Title: Dynamic HTML: Object Model and Collections
1Dynamic HTML Object Model and Collections
- Dynamic HTML object model
- Great control over presentation of pages
- Access to all elements on the page
- Whole web page (elements, forms, frames, tables,
etc.) represented in an object hierarchy - HTML elements treated as objects
- Attributes of these elements treated as
properties of those objects - Objects identified with an ID attribute can be
scripted with languages like JavaScript, JScript
and VBScript
3Object Referencing
- Simplest way to reference an element is by its ID
attribute - Changing the text displayed on screen
- Example of a Dynamic HTML ability called dynamic
4Object Referencing Example
- ltHTMLgtHEADgtltTITLEgtObject Modellt/TITLEgt
- ltSCRIPT LANGUAGE "JavaScript"gt
- function start()
- alert( pText.innerText )
- pText.innerText "Thanks for coming."
- lt! text contained in element --gt
- lt/SCRIPTgtlt/HEADgtltBODY ONLOAD "start()"gt
- ltP ID "pText"gtWelcome to our Web page!lt/Pgt
- lt! P element whose ID is pText --gt
- lt/BODYgtlt/HTMLgt
5Object Referencing Example
6Collections all and children
- Collections are basically arrays of related
objects on a page - all
- Collection of all the HTML elements in a document
in the order in which they appear - length property
- Specifies the number of elements in the
collection - tagName property of an element
- Determines the name of the element
- Every element has its own all collection,
consisting of all the elements contained within
that element
7Collection Example
- ltHTMLgtltHEADgtltTITLEgtObject Modellt/TITLEgt
- ltSCRIPT LANGUAGE "JavaScript"gt
- var elements ""
- function start()
- for ( var loop 0 loop lt
document.all.length loop ) - elements "ltBRgt" document.all loop
.tagName - pText.innerHTML elements
- lt/SCRIPTgtlt/HEADgt
- ltBODY ONLOAD "start()"gt
- ltP ID "pText"gtElements on this Web pagelt/Pgt
- lt/BODYgtlt/HTMLgt
8Looping through the all collection
9Collections all and children
- The children collection
- Contains only those elements that are direct
child elements of that element - An HTML element has only two children the HEAD
element and the BODY element
10all and children Example
- ltSCRIPT LANGUAGE "JavaScript"gt
- var elements "ltULgt"
- function child( object )
- var loop 0
- elements "ltLIgt" object.tagName
"ltULgt" - for( loop 0 loop lt object.children.length
loop ) - if ( object.childrenloop.children.length )
- child( object.children loop )
- else
- elements "ltLIgt"
object.children loop .tagName - "lt/LIgt"
- elements " lt/ULgt "
- lt/SCRIPTgt
11all and children Example
- ltBODY ONLOAD "child( document.all 1 )
- myDisplay.outerHTML
elements"gt - ltPgtWelcome to our ltSTRONGgtWeblt/STRONGgt page!lt/Pgt
- ltP ID "myDisplay"gt
- Elements on this Web page
- lt/Pgt
- lt/BODYgt
- outerHTML property includes enclosing HTML tags
as well as the content inside
12all and children Example
13Dynamic Styles
- Refer to the background color of a page as
document.body.style.backgroundColor - Dynamic HTML object model allows you to change
the CLASS attribute of an element
14Dynamic Style Example
- ltHEADgtltTITLEgtObject Modellt/TITLEgt
- ltSCRIPT LANGUAGE "JavaScript" gt
- function start()
