Heart Healthy Living - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Heart Healthy Living


Webster's Dictionary: a condition of wholeness in which all of the organs are ... Dept of Family Medicine Tel Aviv University and the Israel Ischemic Heart ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Heart Healthy Living

Heart Healthy Living
By Dr. Gary Brodeur Presented by Joe Family
What you will learn
  • Our health crisis begins at birth
  • Your health, your responsibility
  • Lifestyle choices that can change your life
  • True health and where it comes from
  • Building your ideal lifestyle
  • Different types of supplements (man made vs.
    whole food sources)
  • The deadliest ingredient in your foods
  • LCFE Living A Life Without Limits
  • Creating an action plan

The Crisis begins At Birth
The promise to humanity of a future of golden
health and extended life has turned out to be
empty. Degenerative diseases heart attacks,
arteriosclerosis, cancer, stroke, arthritis,
hypertension, ulcers, and all the rest- have
replaced infectious diseases as the major enemies
of life and destroyers of its qualityour cures
too often have turned out to be double edged
swords, later producing a secondary disease then
we search desperately for another cure. And the
dehumanized treatment of symptoms rather than
patients has alienated many. Robert Becker, MD,
The Body Electric
Our Health Crisis
  • Although we (Americans) spend more on Health
    Care (1.7 TRILLION per year) than any other
    country our life expectancy is still one of the
  • 2 major culprits responsible for short lifespan
    are Heart Disease (The leading cause of death in
    the U.S.) and Stroke brought on by High Blood
  • Albert Einstein

Note 3rd leading cause of preventable death in
the U.S. are drugs/medications
The Crisis Begins At Birth
  • The fastest growing medicated segment of our
  • Are we creating a society full of drug addicts?
    Time 11/3/03
  • Cord stripping
  • Whos responsible for your health???

  • Statistically one out of two people in this room
    will have heart disease
  • 33 of people with heart disease will die as a
    result of a fatal heart attack as their very
    first symptom
  • By the time this program has ended 60 people will
    have died as a result of a heart attack (one
    person per minute)

Do you take aspirin???
  • Pancreatic cancer is nearly 100 fatal within
    three years
  • 2 or more aspirin per week increased risk of
    Pancreatic cancer 58 (American Association of
    Cancer Research, 88,000 nurses at the Phoenix ,AZ
  • A lifestyle of aspirin if you know of someone
    who is taking aspirin as part of their lifestyle,
    tell them and share with them how even more
    important developmental wellness care through
    uncomfortable days of the year are important
  • Thought to be safe years ago, Vioxx, Celebrex,
    Nuprin, Advil increase the risk of functional
    problems to the kidneys and liver-? over time,
    can you see how these drugs contribute to blood
    pressure and cardiovasc. problems? (High Risk

A healthy alternative to Aspirin is vegetables
rich in omega fatty acids
  • Put Out
  • The Fire...
  • or
  • Turn Off
  • The Alarm?

Your Health, Your Responsibility
  • An Ounce Of Prevention
  • Early diagnosis of disease is not prevention
  • Pre- Disease 121/81 dont worry theres a drug
    for you
  • Its not just in your genes
  • Low BP and Low cholesterol do not increase

Peggy Beauchene, CPR instructor
Cholesterol Facts
  • People on low cholesterol diets or cholesterol
    lowering medications have show increased rates of
    depression and infections, and death from
    accidents, suicides, and homicide.

DeCava, 199433-40 Epidemiology, 1997 8137-43
and professor Gurr, 1992 184-85 and 187
Symptoms are just the tip of the iceberg. Dont
let your quality of life become like the titanic
because you went through life treating symptoms.
Lets get to the heart of the matter!
  • Were you ever taught what true health is or where
    it comes from?
  • Were you ever taught prevention? (Early diagnosis
    of disease is not prevention)
  • Our current health care (damaged care) system
    is a direct result of that.

What Is Health?
  • Whole, hale, holy
  • Websters Dictionary a condition of wholeness in
    which all of the organs are functioning at 100,
    all of the time
  • A balance in Physical, Mental/Emotional,
  • and Spiritual health

Within all living things there is something which
is infinite and perfect.
Innate Intelligence
The understanding that there is a vast
intelligence underlying creation is called
Innate Intelligence
Holism or Vitalism
  • Holism suggests that the body is a network of
    systems all influencing one another. Within this
    context, the nervous system is the master system
    that mediates the functioning of all other
    systems. Any obstacles to perfect function of the
    nervous system can have potentially far-reaching
  • e.g. The sum of the parts is greater than the
    whole, 11 4

Physical Health
  • Optimal adaptation to environmental stresses,
    high resistance to disease, homeostasis,
    vitality, energy, relaxation, and ease
  • When youre physically healthy all parts are
    connected structurally and work under the
    direction of your bodys innate wisdom without

Mental/Emotional Health
  • All parts of your personality (body/mind) are
    integrated (connected)
  • The more connected you are with yourself the more
    you can connect with others and have fulfilling
  • The more happiness youll experience and the
    longer and healthier you will live
  • An emotionally disconnected person holds pockets
    of stress (unresolved anger, fear, pain, et)
    locked up in their body which leads to chronic
    physical tension, emotional stress, and later on
    dis-ease (a precursor to disease)

