Title: Computing Patterns in Biology
1Computing Patterns in Biology
- Stuart M. Brown
- New York University School of Medicine
2Why Compute Biological Patterns?
- Because we can
- (computer scientists love to find interesting
problems) - patterns are beautiful
- Its practical - helps with genecloning
experiments, predict functions of new proteins - Systems biology - figure out circuits of
regulation, predict outcome of changes, design
new biological systems
- DNA Patterns
- Restriction sites
- Finding genes in DNA sequences
- Regulatory sites in DNA
- Protein Patterns
- signals (transport and processing)
- Protein functional Motifs
- Protein families
- Protein 3-D structure
4DNA Information Content
- Just a 4 letter alphabet (GATC)
- Encodes proteins with 3 letter codons
- Punctuation determines transcription starts and
stops - Transcripitonal regulation (promoters, enhancers,
5Restriction Sites
- Bacteria make restriction enzymes that cut DNA
at specific sequences (4-8 base patterns) - Very simple to find these patterns - can even use
the Find function of your web browser or word
processor - Exact matches only - these sites never vary
- Open any page of text and look for CAT
- you now have a restriction site search program!
- http//tools.neb.com/NEBcutter2/
7Finding Genes in Genomic DNA
- Translate (in all 6 reading frames) and look for
similarity to known protein sequences - Look for long Open Reading Frames (ORFs) between
start and stop codons (startATG, stopTAA,
TAG, TGA) - Look for known gene markers
- TAATAA box, intron splice sites, etc.
- Statistical methods (codon preference)
9Intron/Exon structure
- Gene finding programs work well in bacteria
- None of the gene prediction programs do an
adequate job predicting intron/exon boundaries - The only reasonable gene models are based on
alignment of cDNAs to genome sequence - Perhaps 50 of all human genes still do not have
a correct coding sequence defined - (transcription start, intron splice sites)
10(No Transcript)
- There may not be a "correct" answer to the gene
finding problem - Some genes have more than one start and stop
position on the DNA - Alternative splicing
- (a portion of the DNA is sometimes in an exon,
sometimes in an intron) - Pseudogenes - look like genes, but no longer
function - All computational gene predictions need to be
experimentally verified
12Gene Finding on the Web
- GRAIL Oak Ridge Natl. Lab, Oak Ridge, TN
- http//compbio.ornl.gov/grailexp
- ORFfinder NCBI
- http//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gorf/gorf.html
- DNA translation Univ. of Minnesota Med. School
- http//alces.med.umn.edu/webtrans.html
- GenLang
- http//cbil.humgen.upenn.edu/sdong/genlang.html
- BCM GeneFinder Baylor College of Medicine,
Houston, TX - http//dot.imgen.bcm.tmc.edu9331/seq-search/gene-
search.html - http//dot.imgen.bcm.tmc.edu9331/gene-finder/gf.h
13Genomic Sequence
- Once each gene is located on the chromosome, it
becomes possible to get upstream genomic sequence - This is where transcription factor (TF) binding
sites are located - promoters and enhancers
- Search for known TF sites, and discover new ones
(among co-regulated genes)
14Phage CRO repressor bound to DNA Andrew Coulson
Roger Sayles with RasMol, Univ. of Edinburgh
15Websites for Promoter finding
- Promoter Scan NIH Bioinformatics (BIMAS)
- http//bimas.dcrt.nih.gov/molbio/proscan/
- Promoter Scan II Univ. of Minnesota Axyx
Pharmaceuticals - http//biosci.cbs.umn.edu/software/proscan/promote
rscan.htm - Signal Scan NIH Bioinformatics (BIMAS)
- http//bimas.dcrt.nih.gov80/molbio/signal/index.h
tml - Transcription Element Search (TESS) Center for
Bioinformatics, Univ. of Pennsylvania - http//www.cbil.upenn.edu/tess/
- Search TransFac at GBF with MatInspector,
PatSearch, and FunSiteP - http//transfac.gbf-braunschweig.de/TRANSFAC/progr
ams.html - TargetFinder Telethon Inst.of Genetics and
Medicine, Milan, Italy - http//hercules.tigem.it/TargetFinder.html
16Many DNA Regulatory Sequences are Known
- Databases of promoters, enhancers, etc.
- TransFac the Transcription Factor database
- 4342 entries w/ known protein binding and
transcriptional regulatory functions - Maintained by Gesellschaft for Biotechnologische
Forschung mbH (Braunschweig, Germany) - The Eukaryotic Promoter Database (EPD)
- Bucher Trifonov. (1986) NAR 14 10009-26
- 1314 entries taken directly from scientific
literature - Maintained by ISREC (Lausanne, Switzerland) as a
subset of the EMBL
17DE IFI-6-16 (interferon-induced gene 6-16)
-89 BF T00428 ISGF-3 Quality 6 Species
human, Homo sapiens.
