimated from data
Non-parametric MRF Model

Step 2 contruct penalized density estimator
  • y is observed data
  • parameter b enforces smoothness
  • function g(f) captures data-fidelity
  • g(f)f2 standard L2 quadratic regularization
  • g(f)f L1 edge-preserving regularization for
  • w(x) smoothing within and across neighborhoods

Progress 1 EMF Reconstruction
  • Synthesis is facilitated by implementing MRF
    reconstructrion with causal neighborhood
  • Dimension of causal MRF feature space4x312
  • Choice of neighborhood size impacts the bias and
    variance (fidelity) of the synthesized field.
  • Neighborhood size can be optimized by maximizing
    feature spread over MRF feature space

Non-causal neighborhood Causal Neighborhood
MRF for EMF Reconstruction
Original scattered EM field generated from
physical simulation
Synthesized scattered EM fields
Progress 2 Target Segmentation
  • Piecewise constant Gibbs random field model
  • Non-parametric MRF LRT applied to segment the
    regions determined by g
  • Segmentation accuracy is improved wrt Efros and
    other algorithms

Sequential Adaptive Sensor Management
  • Sequential only one sensor deployed at a time
  • Adaptive next sensor selection based on present
    and past measurements
  • Multi-modality sensor modes can be switched at
    each time
  • Detection/Classification/Tracking task is to
    minimize decision error
  • Centralized decision making sensor has access to
    entire set of previous measurements
  • Smart targets may hide from active sensor

Single-target state vector
Sequential Adaptive Sensor Management
  • Progress made 2002-2004
  • Information-gain strategies for target tracking
  • Value function approximation using visibility
  • Renyi-Divergence approximation
  • Established link between Renyi info and decision
    error exponents
  • Mitigation of computational bottleneck by
    adaptive PF
  • Coupled vs independent particle partitions for
    tracking multiple targets
  • Exploitation of permutation symmetry
  • Multiple model and multiple modality extensions
  • Real-time operation demonstrated for tracking gt
    40 real target motions
  • Reinforcement learning (RL) strategies
  • Q-learning for multiple target detection/tracking/
  • Q-learning for detection of smart targets with
    model mismatch

SM for Multiple Target Tracking Progress Since
Feb. 04 Review
  • Myopic Algorithms
  • Acceleration of myopic SM algorithm towards
    real-time implementation
  • Symmetric vs asymmetric information divergence
  • Sensitivity to model mismatch
  • Multiple model filtering for lost targets
    (KreucheretalASAP, Mar 04)
  • Non-myopic algorithms
  • Improved value function approximation in SM for
    tracking (KreucheretalCDC, Dec. 04)
  • Q-learning SM for tracking alpha divergence
    information state (KreucheretalNIPS, Oct. 04)
  • Q-learning SM for detection of a smart target
    with model mismatch
  • (BlattetalNIPS, Oct 04)

Sensor scheduling value function
  • Action a deploy a sensor, probe a cell at time t
  • Value of taking action a at time t after

Sensor agility
Retrospective value of taking action a
Available measurements at time t-1
In Retrospect Posterior Density

Best action is a2 since its posterior update is
most concentrated ? induces highest information
Information Value Function
  • Properties of alpha Renyi divergence
  • Simpler and more stably implementable than KL
    (a1) (KreucheretalTSP04, SPIE03)
  • Parameter alpha can be adapted to non-Gaussian
  • More robust to mis-specified models than KL
    (KreucheretalTSP04, SPIE03)
  • Related directly to decision error probability
    via Sanov (HeroetalSPM02)
  • Information theoretic interpretation

Myopic Target Tracking Application
  • Possible actions point radar at cell c and take
    measurement, c1, , L
  • We illustrate the benefit of info-gain SM with AP
    implementation of JMPD tracking 10 actual moving
    target positions (2001 NTC exercise).
  • GMTI radar simulated Rayleigh target/clutter
  • Contrast to a periodic (non-managed) scan same
  • Coverage of managed and non-managed50 dwells per

