Title: Sources of Radiation in the Environment
1Sources of Radiation in the Environment
Ground Zero (New Mexico)
2Working Framework
ICRP Guidelines the effective dose equivalent
from all sources, excluding background radiation
and medical procedures, to representative
members of a critical group, should not exceed 1
mSv in any one year effective dose equivalents
of up to 5 mSv are permissible in some years
provided that the total does not exceed 70 mSv
over a lifetime.
ICRP Website http//www.icrp.org/
3Natural Sources
(a) Cosmic radiation
(high energy protons and ? particles from the sun
and other stars)
- Direct interaction - dose received depends on
altitude and latitude
National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB)
estimate effective dose from cosmic radiation at
about 300 ?Sv.y-1
4Natural Sources
(b) Terrestrial ? radiation
40K 3 mg.kg-1
232Th 10-15 mg.kg-1
234U 235U 238U 3-4 mg.kg-1
NRBP estimates annual effective ? dose
equivalents from these sources and their
daughters to be around 400 ?Sv.y-1 . Local
variations due to locations and building
(c) Radon and its Daughters
220Rn and 222Rn arise from natural decay of 238U
and 232Th
NRPB estimates around 800 ?Sv.y-1 from this
5Natural Sources
(d) Radioactivity in Food and Water
mainly 226Ra (and daughters 222Rn and 218Po) and
NRPB estimate total effective dose to
individuals at ? 200 ?Sv.y-1
Examples fish - Ra absorbed in partial
replacement of Ca (Pacific salmon)
plants - both 210Po and 210Pb enter food from
soil and by wet and dry deposition from the
6Medical Applications
- X-rays 20 ?Sv per chest X-ray
- 99mTc bone and brain scans
Need to balance potential benefits from potential
hazards e.g. anti-cancer treatments can involve
high dose rates of X and ? radiation in addition
to internally administered radio-nuclides, e.g.
7Nuclear testing
- since 1945 but predominantly 1954-8 and 1961-2
- gt1000 documented tests
Atmospheric and (latterly) underground testing.
Moratorium but testing still continues
Most significant 239Pu (t½ 24,360y)
Estimated 239Pu activity of 1.5x1016Bq NRPB
estimate average effective dose today in the UK
from weapons testing to be around 10 ?Sv.y-1.
This was around 8 times higher in the 1960s.
9Nuclear Reactor Operations
- mining (exposure to miners and contamination of
water courses) - purification, enrichment and fabrication of fuel
NRPB estimates equivalent doses of 100 ?Sv.y-1 to
populations close to reactors