Title: Medical Schools
1Medical Schools Career Planning
- Professor Jenny Higham
- Head of Undergraduate Medicine- Imperial College,
2(No Transcript)
- Why?
- How?
- Best practice in UK
- Our current model
- Fear/Uncertainty
- Highly motivated students
- MMC/Tooke Enquiry
- Lack confidence
- Competition
- Realistic expectations
- Plan B
5Other considerations....
- Never been right
- Negative factors often influence
- Traditional advice?
- Feeling of helplessness
6What are medical students chasing?
- Elective
- Academic Foundation Programme
- Foundation School
- The future
- Work/life balance?
7Who is looking at careers?
- UK Medical Careers Research Group (Oxford)
- Policy Studies Institute
- Professor Christopher McManus
- BMA Cohort Studies
8The Medical School Journey
F1/2 Beyond
Year 1/2
Year 3
Year 5/6
9Career Planning Toolkit
- Curriculum exposure
- Doctors as advisors
- Student body
- Portfolio
- Publications/Websites
- The Royal Colleges
10Foundation Programme
- Process anxiety provoking
- Need broader view
- Good information
- Academic credentials take time
- Research/Audit lecture- Year 1/2
- Foundation Saturday- Year 4/5
11Careers model at other UK Medical Schools
- Career talks- Year 1/2
- Career specific seminars
- 5 year integrated advice
- Early years- Reflective work
- Later- Elective Clinical
12Things that have gone well
- Annual Careers Fair
- Inspirational lectures
- Women in Medicine
13Other information sources
- Community Medicine Evening
- Annual Electives Evening
- Portfolio advice
14What the students say.
The talk gave me an insight into medicine
outside of the hospital, which I had never really
considered previously. 2nd Year I
thought the talk today was really useful! It gave
me a much better idea what the available options
were- also in a "real life" kind of way, rather
than just looking at a website 5th Year
- Ignore?
- Student demand
- Anxiety high
- Enjoyable
- Make Plan B, Plan A