Comparison with Other Myopic Managed Strategies
  • Renyi-Divergence method of sensor management
    outperforms others
  • Periodic scan sweeps through all cells and then
  • Methods A and B point the sensor where
    targets are estimated to be
  • Method A chooses cells randomly from cells
    predicted to have targets and cells surrounding
    those predicted to have targets
  • Method B chooses cells probabilistically based
    on their estimated target count

Progress 3 Computational Tractability
  • Particle filter implementation allows for
    tractable algorithms
  • Simulated environment containing real ground
    targets and GMTI-like sensor
  • Implemented via a Hybrid Matlab/C algorithm on an
    off the shelf 3GHz linux box
  • Algorithm can track approximately 40 targets in
    real time
  • Algorithm performs tracking and sensor management
    on 10 targets in real time

Progress 4 Asymmetric vs Symmetric Divergence
  • Issue ordinary RD is symmetric in narrowing vs
    broadening of posterior
  • Q. Does this lead to biased action sequence?
  • A. Explore broadening penalty

Penalized objective where
Expected Renyi Divergence
Expected Change in Renyi Entropy
Progress 4 Asymmetric vs symmetric Divergence
  • Model Problem
  • Tracking 10 real targets using a pixelated sensor
    that makes thresholded measurements
  • Results
  • Divergence-optimal action narrows the posterior
    on the average.
  • Performance of asymmetric and symmetric
    DIvergence nearly identical.

Progress 5 Effect of model mismatch
  • We investigate the effect of mismatch between the
    filter estimate of SNR and the actual SNR
  • Experiment 10 (real) targets with myopic SM.
  • CFAR detection w/ pf .001, and pd
  • i.e. Rayleigh distributed energy returns from
    both background signal. Threshold set for Pf
  • For a constant pf, SNR determines what pd is
  • Filter has an estimate of SNR (and hence pd) and
    uses this for SM and filtering. What is the
    effect on tracking of erroroneous SNR info?
  • Bottom line Filter appears quite robust to
    mismatch in SNR and pd.

Progress 6 Multiple Model Selection
  • Last year we applied multiple models (HMM) to
    complex target states
  • We recently realized that HMM also useful for
    modeling state estimator residual error and
    predicting imminent loss of track
  • Estimated transitions in HMM control
    mode-switching of the tracker
  • Estimated state of HMM informs tracker that
    measurements not consistent with proposed target
    state and modifies proposal process by switching

Tracker Modes
Tracker transition probabilities
Progress 6 Multiple Model Selection(ctd)
  • Interpretation equivalent to biased sampling
    scheme for particle proposals
  • The state of the target has not changed only the
    filter itself changes.
  • Unlike the earlier application, where the
    importance density was always the target
    kinematics (although it changed with time), here
    we may use something other than target kinematics
    for particle proposals.
  • This biased sampling scheme must be reflected in
    the particle weights.

Progress 6 Multiple Model Selection(ctd)
Tracking Performance - Averaged over 100 Trials
Bottom Line Multiple model filter outperforms
filters based on the constituent models and is
able to maintain track on targets much more
Non-Myopic Sensor Management
  • There are a many situations where long-term
    planning provides benefit
  • Sensor platform motion creates time varying
    sensor/target visibility
  • Sensor/target line of sight may change resulting
    in targets becoming obscured
  • Delay measuring targets that will remain visible
    in order to interrogate targets that are
    predicted to become obscured
  • Convoy Movement may involve targets that
    overtake/pass one another
  • Targets may become closely spaced (and
    unresolvable to the sensor)
  • Plan ahead to measure targets before they become
    unresolvable to the sensor
  • Crossing Targets become unresolvable to the
  • Sensor resolution may prohibit successful target
    identification if targets are too close together
  • Plan ahead to identify targets before they become
    too close
  • Planning ahead in these situations allows better
    prediction of reemergence point, target
    trajectory, target intention