Spiritual Health
  • The spiritually connected person is in harmony
    with their lifes purpose and meaning
  • Follows their heart and trusts instincts
  • Increasing inspiration, compassion, and intuition
  • This person is closer to the love, energy, joy,
    and wisdom of their source (God, soul, universe,
    higher self, call it what you will)
  • The disconnected person is out of touch with
    their deepest needs and desires and has a sense
    of isolation, loneliness, confusion and fear

Welcome the challenges. Look for the
opportunities, in every situation to learn and
grow. Delight in the beauty that is around you.
Offer your sincere kindness and caring to others.
This is the stuff of life.
The Basics
  • Almost all illnesses have nutritional
    links. Most Scientists agree that cooking with or
    ingesting natures own anti-inflammatory, Omega-3
    oils (like flaxseed, linseed) can actually double
    your chance of surviving a heart attack.

The Basics
  • Increase your intake of fruits and fiber. In a
    study of over 75,000 women, a Harvard School of
    Public Health Study noted a decrease in the rate
    of stroke risk for those women who had increased
    their daily intake of fruits and vegetables.

The Basics
  • A well chosen multi vitamin will lower
    homocysteine levels (a natural blood toxin) in
    the body that is linked to heart disease, cancer,
    arthritis, and Alzheimer's.

Theres a major difference in man made and whole
food supplements.
The Basics
  • Reduce saturated (animal) fat intake
  • Increase fiber from whole grains, veggies, beans,
    nuts, and seeds.
  • Eat foods rich in potassium (dark leafy greens,
    broccoli, tofu, garlic, whole grains, sea food,
  • Eat Omega 3 fatty acids (flax seed, walnuts,
    soy, dark leafy greens)
  • Eat magnesium rich foods (broccoli, tofu, wheat
    germ, grain, beans, dark leafy greens, seeds)
  • Limit alcoholic drinks to one per day.

Deadly Fats
  • Trans fat is used by bakeries and food producers
    because it adds shelf life to products
  • Avoid foods on the cookie/cracker aisle that have
    Hydrogenated, Partially hydrogenated oils, /or
    shortening unfortunately, even healthy food
    stores have many of these products on their shelf
  • Not required to be listed on food label until
  • The amount of trans fat is the difference between
    the total and the sum of the other fats
  • There are good and bad fats
  • The deadliest of fats are known as Trans Fats and
    have been linked to heart disease, diabetes, and
    cancer. These fats contribute to cell wall
    membranes (bricks). These unnatural lipids are
    identified by the body as a foreign substance (an
    antigen) and the body attacks itself (autoimmune
    disease). Examples of autoimmune disease are
    Multiple Sclerosis, Amyotrophic Lateral
    Sclerosis, endocrine diseases such as
    hyper/hypothyroidism, diabetes. Also because how
    cells are printed and reprinted, copied and
    regenerated, cancer.
  • More than 40 of food in stores contain these
    fats. In the cookie/cracker aisle of the store
    90 of cookies and crackers contain
    hydrogenated/partially hydrogenated fat.
  • The Trans fat Solution Kim Severson

The Age Free ZoneBarry Sears, Regan Books 1999,
  • Trans-fatty acids and saturated fats decrease
    membrane fluidity, making it more difficult for
    hormones neurotransmitters, polypeptides, amino
    acids, etc. to interact with their receptors
  • Examples of Trans-fatty acids are partially
    hydrogenated oils also called shortening that is
    margarine, prevalently found in cookies and
    crackers, tortillas, bakery items. Look first in
    health food stores with bakery items that list
    that the food has no hydrogenated fats.

More on trans-fat
  • An ongoing nurses health study of 80,000 women,
    conducted by Harvard Medical School and Brigham
    and Womens hospital in Mass., showed that for
    each 2 increase in the amount of calories from
    trans-fat, a womans coronary risk jumps by 93!

  • Other reports suggest that omega-3s interact
    with the fatty layers that surround brain cells
    and may protect against Alzheimer's
  • Omega-3s prevent platelets in the blood from
    clumping together and sticking to arterial walls
    in the form of plaque
  • They also drive down triglycerides and LDL (bad)
  • Researchers suspect that Omega-3s may block the
    production of inflammatory substances linked to
    autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and

TIME Staying Healthy January 21, 2002
The Basics
  • The basis for 100 health begins with free flow
    of information from your brain to every cell
    tissue and organ of your body

The Basics
  • 60 Million people suffer from hypertension
    because of an internal drought
  • Your Bodys Many Cries For Water
  • Water Cures Drugs Kill By
  • Dr. F. Batmanghelidj

The Basics

Theres an exercise for everyone. Move it or lose
it! Speak to Dr. Kevin Joe about the fitness
Lets Now Explore The Power of The Mind Body
Connection and How You Can Tap Into This Power
For Health and Healing
  • Your Mind Body Connection