TF Binding sites lack information
- Most TF binding sites are determined by just a
few base pairs (typically 6-12) - Sequence is variable (consensus)
- This is not enough information for proteins to
locate unique promoters for each gene in a 3
billion base genome - TF's bind cooperatively and combinatorially
- The key is in the location in relation to each
other and to the transcription units of genes - Can use multiple alignments to predict binding
18Sequence Logos
19Pattern Finding Tools
Simple pattern search perfect matches
only Regular expression defined sets of
mismatches Fuzzy match allow specified of
mismatches in any location Matrix use letter
frequency from multiple alignment HMM more
complex matrix that uses info from adjacent pairs
of letters Challenges sensitivity and false
positives ( the ability to search large
amounts of data)
20Tools to find patterns in DNA
- Signal Scan, Promoter Scan - Mac, Windows, Unix
- (Dr. Dan S. Prestridge, Univ. of Minnesota)
- EMBOSS tools Unix
- tfscan scans DNA sequences for transcription
factors - fuzznuc nucleic acid pattern search
- fuzzpro protein pattern search
- fuzztran translate DNA-gtprotein search for
protein patterns - restrict finds restriction enzyme cleavage sites
- repeats (G. Benson) - tandem repeats
- palindrome - inverted repeats
- REPuter (whole genome repeat search) Unix
21Protein Sequence
22Protein Sequence Analysis
- Molecular properties (pH, mol. wt. isoelectric
point, hydrophobicity) - Simple Motifs (signal peptide, coiled-coil,
trans-membrane, etc.) - Protein Families
- Secondary Structure (helix vs. beta-sheet)
- 3-D prediction, Threading
23Simple Motifs
- Common structural motifs
- Membrane spanning
- Signal peptide
- Coiled coil
- Helix-turn-helix
24Web Sites for Simple Protein Analysis
- Protein Hydrophobicity Server Bioinformatics
Unit, Weizmann Institute of Science , Israel - http//bioinformatics.weizmann.ac.il/hydroph/
- SAPS - statistical analysis of protein sequences
hydrophobic and transmembrane segments,
cysteine spacings, repeats and periodicity - http//www.isrec.isb-sib.ch/software/SAPS_form.htm
25Protein Signal Peptides
- Proteins are sorted within the cell using 15-25
amino acid tags at their 5' end (beginning) - Chopped off once they reach their destination
26Some Signal Peptides
27Protein Signal Prediction
- ChloroP - Prediction of chloroplast transit
peptides - LipoP - Prediction of lipoproteins and signal
peptides in Gram negative bacteria - MITOPROT - Prediction of mitochondrial targeting
sequences - PATS - Prediction of apicoplast targeted
sequences - PlasMit - Prediction of mitochondrial transit
peptides in Plasmodium falciparum - Predotar - Prediction of mitochondrial and
plastid targeting sequences - PTS1 - Prediction of peroxisomal targeting signal
1 containing proteins - SignalP - Prediction of signal peptide cleavage
28EMBOSS Protein Analysis Tools
Program name Description antigenic Finds
antigenic sites in proteins digest Protein
proteolytic enzyme or reagent cleavage
digest epestfind Finds PEST motifs as potential
proteolytic cleavage sites fuzzpro Protein
pattern search fuzztran Protein pattern search
after translation helixturnhelix Report nucleic
acid binding motifs Pepcoil Predicts coiled-coil
regions oddcomp Find protein sequence regions
with a biased composition patmatdb Search a
protein sequence with a motif patmatmotifs Search
a PROSITE motif database with a protein
sequence tmap Predicts membrane spanning
regions preg Regular expression search of a
protein sequence pscan Scans proteins using
PRINTS sigcleave Reports protein signal
cleavage sites emast Motif detection meme Motif
detection Profit Scan a sequence or database
with a matrix or profile Prophecy Creates
matrices/profiles from multiple
alignments Prophet Gapped alignment for profiles
29Web servers that predict these structures
- Predict Protein server EMBL Heidelberg
- http//www.embl-heidelberg.de/predictprotein/
- SOSUI Tokyo Univ. of Ag. Tech., Japan
- http//www.tuat.ac.jp/mitaku/adv_sosui/submit.htm
l - TMpred (transmembrane prediction) ISREC (Swiss
Institute for Experimental Cancer Research) - http//www.isrec.isb-sib.ch/software/TMPRED_form.h
tml - COILS (coiled coil prediction) ISREC
- http//www.isrec.isb-sib.ch/software/COILS_form.ht
ml - SignalP (signal peptides) Tech. Univ. of Denmark
- http//www.cbs.dtu.dk/services/SignalP/
30Protein Domains/Motifs
- Proteins are built out of functional units know
as domains (or motifs) - These domains have conserved sequences
- Often much more similar than their respective
proteins - Exon splicing theory (W. Gilbert)
- Exons correspond to folding domains which in
turn serve as functional units - Unrelated proteins may share a single similar
exon (i.e.. ATPase or DNA binding function)
31Protein Domains (Pattern analysis)
32Motifs are built from Multiple Alignmennts
33Protein Motif Databases
- Known protein motifs have been collected in
databases - Best database is PROSITE
- The Dictionary of Protein Sites and Patterns
- maintained by Amos Bairoch, at the Univ. of
Geneva, Switzerland - contains a comprehensive list of documented
protein domains constructed by expert molecular
biologists - Alignments and patterns built by hand!