2-step Lookahead Non-Myopic Search Tree
Relevant non-myopic sensor management situation
Sensor Position
Sensor Position
Visible Target
Region of Interest
Region of Interest
Shadowed Target
Useful extra dwells not made by myopic strategy
Time 1
Time 3
Time 4
Time 5
Time 6
Comparison of Greedy and Non-Myopic (2 step)
decision making
Myopic Target lost 22 of the time
Non-Myopic Target lost 11 of the time
Can we do better? Optimal non-Myopic Strategies
  • Reward at time t for action sequence
  • is
    information state
  • Optimal action sequence
  • Optimal action sequence satisfies Bellmans
  • Value function

Optimal Action Determined by Partition of
information state space
Special case of 3 state target
Application to Optimal Sensor Management
  • For discrete measurements and finite horizon (T),
    solution to value equation is linear program
  • Krishnamurthy (2002) exploited this property for
  • Problems with Krishnamurtys approach
  • Complexity of linear program is geometric in T
  • when number of states is large computations
    become intractable
  • when measurements are continuous value equation
    is non-linear

Sub-optimal strategies explored
? time t-1 ?
time t ? time t1 ?
  • Impose simple form on scheduling function
    infinite horizon
  • Time invariant function of information state
  • Value Function Approximation
  • Approximate non-myopic reward

  • Exploring depth with particle proposals
  • Optimal allocation of N particles

Value Function Approximation
The Bellman equation describes the value of an
action in terms of the immediate (myopic) benefit
and the long-term (non-myopic) benefit.
Bellman equation
Non-myopic correction under a
Myopic part of V under action a
Value of state
For computational tractability approximate
non-myopic term Where Na(s) is an easily
computed measure of the future benefit of action
a (i.e. an approximate long-term value term).
Info gain value-to-go (VTG) approximation
  • Let expected myopic gain when
    taking action a at time k
  • distribution of myopic
    gain when taking action a at time k
  • Approximate long-term value of taking action a
  • Optimization becomes
  • Gaussian approximation

Simulation description
VTG value approximation
  • At initialization, target is localized to a 300m
    x 500m region.
  • GMTI Sensor must search the region for the
  • Sensor visibility region changes with time.
  • Non-myopic strategy scans regions that will be
    obscured in the future while defering regions
    that will be visible in the future.

Progress 7 Q-learning approximations
  • Main idea (Watkins89)
  • simulate actions and the induced information
    states (measurements)
  • Find the optimal schedules by stochastic
  • Q-function defined as indexed value function
  • Algorithm For n1,2,
  • Using
    simulate trajectory
  • Update Q functions according to recursion
  • Repeat until variance of Q-function is below

Q-Learning Applied to Multiple Target Tracking
  • Training used to learn Q function predicting long
    term value of taking action a in state s
  • Q-function approximation is necessary. Linear
  • Training examples are used to learn coefficients
    of linear model.
  • The learning is done in batch form and iterated
  • q is initialized (i.e. randomly or all zeros)
  • The Q function is trained from the first batch
    of examples s, a, r, s
  • The Q function is then used with the second
    batch of examples s, a, r, s to estimate the
    value of s and the Q function is retrained

Generate s, a, s, r
Update qk to qk1
s, a, s, Qest
Example Two Real Targets
  • Target Trajectories Taken From Real, Recorded
  • 2 moving ground targets
  • Need to estimate the position and velocity in x
    and y (4-d state vector for each target)
  • Time varying visibility taken from real elevation
    map simulated platform trajectory
  • Sensor decides where to steer an agile antenna
    and illuminates a 100mx100m patch on the ground.
    Thresholded measurements indicate the presence or
    absence of a target (with pd and pfa)
  • At initialization the filter the target position
    is known to be in a 300m x 500m area on the
    ground (i.e. the prior for target position is
    uniform over this region)

Results Two Real Targets
  • Targets become invisible to sensor and impact
    tracking performance
  • Random strategy selects cells (actions) uniformly
  • Myopic strategy only predicts one step ahead
  • VTG approximation predicts M steps ahead
  • Non-myopic RL converges to optimal strategy