Free your mind from interference
  • Prayer and meditation quiets the mind sharpens
    the senses, allows your body and mind to
  • The body will heal, repair, and rebuild more
    completely when the mind body connection is not
    interfered with

Marriage Family Counselors will speak about ways
to clear your mind and reduce stress and tension
Positive Factors That Retard Aging
  • Happy marriage
  • Job satisfaction
  • Feeling of personal happiness
  • Ability to laugh easily
  • Satisfactory sex life
  • Ability to make and keep close friends
  • Regular daily routine
  • Feeling financially secure, living within means
  • Regular work routine
  • Taking at least one weeks vacation each year
  • Feeling in control of personal life
  • Enjoyable leisure time, satisfying hobbies
  • Ability to express feelings easily
  • Optimistic about the future

Negative Factors That Accelerate Aging
  • Depression
  • Inability to express emotions
  • Feeling helpless to change oneself and others
  • Living Alone
  • Loneliness, absence of close friends
  • Lack of regular daily routine
  • Job dissatisfaction
  • Having to work more than 40 hours per week
  • Financial burdens, being in debt
  • Habitual or excessive worry, regret for
    sacrifices made in past
  • Irritability, getting angry very easily, or being
    unable to express anger
  • Criticism of self and others

Optimism May Protect Against Heart Disease
  • People who blame themselves for bad events and
    believe that things will never change are more
    likely to develop heart disease than their more
    optimistic peers.

Psychosomatic Medicine 2001 63910-916
Predictors Of MI Over A Span Of 30 Years in
Roseto, PA
  • The researchers found that this close knit
    community that went to church together,
    socialized together and supported the same
    school, had a much lower incidence of heart
    attack than other communities. This was true even
    with elevated cholesterol levels, smoking and
    excess weight. The camaraderie and the mutual
    support of the community seemed to make the

Unhappy Marriages May Cause Heart Disease in Women
  • In a study of 500 middle aged women, researchers
    at the University of Pittsburgh found that
    marital distress was linked to a higher risk
    for heart problems, independent of other threats
    to heart health such as smoking, high
    cholesterol, and high blood pressure

American Psychosomatic Society March 13, 2001
Angina Pectoris Among 10,000 Men
  • The wifes love and support is an important
    balancing factor which apparently reduces the
    risk of Angina Pectoris even in the presence of
    high risk factors

Dept of Family Medicine Tel Aviv University and
the Israel Ischemic Heart Disease study
Bad Attitude May Be Bad For The Heart
  • In this research study the link between
    hostility and early signs of heart disease held
    true even after researchers took into account
    differences in education, weight, smoking, and
    blood pressure.

Science News Vol 155 April 17, 1999
Not A Laughing Matter???
  • Norman Cousins healed himself from heart disease
    by laughter, healthy eating, and exercise

  • Volunteerism boosts self esteem - another life
    extender. John Hopkins Medical Letter
  • Social life and religion boost heart survival by
    close to 300, according to the journal
    Psychosomatic Medicine

Interference With Innate
  • A subluxation is a major source of
    interference to the flow of innate intelligence.
    You can have subluxation without knowing it.

Henry Windsor, M.D. who in one study performed
117 autopsies found a nearly 100 correlation
between minor curvatures of the spine and
disease of the internal organ. (All 20 cases of
heart disease and pericardium conditions had the
upper 5 thoracic vertebrae (T1-T5) misaligned)
Source Windsor, H. Sympathetic segmental
disturbances II, The evidence of the
association, in dissected cadavers, of visceral
disease with the vertebrae deformities of the
same sympathetic segments. Medical Times, Nov.
1921, 49, pp, 267-271
Heart Facts
  • 2100 gallons of blood are pumped through 62,000
    miles of blood vessels in a day.
  • Your heart pumps enough blood in an average
    lifetime to fill the fuel tanks of 56 moon
    Life Magazine, Jan. 97

During the life of most people the heart
contracts more than 2.5 Billion times!
The Choice is yours
Without taking responsibility for your life and
You and your family can live an active life
through every stage of growth and development
If you could a put a plan in place with the help
of your Holistic Health Care Team for you and
your family to get healthy and remain that way
for a lifetime
  • YOU?

Adjusting 5 Generations-Benefits
  • 6 month old baby
  • 25 year-old parents
  • 50 year-old grandparents
  • 75 year-old great grandparents
  • 100 year-old great, great grandparents
  • LCfE Lifetime Care for Everyone, Lifetime Family

Your Action Plan
  • Utilize the resources available in the Directory
    and in the on-going
  • workshops at the office
  • Learn CPR, you may save a life
  • Pray or meditate to clear your mind
  • Do not accept negativity in your life in any way
    shape or form
  • Reduce and eliminate stress
  • Clean up your diet and add whole foods and whole
    food supplements
  • Begin an exercise program
  • Have your spine and nerve system examined
    regularly by a chiropractor.
  • Begin your journey with an action plan
  • Write down your goals and any obstacles that you
    can foresee
  • NEVER leave the site of setting a goal without
    doing something positive towards attaining that
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