- var inputColor prompt( "Enter a color
name for the " - "background of
this page", "" ) - document.body.style.backgroundColor
inputColor -
- lt/SCRIPTgtlt/HEADgt
- ltBODY ONLOAD "start()"gt
- ltPgtWelcome to our Web site!lt/Pgt
- lt/BODYgt
15Dynamic Style Example
16Dynamic Style Example-2
- ltHEADgtltTITLEgtObject Modellt/TITLEgtltSTYLEgt
- .bigText font-size 3em font-weight
bold - .smallText font-size .75em
- lt/STYLEgt
- ltSCRIPT LANGUAGE "JavaScript"gt
- function start()
- var inputClass prompt( "Enter a className
for the text " - "(bigText or
smallText)", "" ) - pText.className inputClass
- lt/SCRIPTgtlt/HEADgtltBODY ONLOAD "start()"gt
- ltP ID "pText"gtWelcome to our Web
17Dynamic Style Example-2
18Dynamic Positioning
- Dynamic positioning
- An element can be positioned with scripting
- setInterval function takes two parameters
- A function name
- How often to run that function
- clearInterval function stops the timer
- setTimeout function similar, but only calls the
function once - clearTimeout function stops the timer
19Dynamic Positioning Example
- ltSCRIPT LANGUAGE "JavaScript"gt
- var speed 5
- var count 10
- var direction 1
- var firstLine "Text growing"
- var fontStyle "serif", "sans-serif",
"monospace" - var fontStylecount 0
- function start()
- window.setInterval( "run()", 100 )
20Dynamic Positioning Example
- function run()
- count speed
- if ( ( count 200 ) 0 )
- speed -1
- direction !direction
- pText.style.color ( speed lt 0 ) ? "red"
"blue" - firstLine ( speed lt 0 ) ? "Text
shrinking" "Text growing" - pText.style.fontFamily fontStyle
fontStylecount 3 -
- pText.style.fontSize count / 3
- pText.style.left count
- pText.innerHTML firstLine "ltBRgt Font
size " count "px" -
21Dynamic Positioning Example
22Using the frames Collection
- frames collection
- To reference a frame, use frames(name) where
name is the ID or NAME of the desired frame - Ex. frames(lower) refers to the element in the
frames collection with an ID or NAME of lower
23Frames Example
- ltHTMLgt
- ltHEADgt
- ltTITLEgtFrames collectionlt/TITLEgt
- lt/HEADgt
- ltFRAMESET ROWS "100, "gt
- ltFRAME SRC "top.html" NAME "upper"gt
- ltFRAME SRC "" NAME "lower"gt
- lt/HTMLgt
24Frames Example
- ltHTMLgtltHEADgtltTITLEgtThe frames collectionlt/TITLEgt
- ltSCRIPT LANGUAGE "JavaScript"gt
- function start()
- var text prompt( "What is your name?", ""
) - parent.frames( "lower" ).document.write(
"ltH1gtHello, " -
text "lt/H1gt" ) -
- lt/SCRIPTgtlt/HEADgt
- ltBODY ONLOAD "start()"gt
- ltH1gtCross-frame scripting!lt/H1gt
- lt/BODYgtlt/HTMLgt
25Frames Example
26Navigator Object
- navigator object
- Supported by Netscape Navigator and Internet
Explorer - navigator object contains info about the Web
browser viewing the page - navigator.appName contains the name of the
application - Microsoft Internet Explorer
- Netscape
- Value of navigator.appVersion not a simple
integer - Contains other info, such as OS
- When using a browser-specific technology
- Make provisions for other browsers
27Navigator Example
- ltSCRIPT LANGUAGE "JavaScript"gt
- function start()
- if ( navigator.appName "Microsoft
Internet Explorer" ) - if ( navigator.appVersion.substring(1,0)
gt "4" ) - document.location "newIEversion.html"
- else