Progress 8 Active Time Reversal for
Multistatic Adaptive Target Illumination and
Detection (MATILDA) framework
MATILDA Block Diagram
Signals along MATILDA processing path (calibrated
Performance Assessment
  • CR bound on MSE of unbiased estimators for
    scattering coefficients matrix D is inverse of
  • FIM Trace optimized for spatial filtering
    operators satisfying
  • Simulation study of MATILDA performance for
    special case of mismatched beamformer

Time Reversal Imaging Scenarios
Calibrated Time Reversal Imaging CRB
Uncalibrated Time Reversal Imaging CRB
Time Reversal AutoCalibration
Foci for 2004
  • Backscatter models for adaptive detection and
  • Model fitting to spheres, plates, dihedrals under
  • refining sensor performance metrics (Pf, Pd, Pid)
  • Parametric modeling of backscatter Pearson
    mixture models
  • Adaptive non-myopic sensor scheduling and
  • Analytical value function approximations
  • combining Q-learning and particle filtering
  • Q-function approximation linear
  • Bounds for time reversal 3D imaging
  • Problem formulation
  • Optimizing forward and time-reversal spatial
    filters for calibrated arrays

Foci for 2005
  • Continue to refine sensor performance metrics
    (Pf, Pd, Pid) and MRF classifer models
  • stationary target phantoms in foliage
  • full MRF modeling of backscatter for
  • Adaptive non-myopic sensor scheduling and
  • Q-function approximation non-linear
  • advantage (A) learning for accelerating
    Q-training phase
  • combining A-learning and particle filtering
  • Time reversal 3D imaging with uncalibrated sensor
  • autocalibration for uncalibrated arrays
  • Perform experiment on scale models

Foci for 2006
  • Implement performance metrics (Pf, Pd, Pid) and
    MRF classifer models
  • Stationary/Moving target/sensor for foliage and
    other clutter types
  • Quantitative comparisons between MRF and Pearson
  • Adaptive non-myopic sensor scheduling and
  • On-line implementations PF, advantage learning
  • Time reversal 3D imaging with uncalibrated sensor
  • adaptive focus of attention using SM

Foci for 2007
  • Integration of SM, multimodality sensors, and
    MATILDA into one system
  • Integration of physics models and SM system and
    demonstration for realistic scenarios smart
    moving targets under foliage, minefields, etc

  • Kreucher, C., Hero, A., Singh, S., and Kastella,
    K., Sensor management for multitarget tracking
    using a reinforcement learning approach, under
    review for the 2004 Neural Information Processing
    Symposium (NIPS).
  • D. Blatt, S. Murphy, and J. Zhu, A-learning for
    approximate planning, under review for the 2004
    Neural Information Processing Symposium (NIPS).
  • Kreucher, C., Hero, A., Kastella, K., and Chang,
    D., Efficient methods of non-myopic sensor
    management for multitarget tracking, under
    review for 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and
    Control, December 2004.
  • Kreucher, C, Hero, A, and Kastella, K., Multiple
    model particle filtering for multitarget
    tracking, The Twelfth Annual Workshop on
    Adaptive Sensor Array Processing (ASAP),
    Lexington, Mass, March 2004.
  • D. Blatt and A. Hero, "Asymptotic distribution of
    log-likelihood maximization based algorithms and
    applications," in Energy Minimization Methods in
    Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
    (EMM-CVPR), Eds. M. Figueiredo, R. Rangagaran, J.
    Zerubia, Springer-Verlag, 2003
  • J. Costa, A. O. Hero and C. Vignat, "On solutions
    to multivariate maximum alpha-entropy Problems",
    in Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision
    and Pattern Recognition (EMM-CVPR), Eds. M.
    Figueiredo, R. Rangagaran, J. Zerubia,
    Springer-Verlag, 2003
  • C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, and A. Hero,
    Multitarget tracking using particle
    representation of the joint multi-target
    density, accepted subject to revisions in IEEE
    T-AES, Aug. 2003.

