A New Nation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A New Nation


The Constitution of the United States of America established a federal system of ... The United States Constitution. Set up a Federal System of Government ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: A New Nation

A New Nation
  • Changes after the Revolution

What you need to know
  • The student will demonstrate knowledge of the
    challenges faced by the new nation by
  • identifying the weaknesses of the government
    established by the Articles of Confederation.
  • identifying the basic principles of the new
    government established by the Constitution of the
    United States of America and the Bill of Rights.
  • identifying the conflicts that resulted in the
    emergence of two political parties.
  • describing the major accomplishments of the first
    five presidents of the United States.

Articles of the Confederation
  • The Articles of Confederation was a constitution
    written during the American Revolution to
    establish the powers of the new national

Articles of the Confederation
  • Articles of Confederation
  • Provided for a weak national government
  • Gave Congress no power to tax or regulate
    commerce among the states
  • Provided for no common currency
  • Gave each state one vote regardless of size
  • Provided for no executive or judicial branch

The United States Constitution
  • The Constitution of the United States of America
    established a federal system of government based
    on power shared between the national and state

The United States Constitution
  • Set up a Federal System of Government
  • Federal system of government A system that
    divides governmental powers between national
    government and the governments of the states

The United States Constitution
  • Established the Basic Principles of our
  • Basic principles of government
  • Separation of powers
  • The structure of the new national government was
    based on James Madisons Virginia Plan, which
    called for three separate branches of government
  • Legislative Branch (Congress) makes the laws.
    Congress is a two-house legislature in which all
    states are represented equally in the Senate (two
    Senators per state) and people are represented in
    the House of Representatives (number of a states
    representatives is based on states population).
  • Judicial Branch (Supreme Court) determines if
    laws made by Congress are constitutional.
  • Executive Branch (President) carries out the
  • Checks and balances
  • Each branch can check the power of the other.
  • These checks keep any one branch from gaining too
    much power.

Bill of Rights
  • Bill of Rights
  • James Madison was the author of the Bill of
  • The first ten amendments to the Constitution of
    the United States of America provide a written
    guarantee of individual rights (e.g., freedom of
    speech, freedom of religion).

Bill of Rights
  • Amendment I. - Congress shall make no law
    respecting an establishment of religion, or
    prohibiting the free exercise thereof or
    abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press
    or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,
    and to petition the Government for a redress of
  • Amendment II. - A well regulated Militia, being
    necessary to the security of a free State, the
    right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall
    not be infringed.
  • Amendment III. - No Soldier shall, in time of
    peace be quartered in any house, without the
    consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in
    a manner to be prescribed by law.

Bill of Rights
  • Amendment IV - The right of the people to be
    secure in their persons, houses, papers, and
    effects, against unreasonable searches and
    seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants
    shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported
    by Oath or affirmation, and particularly
    describing the place to be searched, and the
    persons or things to be seized.
  • Amendment V - No person shall be held to answer
    for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime,
    unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand
    Jury, except in cases arising in the land or
    naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual
    service in time of War or public danger nor
    shall any person be subject for the same offence
    to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb nor
    shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a
    witness against himself, nor be deprived of life,
    liberty, or property, without due process of law
    nor shall private property be taken for public
    use, without just compensation.

Bill of Rights
  • Amendment VI - In all criminal prosecutions, the
    accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and
    public trial, by an impartial jury of the State
    and district wherein the crime shall have been
    committed, which district shall have been
    previously ascertained by law, and to be informed
    of the nature and cause of the accusation to be
    confronted with the witnesses against him to
    have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses
    in his favor, and to have the Assistance of
    Counsel for his defense.
  • Amendment VII - In Suits at common law, where the
    value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars,
    the right of trial by jury shall be preserved,
    and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise
    re-examined in any Court of the United States,
    than according to the rules of the common law.

Bill of Rights
  • Amendment VIII - Excessive bail shall not be
    required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel
    and unusual punishments inflicted.
  • Amendment IX - The enumeration in the
    Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be
    construed to deny or disparage others retained by
    the people.
  • Amendment X - The powers not delegated to the
    United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited
    by it to the States, are reserved to the States
    respectively, or to the people.

Two Parties Emerge
  • Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson had
    opposing views on the role of the national
    government. That opposition resulted in the
    creation of two political parties.
  • The debate over the role of the national
    government has continued throughout United States

What should the Government do?
  • Major party differences
  • Alexander Hamilton
  • Leader of Federalists
  • Favored strong national government
  • Favored limits on states powers
  • Favored development of industry on a national
  • Favored a national bank
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Leader of the Democratic Republicans
  • Favored a weak national government
  • Supported states powers
  • Favored small business and farmers
  • Opposed a national bank

Americas first leaders
  • Congress and the first five presidents made
    decisions establishing a strong government that
    helped the nation grow in size and power.
  • All of the first five presidents were Virginians
    except John Adams.

George Washington
  • Federal court system was established.
  • Political parties grew out of the disagreements
    between Hamilton and Jefferson over the proper
    role of the national government.
  • The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution
    of the United States of America.
  • Plans were initiated for development of the
    national capital in Washington, D.C. Benjamin
    Banneker, an African American astronomer and
    surveyor, helped complete the design for the city.

John Adams
  • A two-party system emerged during his

Thomas Jefferson
  • He bought Louisiana from France (Louisiana
  • Lewis and Clark explored this new land west of
    the Mississippi River.

James Madison
  • The War of l812 caused European nations to gain
    respect for the United States.

James Monroe
  • He introduced the Monroe Doctrine warning
    European nations not to interfere in the Western

Essential Questions
  • What were the basic weaknesses of the Articles of
  • What were the basic principles of governments
    stated in the Constitution of the United States
    of America and Bill of Rights?
  • What were the major differences between Hamilton
    and Jefferson?
  • What were the major national issues and events
    faced by the first five presidents?
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