34PROSITE is based on Patterns
- Each domain is defined by a simple pattern
- Patterns can have alternate amino acids in each
position and defined spaces, but no gaps - Pattern searching is by exact matching, so any
new variant will not be found (can allow
mismatches, but this weakens the algorithm) - Grep
35(No Transcript)
36(No Transcript)
37Tools for Pattern searches
- Free Mac program MacPattern
- ftp//ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/software/mac/macpattern.hq
x - Free PC program (DOS) PATMAT
- ftp//ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/repository/blocks/patmat.do
s - EMBOSS fuzzpro
38Websites for PROSITE Searches
- ScanProsite at ExPASy Univ. of Geneva
- http//expasy.hcuge.ch/sprot/scnpsit1.html
- Network Protein Sequence Analysis Institut de
Biologie et Chimie des Protéines, Lyon, France - http//pbil.ibcp.fr/NPSA/npsa_prosite.html
- PPSRCH EBI, Cambridge, UK
- http//www2.ebi.ac.uk/ppsearch/
- Profiles are tables of amino acid frequencies at
each position in a motif - They are built from multiple alignments
- PROSITE entries also contain profiles built from
an alignment of proteins that match the pattern - Profile searching is more sensitive than pattern
searching - uses an alignment algorithm, allows
40(No Transcript)
41Websites for Profile searching
- PROSITE ProfileScan ExPASy, Geneva
- http//www.isrec.isb-sib.ch/software/PFSCAN_form.h
tml - BLOCKS (builds profiles from PROSITE entries and
adds all matching sequences in SwissProt) Fred
Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle,
Washington, USA - http//www.blocks.fhcrc.org/blocks_search.html
- PRINTS (profiles built from automatic alignments
of OWL non-redundant protein databases)
42More Protein Motif Databases
- PFAM (1344 protein family HMM profiles built by
hand) Washington Univ., St. Louis - http//pfam.wustl.edu/hmmsearch.shtml
- ProDom (profiles built from PSI-BLAST automatic
multiple alignments of the SwissProt database)
INRA, Toulouse, France - http//www.toulouse.inra.fr/prodom/doc/blast_form.
html - This is my favorite protein database - nicely
colored results
43Sample ProDom Output
- Use BLAST to find a group of sequences that share
a region of similarity with a seed sequence - Build a profile from the alignment at this region
- Use the profile to make a more sensitive search
the database for more matches - Rebuild the alignment and profile, repeat search
- Profile is only as good as the results from the
initial BLAST search no good matches useless
45Hidden Markov Models
- Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are a more
sophisticated form of profile analysis. - Rather than build a table of amino acid
frequencies at each position, they model the
transition from one amino acid to the next. - Pfam is built with HMMs.
- HmmerBuild HmmerCalibrate
- HmmerSearch HmmerPfam
- HmmerAlign HmmerEmit
- HmmerFetch HmmerIndex
46HMM model
47Discovery of new Motifs
- All of the tools discussed so far rely on a
database of existing domains/motifs - How to discover new motifs
- Start with a set of related proteins
- Make a multiple alignment
- Build a pattern or profile
- You will need access to a fairly powerful UNIX
computer to search databases with custom built
profiles or HMMs.
48Patterns in Unaligned Sequences
- Sometimes sequences may share just a small common
region - transcription factors
- MEME San Diego Supercomputing Facility
- http//www.sdsc.edu/MEME/meme/website/meme.html
- EMBOSS also includes the MEME program
- Gibbs Sampler
- http//bayesweb.wadsworth.org/gibbs/gibbs.html