Publications(2003-2004) ctd
  • C..Kreucher, K. Kastella, and A. Hero, A
    Bayesian Method for Integrated Multitarget
    Tracking and Sensor Management, 6th
    International Conference on Information Fusion,
    Cairns, Australia, July 2003.
  • C. Kreucher, C., Kastella, K., and Hero, A.,
    Tracking Multiple Targets Using a Particle
    Filter Representation of the Joint Multitarget
    Probability Density, SPIE, San Diego California,
    August 2003.
  • C. Kreucher, K. Castella, and A. O. Hero,
    "Multitarget sensor management using alpha
    divergence measures, Proc First IEEE Conference
    on Information Processing in Sensor Networks ,
    Palo Alto, April 2003.
  • C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, and A. Hero,
    Information-based sensor management for
    multitarget tracking, SPIE, San Diego,
    California, August 2003.
  • C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, and A. Hero, Particle
    filtering and information prediction for sensor
    management, 2003 Defense Applications of Data
    Fusion Workshop, Adelaide, Australia, July 2003.
  • C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, and A. Hero,
    Information Based Sensor Management for
    Multitarget Tracking, Proc. Workshop on Multiple
    Hypothesis Tracking A Tribute to Samuel S.
    Blackman, San Diego, CA, May 30, 2003. N. Patwari
    and A. O. Hero, "Hierarchical censoring for
    distributed detection in wireless sensor
    networks, Proc. Of ICASSP, Hong Kong, April
  • N. Patwari, A. O. Hero, M. Perkins, N. S. Correal
    and R. J. O'Dea, "Relative location estimation in
    sensor networks, IEEE T-SP, vol. 51, No. 9, pp.
    2137-2148, Aug. 2003.
  • A. O. Hero , Secure space-time communication,"
    IEEE T-IT, vol. 49, No 12, pp. 1-16, Dec. 2003.
  • M.F. Shih and A. O. Hero, "Unicast-based
    inference of network link delay distributions
    using mixed finite mixture models," IEEE T-SP,
    vol. 51, No. 9, pp. 2219-2228, Aug. 2003.

Synergistic Activities and Awards(2003-2004)
  • General Dynamics Medal Paper Award
  • C. Kreucher, K. Castella, and A. O. Hero,
    "Multitarget sensor management using alpha
    divergence measures, Proc First IEEE Conference
    on Information Processing in Sensor Networks ,
    Palo Alto, April 2003
  • General Dynamics, Inc
  • K. Kastella collaboration with A. Hero in sensor
    management, July 2002-
  • C. Kreucher doctoral student of A. Hero, Sept.
  • ARL
  • NAS-SEDD A. Hero is member of yearly review
    panel, May 2002-
  • NAS-Robotics A. Hero chaired the cross-cutting
    review panel, May 2004.
  • B. Sadler N. Patwari (doctoral student of A.
    Hero) internship in distributed sensor
    information processing, summer 2003
  • ERIM Intl.
  • B. ThelenN. Subotic H. Neemuchwala (Heros PhD
    student) internship in applying entropic graphs
    to pattern classification, summer 2003
  • Chalmers Univ.,
  • M. Viberg A. Hero was Opponent on multimodality
    landmine detection doctoral thesis, Aug 2003
  • EMM-CVPR plenary speaker
  • Entropy, spanner graphs, and pattern matching,
    plenary lecture, July 2003

Personnel on A. Heros sub-Project (2003-2004)
  • Chris Kreucher, 3rd year grad student
  • UM-Dearborn
  • General Dynamics Sponsorship
  • Neal Patwari, 2nd year doctoral student
  • Virginia tech
  • NSF Graduate Fellowship/MURI GSRA
  • Doron Blatt, 2nd year doctoral student
  • Univ. Tel Aviv
  • Dept. Fellowship/MURI GSRA
  • Raghuram Rangarajan, 2nd year doctoral student
  • IIT Madras
  • Dept. Fellowship/MURI GSRA

Personnel on A. Heros sub-Project (2003-2004)
  • Cyrille Hory, Post-doctoral researcher (2003)
  • University of Grenoble
  • Area of specialty data analysis and modeling,
    SAR, time-frequency
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