- document.location "oldIEversion.html"
- else
- document.location "NSversion.html"
- lt/SCRIPTgt
28Navigator Example
- ltBODY ONLOAD "start()"gt
- ltPgtRedirecting your browser to the appropriate
page, - please wait...lt/Pgt
- lt/BODYgt
- lt/HTMLgt
29DHTML Object Model
- DHTML object model
- Allows script programmer to access every element
in an HTML document - Every element a separate object
30The DHTML Object Model
31Dynamic HTMLEvent Model
- Event model
- Scripts respond to user actions and change page
accordingly - Moving mouse
- Scrolling screen
- Entering keystrokes
- Content more dynamic
- Interfaces more intuitive
33Event ONLOAD
- ONLOAD event
- Fires when element finishes loading successfully
- Often used in BODY tag
- Initiate scripts as soon as page loads
34OnLoad Example
- ltSCRIPT LANGUAGE "JavaScript"gt
- var seconds 0
- function startTimer()
- // 1000 milliseconds 1 second
- window.setInterval( "updateTime()", 1000 )
- function updateTime()
- seconds
- soFar.innerText seconds
- lt/SCRIPTgtltBODY ONLOAD "startTimer()"gt
- ltPgtSeconds you have spent viewing this page so
far - ltA ID "soFar" STYLE "font-weight
35OnLoad Example
36Tracking the Mouse with Event ONMOUSEMOVE
- Fires constantly whenever mouse in motion
- event object
- Contains info about triggered event
- srcElement
- Pointer to element object that triggered event
- offsetX and offsetY
- Give location of mouse cursor relative to
top-left corner of object in which event triggered
37OnMouseMove Example
- ltSCRIPT LANGUAGE "JavaScript"gt
- function updateMouseCoordinates()
- coordinates.innerText event.srcElement.tag
Name - " (" event.offsetX ", "
event.offsetY ")" -
- lt/SCRIPTgt
- ltBODY ONMOUSEMOVE "updateMouseCoordinates()"gt
- ltSPAN ID "coordinates"gt(0, 0)lt/SPANgtltBRgt
- ltIMG SRC "deitel.gif" STYLE "position
absolute top 100 - left 100"gt
- lt/BODYgt
38OnMouseMove Example
Updated text (keeps changing as you move the
- Fires when mouse cursor moves over an element
- Fires when mouse cursor leaves the element
- Combine events for rollover effect
- Pre-load images
40OnMouseOver and Out Example
- ltSCRIPT LANGUAGE "JavaScript"gt
- captionImage1 new Image()
- captionImage1.src "caption1.gif"
- captionImage2 new Image()
- captionImage2.src "caption2.gif"
41OnMouseOver and Out Example
- function mOver()
- if ( event.srcElement.id "tableCaption"
) - event.srcElement.src
captionImage2.src - return
- // If the element which triggered
ONMOUSEOVER has an ID, - // Change its color to its ID.
- if ( event.srcElement.id )
- event.srcElement.style.color
event.srcElement.id -
42OnMouseOver and Out Example
- function mOut()
- if ( event.srcElement.id "tableCaption"
) - event.srcElement.src
captionImage1.src - return
- // If it has an ID, change the text inside
to the text of - // the ID.
- if ( event.srcElement.id )
- event.srcElement.innerText
event.srcElement.id -
- document.onmouseover mOver
- document.onmouseout mOut
43OnMouseOver and Out Example
- lt/SCRIPTgt
- ltBODY STYLE "background-color wheat"gt
- ltH1gtGuess the Hex Code's Actual Colorlt/H1gt
- ltPgtCan you tell a color from its hexadecimal RGB
code value? - Look at the hex code, guess the color. To see
what color it - corresponds to, move the mouse over the hex code.
