Title: Some notes on tolerance curves and the ecological niche
1Some notes on tolerance curves and the ecological
2(No Transcript)
3Short-term shifts physiological
adaptation Seasonal changes
acclimatization Developmental changes (E. Werner
(1984)) ontogenetic niche
4Wilsons warbler summer distribution
5Wilsons warbler winter distribution
6Physiological acclimatization or adaptation
Acclimatization effects on final rectal
temperature, heart rate, and sweat rate, for a
group of men exposed daily to 2 hr of hard work
in a hot environment. (after Leithead CS, Lind
AR. Heat Stress and Heat Disorders. 1964.
Philadelphia, Pa. FA Davis Co, 304)
7EMILI GARCÍA-BERTHOU Ontogenetic Diet Shifts and
Interrupted Piscivory in Introduced Largemouth
Bass (Micropterus salmoides) Internat. Rev.
Hydrobiol. 87 2002 4 353363
8A graphical representation of the niche (sensu
9- Fundamental niche full range of environmental
conditions, biological and physical, under which
a species can exist. - Stable population size or growth
- Realized niche that aspect of the hypervolume
to which a species is most highly adapted.
10Blue-grey gnatcatchers
2-dimensional feeding niche