Moving the - mouse out will display the color name.lt/Pgt
- ltTABLE STYLE "width 50 border-style groove
- text-align center font-family monospace
- font-weight bold"gt
- ltIMG SRC "caption1.gif" ID
"tableCaption"gt - lt/CAPTIONgt
44OnMouseOver and Out Example
- ltTRgt
- ltTDgtltA ID "Black"gt000000lt/Agt
- ltTDgtltA ID "Blue"gt0000FFlt/Agt
- ltTDgtltA ID "Magenta"gtFF00FFlt/Agt
- ltTDgtltA ID "Gray"gt808080lt/Agt
- lt/TRgt
- ltTRgt
- ltTDgtltA ID "Green"gt008000lt/Agt
- ltTDgtltA ID "Lime"gt00FF00lt/Agt
- ltTDgtltA ID "Maroon"gt800000lt/Agt
- ltTDgtltA ID "Navy"gt000080lt/Agt
- lt/TRgt
45OnMouseOver and Out Example
- ltTRgt
- ltTDgtltA ID "Olive"gt808000lt/Agt
- ltTDgtltA ID "Purple"gt800080lt/Agt
- ltTDgtltA ID "Red"gtFF0000lt/Agt
- ltTDgtltA ID "Silver"gtC0C0C0lt/Agt
- lt/TRgt
- ltTRgt
- ltTDgtltA ID "Cyan"gt00FFFFlt/Agt
- ltTDgtltA ID "Teal"gt008080lt/Agt
- ltTDgtltA ID "Yellow"gtFFFF00lt/Agt
- ltTDgtltA ID "White"gtFFFFFFlt/Agt
- ltTRgt
- lt/TABLEgtlt/BODYgt
46OnMouseOver and Out Example
47Form Processing with ONFOCUS and ONBLUR
- ONFOCUS event
- Fires when an element gains focus
- User clicks on form field
- User uses Tab key to highlight element
- ONBLUR event
- Fires when an element loses focus
48OnFocus and OnBlur Example
- ltSCRIPT LANGUAGE "JavaScript"gt
- var helpArray
- "Enter your name in this input box.",
- "Enter your email address in this input
box, " - "in the format user_at_domain.",
- "Check this box if you liked our site.",
- "In this box, enter any comments you
would " - "like us to read.",
- "This button submits the form to the "
- "server-side script",
- "This button clears the form",
- "This TEXTAREA provides context-sensitive
" - "help. Click on any input field or use
the TAB " - "key to get more information about the
input field."
49OnFocus and OnBlur Example
- function helpText( messageNum )
- myForm.helpBox.value helpArray
messageNum -
- lt/SCRIPTgtlt/HEADgtltBODYgt
- ltFORM ID "myForm"gt
- Name ltINPUT TYPE "text" NAME "name"
- ONFOCUS "helpText(0)" ONBLUR
"helpText(6)"gtltBRgt - Email ltINPUT TYPE "text" NAME "email"
- ONFOCUS "helpText(1)" ONBLUR
50OnFocus and OnBlur Example
- Click here if you like this site
- ltINPUT TYPE "checkbox" NAME "like"
- ONFOCUS "helpText(2)" ONBLUR
"helpText(6)"gt - ltBRgtltHRgt
- Any comments?ltBRgt
- ltTEXTAREA NAME "comments" ROWS 5 COLS 45
ONFOCUS "helpText(3)" ONBLUR "helpText(6)"gt - lt/TEXTAREAgtltBRgt
51OnFocus and OnBlur Example
- ltINPUT TYPE "submit" VALUE "Submit" ONFOCUS
"helpText(4)" ONBLUR "helpText(6)"gt - ltINPUT TYPE "reset" VALUE "Reset" ONFOCUS
"helpText(5)" - ONBLUR "helpText(6)"gt
- ltTEXTAREA NAME "helpBox" STYLE "position
absolute - right 0 top 0" ROWS 4 COLS 45gt
- This TEXTAREA provides context-sensitive help.
Click on any - input field or use the TAB key to get more
information about the - input field.lt/TEXTAREAgt
- lt/FORMgt
- lt/BODYgt
- lt/HTMLgt
52OnFocus and OnBlur Example
53More Form Processing with ONSUBMIT and ONRESET
- ONSUBMIT event
- Fires when a form is submitted
- ONRESET event
- Fires when a form is reset
54OnSubmit and OnReset Example
- function formSubmit()
- window.event.returnValue false
- if ( confirm ( "Are you sure you want to
submit?" ) ) - window.event.returnValue true
- function formReset()
- window.event.returnValue false
- if ( confirm ( "Are you sure you want to
reset?" ) ) - window.event.returnValue true
- ltFORM ID "myForm" ONSUBMIT "formSubmit()"
- ONRESET "formReset()"gt
- lt/FORMgt
55OnSubmit and OnReset Example